120 phrases of Marvel and DC superheroes

120 phrases of Marvel and DC superheroes

Although they can only be fiction, Superheroes stories often capture truths Essential about our human nature.

We love superhero stories because they propose to solve the problems and dilemmas that face them with the villains (and not villains). The superheroes are models for us, so we would often would like to identify with them.

Superhero's films and stories are exceptional sources of inspiring appointments. In addition to being entertaining and are full of motivation.

For all this, we bring you some inspiring appointments of superheroes that will motivate you to use your daily power and be the best version of IT.

Celebres from Marvel and DC superheroes

It is the decisions that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do the right. Spiderman

You know what I think, that the real balance is somewhere between anger and serenity. Charles Xavier (X-Men)

Sometimes there are great possibilities in front of us, but we don't see them because we choose not to do it. I think we must be open to explore something new. Flash

Because sometimes the truth is not enough. Sometimes people deserve something else. Sometimes people deserve a reward for having faith. Batman

Anything that I see in my mind, I can create it. I just have to concentrate. Green Lantern

I believed that the punishment was after the crime. Captain America

Destiny establishes the cards, we only play them in the best possible way. Wolverine

The waves are just water. The wind, only air. And yet, although lightning is fire ... it must respond to thunder call. Thor

There is nothing equal to my except me. Rocket

Fight does not make you a hero. Wonder Woman

What makes man, his origins, the way he reaches the world? I think no, they are the decisions it makes, it is not how something begins but how it decides to finish it. Hellboy

Do you think you play to observe the rules? I'm not superman! Wolverine

It really is not so complicated, I have my account in red and I would like to erase it. Black widow

We create our own demons. Hombre de Hierro

You don't need to have an X -ray vision to know that something is not right. Superman

Live every day as if it were the last, because one day of these will be. Spiderman

You had a hard life, do you know who had a hard life? Everyone! Deadpool

There is nothing wrong to feel fear, as long as you don't let yourself be overcome. Captain America

Has anyone told you? I am the strongest that exists. Hulk

I am willing to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Wonder Woman

You can't understand it, death in small doses is the only thing that makes me feel alive. Wolverine

On the brightest day, on the darkest night, no evil will escape from my vigge. That those who worship the power of evil. They fear my power: The light of green flashlight! Green Lantern

Someone stumbles and loses the way does not mean that he is lost forever. Sometimes we all need a little help. Charles Xavier (Professor X)

I am a warrior and a murderer. I do not dance. Gamora

My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you, you're just a coward. So I have decided, you are dead for me. Hombre de Hierro

I went to Katmandú, and learned to take advantage of some powers that I didn't even know there were. Dr. Strange

There is no better place like home to lick your wounds. Deadpool

It is not about deserving, if not what one believes. And I believe in love. Wonder Woman

Not all heroes carry a mask. Some heroes save the day in the simplest way. Just for being there for us, or letting us know what we believe. Flash

Human beings believe they are the only ones to be the only beings capable of feeling pain. Antman

Even now, I can feel it. Buried in somewhere inside. Glaring at me. Expecting. Bruce Banner (Hulk)

Remember that your story is also part of other people's history. Superman

My uncle used to say that we love people for their qualities but we love them for their defects. Hellboy

If you can do something good for others, you have the obligation to do it. Spiderman

You know, sometimes, when you imprison them the beast, the beast is enraged. Wolverine

Criminals are a cowardly and superstitious group. Batman

So here we are: a thief, two thugs, a murderer and a manic. We are not ready to end the evil of the galaxy. I guess we are trapped together. Star Lord

I only act as if I really knew everything. Black widow

They can call you what they want. savior. Destroyer. The only thing that matters ... is what you choose. Bruce Banner (Hulk)

A man can make a difference. Daredevil

It is not the gods who decide if man exists; It is the men who decide if the gods exist. Thor

Do you want to survive? Then you must change, update yourself. Hombre de Hierro

Only weak succumb to brutality. Superman

It cannot be, I will die surrounded by the worst idiots of the galaxy. Gamora

No matter how bad things get, something good is out there, just on the horizon ... Green flashlight

Maybe nothing can be won with peace, but everything can be lost with war. Superman

In the absence of light, darkness prevails. Hellboy

Actually, Captain America is the leader. I simply pay for everything, everything design, and I make everyone great. Hombre de Hierro

Do you let that little device tell you what to do? Wonder Woman

Green is the color of will. Guardians will take advantage of the will because it is the strongest source of energy in the universe. Green Lantern

I will lose with you once, and another, and another, and another; forever. I will make you my prisoner. Dr. Strange

If you are as good as you say you are, you don't have to kill anyone to get what you want. Flash

Lower your weapons or I will not be responsible for what comes after. Captain America

Or you die like a hero, or live enough to see yourself turned into a villain. Batman

I already told you. I don't want to join your super secret band. Hombre de Hierro

Remember, your enemy will never play clean. Green Lantern

Hero is the one who does his job every day. Wolverine

That is my secret, I'm always angry. Bruce Banner (Hulk)

Someday you will make a mistake. And I will be waiting. Spiderman

Stop smiling, get like a professional. Rocket

The wind blows the dead leaves, croan the frogs as to the alarm of a toy car, the crickets do the choirs, a wolf howls, I know how it feels. Batman

Our ancestors called him magic, you call him science. I come from a land in which both are the same. Thor

I am the best in what I do ... and what I do is not nice. Wolverine

Any dream that deserves to be lived is a dream that is worth fighting for. Charles Xavier (Professor X)

Do you want to keep looking at the wall, or do you want to go to work? Black widow

I do not see my powers as a gift for me, but for anyone who needs them. Superman

I am bored, we are going to set fire to something. Deadpool

Those who sow wind, will harvest whirlpools. Hulk

Sometimes you just have to reduce speed to see where you want to go. Flash

What beast is the one who kills and does not eat? His name is man. A two -legged predator that smells at fear. Wolverine

I am not a leader. I came because I have no choice. I came to save my home, and the people I love. Aquaman

I don't know what hole you left, but I'm going to send you back to him. Superman

In the dark ... I've heard your voice ... Hellboy

It would be a terribly boring life if something strange never happened. The rare are the ones who change the world. Dr. Strange

The world scares. People die, trust is betrayed, things change. Flash

There is nothing wrong to be afraid as long as you don't let yourself be overcome. Captain America

Let's be honest, this is not the worst thing you've found me doing. Hombre de Hierro

If the loss makes you doubt justice, then you never really believed in justice. Wonder Woman

Hey, big boy. The sun is getting, it is very low ... black widow

The true enemy is time. Time kills everything. KAECILIUS A DR. Strange

I hope justice is today ... before justice I find you. Daredevil

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Charles Xavier (Professor X)

Life is an infinite series of possibilities. The scam only comes with death. Wolverine

You have your hero definition and I have mine. And mine includes being much more aware. Captain America

You know, there was a time when I wanted to meet my brother, talk to him, support him. If you just had not turned out to be a moron. Aquaman

I shouldn't be alive, unless it was for a good reason. I know what I have to do now, and I know what is right. Hombre de Hierro

Love is something beautiful. When you find it, the whole world knows aromatizing flowers. Deadpool

Do not do anything I do. And definitely do nothing that I would not do. There is a small gray area there and that is where you can be. Hombre de Hierro

I could get the merger of heavy ions in any planet reactor. Bruce Banner (Hulk)

It is our sacred duty to defend the world, and that is what I will do. Wonder Woman

All I did was help someone to find their dream. Captain America

I will do anything for flash to be a better hero. Flash

He believes me a stupid quill animal. He called me rodent, she tells me animal. I didn't ask me to do me! I did not ask to be cut and united, again and again. Let's see how you laugh with a few shots in your frightful face! Rocket

I believe in the American dream, but this is a kind of nightmare. Captain America

They seem to have cultivated little respect for human life ... and nothing is more sacred than that. Superman

I, Hal Jordan, I swear solemnly loyalty to a flashlight, who obtained from a dying purple extraterrestrial, in a swamp. Green Lantern

I do not intend to be something that I am not, and I try not to regret anything I do. Wolverine

The X-Men do not give up. They stand up. Charles Xavier (Professor X)

Great power entails a great responsibility. Uncle Ben a Spiderman

Sleeping, I've come to negotiate. Dr. Strange

I'm just a bad guy who charges for hitting more bad. Deadpool

Hulk just wants them to leave him alone! Hulk

Sometimes a man can achieve too much with just propose it. Black Panther

The answers you are looking for will be yours, once I claim what is mine. Thor

I am Groot. Groot

A hopeless man is a man without fear. Daredevil

The worst thing to be strong is that nobody asks you if you are fine. Superman

All my friends are fighters, and here comes a guy who avoids a fight because he knows he will win. Black widow

Telepeats know thoughts. Empathetic feel feelings. Mantis

Help me so that I can also help someone. Deadpool

My father cried the day I was born because I knew it would never be better than me. Hombre de Hierro

Give me a whiskey. I'm hungry. Hombre de Hierro

The truth is a matter of circumstances. It is not for all people all the time. And for me either. Black widow

Those who do not want to be saved, cannot be saved. Superman

A strong man is stronger alone. Aquaman

But not always the fastest are the best. The important thing is to be the last to stand up. Wolverine

No logic can penetrate the armor of a fan ... only fists and steel. Captain America

We are the damn guardians of the galaxy. Rocket

It was an accident. Hulk appeared at the wrong time. Bruce Banner (Hulk)

I'm tired of being treated as a child all the time. There is no right. Spiderman

We plan days and days and when the time comes, we proceed to improvise. Quicksilver

We have no choice. So we fight and win. There are no more options. Captain America

This will not end well ... Black Widow