18 Benefits of cocoa or chocolate for the mind and body

18 Benefits of cocoa or chocolate for the mind and body

Almost everyone loves the taste of chocolate, but many do not know their incredible health benefits. Cocoa contains polyphenols, which are rich in antioxidants and have an important nutritional value. Regular cocoa consumption can improve the health of the heart and blood vessels, prevent neurodegenerative diseases, improve skin status and make us feel happier.


  • What is cocoa?
  • Nutritional value
  • 18 Benefits of cocoa for health
    • 1. Improve brain health
    • 2. Improves mood
    • 3. Reduces chronic fatigue syndrome
    • 4. Recude the premenstrual syndrome symptoms (SPM)
    • 5. Help in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders
    • 6. It has antioxidant capacity
    • 7. Reduces high blood pressure
    • 8. Balance cholesterol levels
    • 9. Help in the treatment of diabetes
    • 10. Relieves bronchial asthma
    • eleven. Help in the cure and wound healing
    • 12. Prevents obesity
    • 13. Improves cardiovascular health
    • 14. Helps treat chronic constipation
    • fifteen. Prevents cancer
    • 16. Treat copper deficiency anemia
    • 17. Protect the skin
    • 18. Prevents magnesium deficiency
  • Possible side effects of cocoa
    • The caffeine
    • Allergic reactions
    • Interactions with other medications
    • References

What is cocoa?

Cocoa grains are the fermented seeds of the cocoa tree, whose Latin name is Theobroma cocoa, what does it mean "Food of the gods". It is originally from the Amazon region and, as its meaning suggests, it was historically considered as a very important crop in Central and South America. In fact, their grains were so appreciated that the native tribes used them as a form of currency. The cocoa tree grows naturally in tropical climates.

The fruit of the cocoa tree is a pod full of sweet pulp that wraps a cluster of about 20-40 cocoa seeds. Today, it occurs throughout the world, although approximately 40% of the harvest is done in Cote d'Ivoire, together with Indonesia, Ghana, Brazil, Nigeria and Cameroon that contribute to general production.

Cocoa and chocolate are not really synonymous. When we talk about cocoa we refer to the low -fat component that comes out of grinding the cocoa seed. The grains also contain what we know as cocoa liquor or cocoa dough and cocoa butter, which is a non -dairy fat that is naturally found in cocoa grains. About 50-60% of cocoa liquor consists of cocoa butter.

Nutritional value

Cocoa is rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. It is also an excellent source of selenium, potassium and zinc, while providing the body with carbohydrates, proteins and dietary fibers. In addition to this, the cholesterol content in it is almost insignificant.

Cocoa butter on the other hand, is a mixture of monounsaturated fats such as oleic acid and saturated fats such as stearic acid and palmitic acid.

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18 Benefits of cocoa for health

Cocoa has anti -inflammatory, antiallergic, anticancer and antioxidant properties, and has demonstrated numerous health benefits effects. Let's see them.

1. Improve brain health

Cocoa is considered very beneficial for the brain because it is rich Flavanol content. Flavonol is a neuroprotective compound and could also have favorable effects on the functions of learning and memory.

On the other hand, studies say that the consumption of cocoa -based products improves blood flow in the brain, since Flavonoles act as antiplatehanes, which helps reduce the risk of cerebral vascular accident.

2. Improves mood

Cocoa has properties that act as enhancers of mood. This is because Flavonoles exert an antidepressant effect on the brain, so they help Combat depression, in addition to promoting the improvement of cognitive activities during persistent mental exercise. The presence of phenylethylamine also helps improve the feeling of satisfaction and promote Aphrodisiac effects.

3. Reduces chronic fatigue syndrome

It has been shown that cocoa exercises soothing effects on people suffering from chronic fatigue. Its attenuating effects are attributed to the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, anandamide and phenylethylamine in the brain, which exert protective effects against oxidative stress of neuronal cells and help combat chronic fatigue syndrome.

4. Recude the premenstrual syndrome symptoms (SPM)

Premenstrual syndrome can cause humor changes that can sometimes be very annoying. This is because during the SPM the serotonin level is significantly reduced. Consume cocoa during premenstrual syndrome provides a soothing effect By releasing this hormone and thus relieve humor changes.

5. Help in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders

The presence of Flavonoles such as Epicatequina and Catequina in cocoa, have demonstrated beneficial effects on the treatment of Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. Some investigations suggest that these phytochemicals have qualities that help reduce oxidative stress in the mind. This helps prevent the damage of neuronal cells and exerts a protective effect on the cell membrane against cytotoxicity.

6. It has antioxidant capacity

Antioxidants have an outstanding role in the fight against free radicals that could cause some chronic diseases. Some studies have shown that Antioxidants found in raw cocoa are relatively higher compared to green tea and red wine. Unfortunately, it is also known that milk, which is found in most commercialized chocolates, is able to block the absorption of antioxidants. In other words, it is better to take pure cocoa without dairy additives.

7. Reduces high blood pressure

Many studies have shown that cocoa in is capable of controlling the level of blood pressure due to the antioxidant contained in cocoa that promotes the production of nitric oxide. This substance Help relax blood vessels, So the heart is not forced to work so much and blood pressure can be more easily controlled.

8. Balance cholesterol levels

Apparently cocoa has hypoglycemic and hypocolesterolemic effects. A diet containing cocoa regularly offers a Reduction in triglycerid levels, LDL and glucose cholesterol In blood. Research has also shown that it is able to increase healthy HDL cholesterol levels in the test subjects.

9. Help in the treatment of diabetes

In addition to hypocolesterolemic, cocoa also has a hypolipemit effect that affects the regulation of sugar in the bloodstream. Cocoa could improve insulin resistance, So it is highly recommended for those who currently suffer type 2 diabetes mellitus and at the same time improve glucose metabolism to optimize absorption.

In addition, its antioxidant properties They protect from long -term diabetic complications, such as diabetic nephrotoxicity and cataract formation. Nephrotoxicity plays a key role in diabetes and is the main cause of severe kidney disease. Free radicals aggravate these diabetic complications by promoting oxidative stress, which causes damage to cells and tissues. The cocoa -free radicals elimination activity has demonstrated therapeutic effects on the treatment and prevention of this type of cell lesion.

10. Relieves bronchial asthma

Cocoa grains contain xanthine and theophylline, which They help to relax the bronchial spasms and relax the bronchial tubes. This facilitates an easy air flow and is valuable to alleviate asthma and breathing difficulty. Its consumption, therefore, helps provide relief from bronchial asthma.

eleven. Help in the cure and wound healing

Cocoa has efficient therapeutic properties to promote wound healing. This is because cocoa is able to combat infections that could appear in wounds. In addition, if consumed together with adequate medication, it has also been considered useful for eradicating bacteria Helicobacter pylori of the body.

12. Prevents obesity

A study has demonstrated the potential benefits of cocoa to prevent obesity caused by a high fat diet. First, cocoa can reduce appetite, So it is easier to control the diet. Besides Helps modulate lipid metabolism and to reduce synthesis and transport of fatty acids. It has also demonstrated an improvement in thermogenesis, the heat production mechanism in white adipose tissues and the liver.

13. Improves cardiovascular health

Cocoa, being rich in flavonoids such as procyanidine, catequina and epicatequina, which have antioxidant properties and They help protect heart cells while strengthening the heart. It also helps improve endothelial function and stimulate HDL HDL cholesterol. It has the potential to prevent the formation of blood clots, which can cause stroke or heart failure. Blood platelets play an important role in cardiovascular disorders. Flavonoids present in cocoa have Addive antiplatelets and modulate hemostasis, which is the measure of the time it takes for blood to coagulate. All these effects on health help prevent the proliferation of medical conditions such as atherosclerosis and thrombosis, which are some of the main causes of most important cardiovascular diseases.

14. Helps treat chronic constipation

Research studies have shown that cocoa dust consumption exerts therapeutic effects on the treatment of chronic constipation and intestinal function diseases.

The consumption of fiber -rich cocoa products favors intestinal transit. In a study it was observed that Regular cocoa consumption stimulates intestinal function by reducing evacuation time, increasing frequency and favoring a softer consistency of feces without inducing any other side effect such as gastrointestinal discomfort or abdominal pain.

fifteen. Prevents cancer

Cocoa has also proven to have beneficial effects such as cancer cell growth in the growth of normal health. Studies have provided evidences on chemopreventive and antiproliferative qualities exercised by flavonoids and procyanidines. These healing effects are extremely valuable in the treatment of various types of cancer, including colon cancer and prostate.

16. Treat copper deficiency anemia

The main cause of chronic anemia is copper deficiency in the body. Cocoa is one of the Natural copper sources can improve hemoglobin level And it is able to treat all kinds of diseases caused by copper deficiency such as anemia, neutropenia and leukopenia.

17. Protect the skin

Cocoa is effective in maintaining good skin health. Cocoa consumption helps to reduce the effects of UV -induced erythema and reduces the roughness and peeling of the skin. Also It helps improve elasticity, hydration and skin density. A study confirmed that the epicatech present in cocoa helps to raise hemoglobin oxygen saturation, stimulating healthy blood flow in dermal tissues and contributing to endogenous photographic protection. Cocoa is used in the preparation of several skin care products.

18. Prevents magnesium deficiency

Another benefit of cocoa components is in the prevention of the harmful effects of a magnesium deficiency in the body. Regular consumption of cocoa products can be beneficial to Prevent the adverse effects caused by a diet that lacks magnesium for a prolonged period.

Possible side effects of cocoa

The caffeine

Cocoa is a source of caffeine. However, excess caffeine can cause side effects, such as Insomnia and irregular heartbeat. You can also aggravate the symptoms of people who already suffer from Anxiety or diarrhea disorders. Excess caffeine during breastfeeding can cause irritability and abdominal discomfort in babies. You can also worsen the gastroesophageal reflux condition and it is recommended to avoid it before surgeries to prevent any interference with blood sugar control.

Allergic reactions

Cocoa can cause allergic reactions to those who present a sensitivity towards it. Allergies are usually skin reactions, migraine headaches, digestive disorders, such as gases and nausea.

Interactions with other medications

Caffeine can influence the effects of certain prescription drugs before the diagnostic test associated with the heart. In general, it is recommended to avoid drinks or foods rich in caffeine before such cardiac exams. In addition to this, cocoa could also interact with drugs for asthma, depression and diabetes.

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  • http: // ajcn.Nutrition.org/content/95/6/1365.abstract
  • http: // pubs.ACS.org/doi/abs/10.1021/JF0344385
  • http: // www.Medsci.org/Press/Cocoa.HTML
  • https: // dx.doi.org/10.1016/J.NUT.2004.10.008
  • https: // www.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/Pubmed/12589329