15 phrases by Urie Bronfenbenner

15 phrases by Urie Bronfenbenner

Urie BronfenBenner's phrases facilitate the understanding of the theory of this Russian psychologist who stood out for the contributions he made about the development and behavior of the individual circumscribing it in his ecological theory.

Through interactions, in their theory of overlapping systems, he argues that the person is affected in several ways. Today is one of the most acceptance theories within evolutionary psychology.

Reviewing some of Urie Bronfenbenner's phrases will allow us to approach his thinking and the way he conceived life.

Urie Bronfenbenner phrases

There is no more critical indicator of the future of a society than the character, competition and integrity of its youth.

Special attention should be paid to the opportunities that the environment presents or prevents for the participation of children with people older or lower than them.

To normally develop, a child requires a progressively more complex joint activity with one or more adults who have an irrational emotional relationship with the child. Someone has to be crazy about that boy. That is number one. First, last and always.

Like the sorcerero of yesteryear, the TV launches its magical spell, freezing speech and action and turning the living into silent statues while the enchantment lasts. The main danger of the television screen does not lie in the behavior it produces and in the behavior that avoids: the talks, the games, the family parties and the discussions.

Children need people to become humans ... It is mainly through observation, play and work with others older and lower than him who a child discovers both what he can do and who can become, that he develops both his ability and His identity ... therefore, relegating children to their own world is to deprive them of their humanity, and also of ourselves.

No society can be sustained for a long time unless its members have learned the sensibilities, motivations and skills involved in helping and caring for other human beings.

If the children and young people of a nation are given the opportunity to develop their abilities to the fullest, if they are given knowledge to understand the world and wisdom to change it, then the perspectives for the future are brilliant. On the contrary, a society that neglects their children, however well it works in other aspects, runs the risk of disorganization and death.

Turning the TV can turn off the process that transforms children into people is mainly through observation, game and work with other older and lower people than him that a child discovers both what he can do and who can become, that both his ability and his identity develop.

One of the most important effects of age segregation in our society has been the isolation of children in the world of work. While in the past children not only saw what their parents did to make a living, but even substantially shared the task, today many children only have a vague notion of the nature of parents' work and have had little or no opportunity to observe parents, or in the case of any other adult, when you are completely committed to their work.

In the United States, it is now possible that a eighteen -year -old person, both women and a man, graduated from high school, faculty or university without ever having careful, or even embraced, to a baby; Without having comforted or assisted ever to another human being who really needed help ... No society can be sustained for a long time unless its members have learned the sensibilities, motivations and skills involved in helping and caring for other human beings.

In today's world, parents are at the mercy of a society that imposes pressures and priorities that do not allow time or place for significant activities and relationships between children and adults, which degrade the role of parents and the functions of fatherhood, And that prevent parents from doing the things they want to do as a guide, friend and partner of their children.

In the planning and design of new communities, housing projects and urban renewal, planners, both private and public, should explicitly consider the type of world that is being created for children who will grow in these environments. Special attention should be paid to the opportunities that the environment presents or prevents for the participation of older children and less than them.

Be witness to the American ideal: man made to himself. But there is no such person. If we can sustain ourselves with our own feet, it is because others have raised us. If, as adults, we can claim competence and compassion, it only means that other human beings have been willing and trained to deliver their competence and compassion, during childhood, childhood and adolescence, until this moment.

Therefore, if we know that a child has had the opportunity enough to observe and acquire a sequence of behavior, and we know that it is physically capable of performing the act, but it does not, then it is reasonable to assume that it is motivation that is missing.

Every child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about him or her.

These are the best 15 phrases of Urie Bronfenbenner that invite us to continue investigating their work and thought.

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