15 tips to obtain financial independence

15 tips to obtain financial independence

Financial independence is something that many yearn, perhaps, because with it some power is implicit, and not only purchasing.

Having financial independence is having a certain range of action on which no one else can interfere, is to make decisions with or without approval of others and is something that a certain type of freedom grants at the same time.

However, how can this state of financial independence be achieved?

Next, we will share with you some tips to achieve it.

How to have financial independence

First, it is worth noting that, according to author Nelson Enrique Rodríguez, in his study entitled Money Management. In search of financial freedom, Many people confuse having a lot of money with wealth, and this applies both in companies and in families.

However, those who know how to handle their savings and administer their money, can achieve financial freedom.

Whatever the case, the most practical advice to achieve financial freedom are the following:


  1. Have expenses under control: which implies avoiding excessively.
  2. Have paper and pencil by hand: Maybe it sounds archaic, but it is important to count every entry and exit of money. Today there are many applications that are efficient for it.
  3. Be careful with the use of credit cards: Well, it is not money that is given; On the contrary, it must be paid with interest.
  4. Generate passive income: So you can be in bed, but knowing that there is something that is producing.
  5. Improve professional aspects: or venture into a new trade if you are seeing that your career no longer promises. In this century, many people have had to reinvent themselves and have gone great. A change of idea can do magic.
  6. The world has changed: do it you too. Maybe your career can even be on the list of races that will disappear, what will you do? Go for other options!
  7. Think in the long term: Do not go crazy spending everything in a minute as if tomorrow did not exist. Compulsive purchases can be dangerous.
  8. Work based on realistic goals: You may not be able to buy the car you year for this year, or for the next one, but there you go, little by little and with your money sure. You are useless to get rid of debts that take your sleep.
  9. Look where your money is going to stop: It is hard for you to win it, but where does it end?, in a bar?, In a little cigarettes?, In something that does not help you continue growing? Or, on the contrary, will you stop training courses that open new doors?
  10. Look at your pattern when spending: What is the first thing you do when money reaches your hands? If that is not profitable, then try to change it. You are in time to examine your behavior and transform it.
  11. Do you buy necessary things?: Notice that many of the things you buy may end up in the trash break. Buy only what you need, especially on commercial dates, such as Black Friday, and avoid wasting your money.
  12. Think of other sources of income: Maybe you have many talents, gifts, skills, and you can all start them to generate money; The more sources you believe, the more you can accumulate.
  13. If you want to invest, do not do everything in the same place: Diversify your income! It is the best way to ensure that you will not lose everything.
  14. Always have a background for unforeseen situations: Because nobody knows what can happen in the future. If something unpleasant happened, everything would be controlled and would not be in ruin. We are all susceptible to living unforeseen, but not everyone is prepared.
  15. Have a little money to form: To pay everything that will allow you to professionalize, learn new trades or be better in what you already do. This will always be a great investment.

In addition to these tips, Remember to reward you from time to time. Not everything can be austerity. When there is a little free money, and have everything else insured, go with your family for ice cream!

Nothing more rewarding than spending a little knowing that everything is under control and that finance will not be affected.

That is called Financiera Freedom, knowing that you can use a bit of what you have and nothing will happen if you give yourself a taste, Because there is nothing to worry about, then, everything else is covered. Enjoy it!



  • Andalusian, l. (2014). Financial Education. Palibrio.
  • Baute, m. (2014). The way to financial freedom. Lulu. com.
  • Castro, e. (2016). Financial Freedom. Medium Charisma.
  • Martínez, n. AND. R. (2019). Money management, in search of financial freedom. Free opinion, (25), 9.