16 phrases by Paul Ekman about emotions

16 phrases by Paul Ekman about emotions

Paul Ekman is a pioneer psychologist in the study of emotions and his facial expression. It has been considered one of the hundred most outstanding psychologists of the twentieth century. Ekman assumes an evolutionary perspective, in the sense that the development of the features and states of the human being, in time, is the foundation of his investigations.

Celebres quotes by Paul Ekman

People misunderstands events, especially the meaning of other people's actions and the reasons that lead them to act in one way or another.

No important relationship survives if trust is totally lost.

A broken promise is not a lie.

Most lies triumph because nobody bothers to find out the truth.

Remember that the polygraph test is not a lies detector. Emotional activation is only detected.

Fear can happen simultaneously with sadness, anger or disgust.

Smiles are probably the most underestimated facial expressions, much more complicated than most people think. There are dozens of smiles, each different in appearance and in the expressed message.

The lie is a central characteristic of life, so that a better understanding of it is relevant to almost all human matters.

We experience emotions as they happen to us, not as we have chosen them.

Some people have a very strong response, while in others anger is moderate.

Emotions can supplant the most powerful reasons in our lives. People are not going to eat something that is horrible. Some will even starve. Emotion triumphs over hunger, about sex and the desire to live.

People also smile when they are miserable.

The unhappy person is expected to hide their negative feelings, and put in a courtesy smile to accompany the "I'm fine, thank you, and how are you?"In response to" how are you today?". True feelings are probably not detected, not because the smile is a good mask, but because in court exchanges people rarely care about how the other person really feels.

Emotions change the way we see the world and how we interpret the actions of others.

Can you know when a politician is lying? When he moves his lips!

Shame is related to guilt, but there is a difference. To feel guilt we do not need a audience, but to feel shame we need the rejection and ridicule of others. The distinction between these two emotions is essential because it can lead to a person reacting in different ways. The desire to free yourself from guilt can lead to confession, the desire to avoid shame can lead to not do it.

Celebres Psychology phrases