15 food for concentration and memory

15 food for concentration and memory

Foods for concentration and memory are essential at any time in life.

Well, memory is a mental capacity that makes it possible for subjects to register, keep and evoke experiences, such as ideas, images, feelings, among others.

In the case of concentration, this also refers to a State through which the person can set their attention on something, without distracted.

But, with the passing time, both memory and concentration can weaken, especially if there is no good diet.

Food for concentration and memory is crucial

There is a relationship between overweight and some cognitive disorders, among which is the loss of memory and the ability to concentrate and to be able to react properly to different situations.

In addition, according to Facundo Manes, president of the INECO Foundation for Research in Neurosciences, in his study entitled Healthy brain food The brain is affected by what we eat, then, science has determined that Both malnutrition and malnutrition are associated with brain alterations, So, without good diet, the brain becomes weak and vulnerable.

This makes it important to carry a balanced diet with the purpose of avoiding excess body fat and caring for the brain, for which it is important.

Next, we will share with you some of the food for the most recommended concentration and memory.

What are the best foods for concentration and memory?

Some of the food to improve concentration and memory are the following:

  1. Dark chocolate: Well, in addition to being delicious, it contains a large number of antioxidants and flavonoids that are important for memory, but you should avoid eating any type of chocolate, because some could contain added sugars or saturated fats, then the negative effects that THE POSITIVE. The favorites must be those whose cocoa percentage is high. Also, those chocolates that have flavorings or added sugars should be avoided.
  2. The brain also needs water: This is necessary to keep it in mind, especially in the cold months, then, the trend in these months is to ingest less liquids, but water is essential to avoid headache and to remember things more easily, because, Dehydration makes it harder to remember facts. In winter, fresh water can be a good alternative to maintain hydration, as well as some infusions, such as thyme, rosemary, mint, chamomile or sage. However, before consuming anyone, you should consult with a doctor.
  3. Include the omega-3: For many, Omega-3 is the "brain food" par excellence, because it is considered that it could help prevent Alzheimer's; In addition, the omega-3 helps the brain to have a better performance and a delay in its deterioration.
  4. Avoid trans oils: since they cause deterioration in neurons. The food consumed should not contain this type of oils.
  5. Consume avocado and pumpkin seeds: Avocado helps the brain receive lutein, which is also good for view. In the case of pumpkin, its dry seeds can be added to yogurts or purés and are also beneficial.
  6. A little turmeric: It also helps improve concentration; With a single gram is enough.
  7. Consume capers: since they contain polyphenols, which are also a good food for the brain; Delicious capers can be added to fish or pasta dishes.
  8. Consume food with antioxidant substances: To prevent free radicals from affecting the proper functioning of the brain. These substances can be obtained from certain fruits and vegetables.
  9. Black grapes and blueberries: They are ideal because they contain resveratrol, which is important to keep neurons with a good functioning.
  10. A little coffee: Since it contains caffeine and antioxidants, which help have a good concentration and a good alert state, then, caffeine acts by blocking adenosine, the chemist who makes the state of drowsiness feel.
  11. The nuts: They are also excellent thanks to their healthy fats, which, in addition to helping to regulate digestion, provide antioxidant benefits that not only benefit the brain, but also help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Nuts are also recommended to avoid neurodegenerative diseases and conserve good memory.
  12. Fatty fish: It also contains Omega-3. Some of these healthy fish are salmon, sardines or trout.
  13. The eggs: They help to have good mental health because they provide vitamin B6, B12, Hill and Folate.
  14. Broccoli: It contains a significant amount of vitamin K, which is essential to keep brain cells healthy.
  15. Consume vitamin E: which works as antioxidant, and can be found in nuts, such as nuts, sunflower seeds and vegetable oils.

These are some of the foods for the most recommended concentration and memory. However, it is also suggested to have a paused rhythm of life, far from stress and focused on a state of well -being.

Finally, it should be noted that The brain is one of the most active organs in the organism, It represents 2 % of body weight, which is equivalent to a little more than one kilo and has no energy reserves, so It depends on the nutrients and oxygen it receives through the blood. Hence the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and including food for concentration and memory.

Brain food


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