110 phrases by Joaquín Sabina

110 phrases by Joaquín Sabina

Joaquín Sabina (February 12, 1949) is a famous Spanish singer -songwriter, poet and artist, who became famous for transmitting great messages, most love and heartbreak, in the lyrics of his beautiful songs.

Joaquín Sabina appointments

A lot of work has cost me to commit my sins to evil them in vain regrets.

There is no worse nostalgia than to miss what never happened.

And sometimes I usually lay my head on the moon's shoulder and talk about that inopportune lover called loneliness.

I lack a truth, I have a hundred excuses.

And the sun is a tear in an eye that does not know how to cry.

You didn't love me yesterday, I don't love you today. Tomorrow we will not have to love.

When I'm good, I'm good, when I'm bad, I'm better.

Life is so short and the trade of living so difficult, that when one begins to learn it, you have to die.

The atrocious is not wanting to know who you are, past water, burned earth.

That the mirrors do not give you the reason.

This goodbye does not make up a see you later, it never hides an hope, this ash does not play with fire, this blind does not look back.

Neither I kill for jealousy nor you die for me.

When death come to visit me to take me south where I was born. There is no room for anyone.

To say what I think, without thinking what I say more than one kiss gave me and more than one slap.

These lips that know farewell, vinegar in wounds, station.

There are women who drag lugs loaded with rain.

Losing the manners: if you have to step on crystals, that they are of bohemia, heart.

He was so poor that he had no more than money.

So you don't walk what could happen and it didn't happen. That night that you failed, I didn't go to the appointment.

Do not pass a smart hair, do not invest in Christs, do not make the fool.

How difficult to try to get unharmed from this magic in which we have imprisoned.

I sing my loneliness because I have plenty.

It is fine to have a hat in case a good occasion is presented to take it off.

Until the soles of my shoes they miss you.

Good reputation is convenient to drop it at the foot of the bed. Today you have an occasion to show that you are a woman in addition to a lady.

Don't lie, said the liar.
Run, said the turtle.
Good luck, said the badge.
Dare, said the coward.
Try me, said the poison.

What would have served to undo the bags of oblivion?

You better learn to live on the dividing line that goes from tedium to passion.

Worse for the sun, which gets at seven in the crib from the sea to snore, while a server lifts the moon skirt.

Take my address; When you fart with cheap loves for a while ... you call me.

Because all the endings are the same repeated, and with so much noise, they did not hear the end.

… And yet, when I sleep without you, with you dream.

Today's man is the father of the year 2000.

In love matters always lose the best.

I am not a guy with easy tear, of those who complain only for vice ... if life is left to have a hand and if I do not yet excite my trade.

Where the roads cross, where the sea cannot be conceived, where the fugitive always returns, let's say that I speak of Madrid.

It's not me, neither you, nor are anyone the miserable fingers that roam my watch.

The good thing about the years is that they heal wounds, the bad thing about kisses is that they create addiction.

And life continued, as things that don't make much sense follow.

That the truths do not have complexes.

The caresses that wet the skin and blood mutiny are withered when the dirty routine touches them.

Before you love me how you want a cat with anyone who looks like you.

You better not have to choose, between oblivion and memory.

They wrapped with the wisdom of your heartbreak and mine.

I have never become accustomed to good customs.

If you want to love me, I'm going to stop wanting, if you want to hate me, don't have mercy on me.

In Comala I understood that the place where you have been happy should not try to return.

And the gallop blood for my veins and a cloud of sand inside the heart, and this run of love without appetite ..

It's not that I do not want to. I don't want to want ..

Whenever I confess I give myself acquittal.

To the flowers of a day, that did not last, that did not hurt, that they kissed you, that they lost.

Death is just luck with a changed letter.

I wanted to tell her the truth as bitter, tell her that the universe was wider than her hips, I painted a real world and not a pink color, but she preferred to listen ... pious lies.

They can steal your days; Your nights don't.

Investing in silly soup cans is like varnishing coffin itself.

It is announced between the two unstable time, the storms appear in your eyes.

He pulls the prejudices next to the bed; Today you have an opportunity to show that you are a woman, in addition to a lady.

That being brave does not come out so expensive, that being a coward is not worth it.

What curse separates lovers who have not forgotten?

This fish no longer dies through your mouth, this crazy one goes with another crazy one, these eyes do not cry for you.

May dreams be really lies.

The best promises are those that must not be fulfilled

The child who dreamed that he wrote, Maria does not leave me no longer dreams of me anymore.

I just get sad when some ... at the most inopportune moment ... he asks me for you.

Where is the song you made to me when you were poet? It ended so sad that I could never start it.

That dictators and notaries die by love.

How little is the light of the headlights of those who dream of freedom.

I will fight until the last second and my epitaph will be: I do not agree.

And I returned to the curse of the drawer without his clothes, to the perdition of the cup bars, to the asholinths of balance and corner, and, for those sales of the fine laina, paying the accounts of people without a soul that loses his calm with the cocaine

Cuadrate from who loves you, don't die more than for love ..

And even if I want to forget, I can't forget, I can't forget you.

I will call her tomorrow, today she was late. That cowardly way not to tell us no.

Ours lasted what last two ice fish in a whiskey on the rocks.

He was an individual of those shut up for not making noise, a regular loser of so many battles that wins the oblivion.

You know better than me than even the bones, only the kisses that you have not given.

Waste the bag and life was gradually giving lost.

Girls no longer want to be princesses, and the boys are to pursue the sea inside a gin vessel.

At fifteen, Atar's crows cut my wings.

What a little time lasts eternal life through your leg tunnel.

Where do you think you are, what do you think I'm, don't look back, I'm no longer.

The water turns off to the fire and the burning the years. Love is called the game in which a couple of blind play to harm.

I prefer war with you, winter without you.

I am looking for an encounter that enlightens my day and I find no more than doors that deny what they hide.

Don't miss if you shout you piérde yourself.

He always had a very high forehead, very long tongue and very short skirt.

The wooden suit that I will release is not even planted, that the prie.

Love is an epidemic that ends over time.

Everything I have is nothing I gave it.

I do not ask forgiveness, for what? If you are going to forgive me, because you don't care.

I never had more religion than a woman's body.

The worst of passion is when it happens, when the end of the finals do not follow two suspensive points.

Who can I care after the death of one has its vices.

There are women who do not even tell the truth.

This goodbye does not make up a see you later, it never hides an hope, this ash does not play with fire, this blind does not look back.

And one morning I understood that sometimes he wins, the one who loses a woman.

Change my wrinkles for your acne.

I gave my nights and my bread, my anguish, my laugh, in exchange for his kisses and hurry.

I can get cheesy and say: that your lips know me the same, than the lips that I kiss on my dreams ..

And I had sworn die without offspring, as my father died.

Men deceive more than women; women, better.

Recover the names of things again, call bread to bread, came to the wine, the sobaco ... Sobaco, miserable to destiny. And who kills him, at once murderer.

The kisses I lost, for not knowing how to say: I need you

This cowardly way not to tell us no, this with you, this without you so bitter.

The night you lost the fear of fear was so short that it still lasts.

In my house there is nothing forbidden, but do not fall in love

It depends on you and that between the two is still night, today morning.

There is no worse nostalgia than to miss what never happened.

I fall asleep in the burials of my generation.