121 messages from the inka oracle

121 messages from the inka oracle

From the heart of the Andes we wanted to collect for you beautiful indigenous teachings in the form of messages that go direct to the heart In a context of self -knowledge to be consulted whenever you need it.

Do you want a heart message? Do you have a problem that needs a guide? Now you can consult these phrases from Inka Oracle To find the answer.

Inkas phrases for spirit and heart

The caterpillar is necessary to give way to the butterfly. The nostalgia of what is lost, is small compared to the well -being of the flight that is obtained.

You have to look for God in hearts and not in temples.

The wind whispers to the heart of the humble.

Sharing selflessly, we will sow our road of flowers.

Yes to fly we have come, what are you waiting for? A beautiful opportunity.

Stay permanently as instantly absorbed.

And if you consume a lot as you will be consumed.

From the depths of my intuition I tell you ... it's time to live.

Only the wise recognizes his mistakes, only the wise understands that learning is a trip that never ends.

Life is a gift, it is circulating around our waiting for us to discover it.

You will be prepared when you stop thinking that you are prepared.

And when you learn to love, everything will be possible.

You will be wise when you can enjoy everything that happens to you, absolutely everything.

It makes sense to perform the dance of the rain, when we do not appreciate the value of the water.

And you will feel that everything is one, that everything is alive, that you are part of a wonderful cosmic dance.

Life is eternal, when you live fully.

Intuition is the protective spirit.

Impatience is a toxin that ends up infecting the soul.

And when you don't worry about diplomas or seduce applause, you will be able to receive teaching.

And if you think a lot, your incessant thoughts will form chains in your heart.

Our silence acquires more and more eloquence, another look equals 1000 speeches.

My greatest wealth is that I do not aspire to any wealth, except to have a heart full of love.

Happiness is healthy.

How is it possible to forget that life is a beautiful gift?

Praying with words is lying to God especially when our actions are not full of love.

When we discover the eloquence of silence, the questions vanished as soap bubbles.

Who is not living happy is a corpse.

I dress your life with increasing doses of humor.

Let yourself be seduced by fullness.

All I need is for the sun to rise every day, which rains from time to time and the plants continue to bloom, then I and the birds will continue singing.

Who lives only the present is purified, sweets the moment comes in eternity.

Yes forgetting about the result you enjoy your actions, you will never feel defeated.

Life is a garden inviting you to bloom.

We seek to regenerate the planet, generating man.

And when you overcome the wrong.

And if you identify with the form, she will confuse yourself and the essence of view you will lose.

Be careful, fear disguises yourself to deceive you.

When the heart is open, everything is extraordinary.

In times like these, there are many kinds of blindness. They are also blind who only see with their eyes.

Are you uploading? Don't do it, we are designed to fly.

Who does not want to lose his bandage for fear of light, deserves the dark.

And when you live the moment you will see not only the visible.

And when he contemplates with the deep eye, how wonderful! Nothing is separated.

As long as you don't lose the desire to live, the most important thing was with you.

The feet are to support you on earth, this is enough, do not look for other supports.

Everything appears spontaneously when you are prepared.

And excess materialism produces the obesity of stupidity. I just ask you to be in love with life.

The moment is eternal when he is fully lived.

Stay tonight watching, watching that day and night do not spend in vain.

Why not transform obstacles into impulses to advance?

Who loses tranquility is that he had no inner peace. The authentic is not lost.

And Amauta said: The greatest crime of man is unhappiness.

When renouncing the complaint, we embark on the Sacred Art of Living, happiness flows spontaneously.

We do not give knowledge, because this cannot occur.

And when fear comes up, dare to make a leap!

No one sends us to work, or fill us with things, we have come to grow, grow more like a party than a burden.

It doesn't matter not to do it well, it matters to do it fully ... so that's fine.

When you have changed, even if you do the same job, everything will be different.

If your heart tells you that what all people do is wrong, change it; What your heart feels is worth more than the criteria of thousands of people.

And if your heart is at peace, Estela de Luz will leave, more and more.

The mountain called me and said: We are the same.

And if it does not cultivate it is flowers in the heart, it will be filled with thorns, love is seed, humility, joy is water and reverence is the sun.

Living is growing in that perspective everything is important, outside it nothing makes sense.

Aggressive thoughts are like bombs ... I miscarked them!

Simplicity presents the most important.

If you deliver life to the past or the future, you make the present prisoner. The present is a sacred lake to navigate in him with enthusiasm and decision.

The others will not solve your problems, because they gave you the ability to solve them.

No my son, do not comfort yourself by observing that your brother is worse, it is not about baking better or worse, it's about flying.

And when you fall in love with love, your life will become a party.

And the answer to many questions is transparent written, in silence.

There is no spiritual progress without body care.

Everything is magical when we are awake, everything is difficult when we are asleep.

We need to face tenderness, let us seduce for fullness, be available to life.

And when you give up the self -deception, your life will come in implacable transparency in endless purity.

Get ready! It's time to live.

It is useless to know many things and ignore the sacred art of living.

Who does not flow in the sacred river of life ... drown.

Every day is like a transparent glass of water, you have to drink it completely, until the last drop.

Sometimes, what you are looking for is too close to you.

Do you want to find yourself? Light the candle of humility. Health will illuminate your steps.

In the end we will discover that there is no end.

And for this cosmic moment to be eternal, dress of light.

We are all stars when we discover the essence.

No, son, do not sit on the verge of life, we are designed to overcome great challenges.

No, we do not talk about God, God is something to talk about him, God through life that emanates from Him, is to experience it daily.

Sin is not being happy, sin is not being free.

And from today: fullness.

And life is a song to freedom.

It is not possible to save the earth and not save the life of stupidity and incoherence.

And if you have fallen, get up then return them when we learn from falls.

The walker does not expect anything, he is always prepared for everything.

When things go wrong, do not forget to be grateful; The best tribute to life is to be happy whatever happens.

Everything is circular, the water does not evaporate could not come in the form of rain.

Considering walker is not equivalent to doing so. The true walker the more progress, you have put is to complicate.

From time to time stay alone with yourself.

And since we discovered the sacred art of living we do not need to know much, it is the full life that includes a different knowledge.

And if you find the way hard, thank you, without adversities you could not strengthen you.

What if we paint the night of colors, turned into firefly artists, capable of decomposing the darkness in rainbow?

The walker, while he is alive, is never detained.

Love is the key that opens all doors.

It makes no sense to get out of darkness, when we can turn on a candle.

Dawn is the awakening of the Pachamama. Love is the awakening of man.

You just have to be available and purified.

On the light path, the invisible dresses visible so that we recognize it.

You have to unfortunate the unusable, reconquer freedom then love does not turn, like spring water.

Open your heart, expand your limits dilute the borders. Open your heart, talk to the trees, eleven with the stars. Open your heart, smile and sing, that life is a sacred song.

Quality silence is a good place to find the best answers.

Careful!, What a sick love letter.

And when you regal a smile, the whole universe will be glad.

What is the meaning if she is not the most important?

There is only one religion, the religion of the heart that is expressed in unconditional tenderness permanently wearing the poncho of humility.

It's not about winning or losing. It's about living.

Who rises to the mountain with reverence, receives power; Who goes up to the mountain looking for power, are rejected by the mountain.

Life is a beauty path, for whom he is awake.

All living beings around you are your brothers.

You are just yours.

It is useless to pretend to be closer to God than those in need. The service, more than devotion, will approach God.

And if you forgot to fly ... it's time to resume wings.

Silence is universal language, humility the way, the reference is the way.

Fill our mouths with beautiful words, cultivate inner piece decorate our face with smiles and your hands with caresses.

And they told me crazy, breathe peacefully. Crazy but not stupid.