18 years of anguish the murder of Eva Blanco

18 years of anguish the murder of Eva Blanco

For 18 years and six months the Civil Guard had the DNA of the murderer of Eva Blanco, The 16 -year -old who had been stabbed after being sexually assaulted in 1997.

He did not skimp in efforts to locate the killer of the minor. Thus, in 2015, so much persistence, he managed to find his whereabouts and put face to Eva's murderer.


  • Seeing the years pass ..
    • The investigation of the Eva Blanco case is accelerated
  • 18 -year resolution of anguish
    • Archive case
    • Resources


The last night of his life, Eva Blanco, 16, went out with her friends to the town disco. During the early morning of April 19 to 20, 1997 is when the Crime of Eva Blanco happens. At 23.45 hours told a friend who had to leave home.

Together they walked and fired 800 meters from Eva's house, but Eva never arrived.

Eva Blanco He had climbed into a man's car or was forced by the driver to ride in the car under threats.

In the early hours of Saturday, April 20, 1997, The body of Eva Blanco was found with obvious signs of violence 7 kilometers from her house, Next to the gutter of a road still unopened in a place called Fisheries, between Algete and Cobeña, north of Madrid.

The autopsy performed determined that Eva Blanco He had been sexually assaulted and subsequently received 19 stabs distributed in the neck, back of the neck and back.

In the analysis after his death, DNA samples of a male semen were obtained.

One of the main setbacks for the investigators was that the night of crime rained great force, and therefore the many of the assassin's possible vestiges were erased by the water. But not all. In the mouth of Eva Blanco they found themselves pieces of red fiber belonging to the upholstery of a white renault And in addition, the Men's shoe footprint.

Seeing the years pass ..

18 long years passed. During all that time the Civil Guard investigated more than 5.000 people focusing on neighbors with a history, Sexual aggressors, owners of Renault vehicles and even prisoners who during those days enjoyed prison permits.

Also Eva Blanco's life was rebuilt during her last years. His life was analyzed in depth, his friends, his thoughts, his personality, his way of relating to his friends, his tastes ..

To do this, the EVA Blanco secret newspaper where he left several enigmatic writings in which he constantly repeated: Eva and 343110.

However, the investigations carried out within the framework of this operation, which lasted during the last 18 years, did not obtain relevant results.

The investigation of the Eva Blanco case is accelerated

The investigation is accelerated thanks to the work in forensic genetics carried out by the Institute of Forens. The analysis determined that the suspect's DNA corresponded to a person born in North Africa by its chromosomes chain.

With that new track the Civil Guard began to look for people of Maghreb origin who had lived or lived in the area, but there were more than a thousand suspects. Very soon it caught the attention of investigators Ahmed Chelh, who had fled from Algete to the two years of the crime. The agents They got a brother's DNA sample To discover if it was similar to that of the genetic record found in the body of Eva Blanco.

The Civil Guard Criminalistics Laboratory compared the samples and finally gave the agents the news that had been waiting for so many years. The DNA remains found in the lifeless body of Eva Blanco were almost identical to the genetic footprint of the younger brother who was discarded from the beginning since at that time he did not live in the area.

There was no doubt: they had found Eva Blanco murderer.

Ahmed Chelh, a Spanish Maghreb origin, 52, married and with three children, was arrested in a town of 1.200 inhabitants located in northern France. Ahmed could know, at least, of sight, Eva or his father (Gruista) since he was dedicated at that time to make beans in the area and had also worked as a mason. Eva's murder night was 34 years old and lived in Algete. Once arrested, he repeated the version given to the French authorities again and again: two men had forced him to ejaculate about the 16 -year -old crime the night of the crime. Tried to justify the remains of semen that were the main test against him.

The resolution of the case occurred, in addition, 18 months before the murder prescribed, since 20 years of the crime were going to be completed in 2017.

Graffiti at the entrance of Algete. Photo: EFE.

Grafiti at the entrance of Algete: Justice Eva Blanco. Photo: EFE.

A macabre plan: the murder of Asunta Basterra (Part I)

18 -year resolution of anguish

Several of the agents in charge of the investigation went to the house of Eva Blanco to communicate that they had arrested their murderer: "We were waiting for this day for 18 years. Today (yesterday) I have cried with the agents when they have told me that they had arrested my daughter's murderer, "Manuel Blanco told Telemadrid.

"We have closed a very painful chapter of our lives. From now on we have to start living.", Manuel Blanco (Eva Blanco Father).

Archive case

But if his capture was a surprise, more unexpected was the news of the suicide of Ahmed Chelh, who was found hanged on Friday with the cords of his shoes, in the shower of his cell. He had been under the protocol against suicides, but he was lifted after taking into account the favorable psychological reports.

Thus, everything ended. The anguish and impotence that for so many years interrupted the dream of Eva's parents, ceased.


  • The alleged murderer of Eva Blanco admits that he saw her on the day of the crime.
  • Filed the case of Eva Blanco after dying the alleged author.
  • The alleged assassin of Eva Blanco, found dead in his cell.
  • Eva Blanco's parents: "Our daughter's murderer has been a coward until the end".