101 words and phrases of sadness, sorrow and melancholy. Messages to overcome your saddest days

101 words and phrases of sadness, sorrow and melancholy. Messages to overcome your saddest days

Sadness is considered as one of the basic human emotions And it is a natural response to situations that involve psychological, emotional or physical pain.

Sadness affects everyone at some point, so today we wanted to bring you these beautiful events about sadness.

Messages and famous quotes about sadness and phrases for when you are sad.

You cannot prevent birds with sadness from passing over your head, but you can prevent them from doing a nest in your hair. Chinese proverb

We gain strength thanks to pain and sadness. Every time we die, we learn to live again.

There is nothing more depressing than having everything and still feeling sad.

Sadness is one of the vibrations that prove that we are alive. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

It's sad when you realize that you're not so important for someone as you thought you were.

When you are happy, you enjoy music. But, when you are sad, you understand the lyrics.

The sad soul in the tastes cries. Matthew German

Those who are closest to you are the ones who hurt you the most.

I smile and not that's why I'm happy, but sometimes I smile to hide sadness.

The real pain is the one who suffers without witnesses. Marco Valerio Marcial

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It is the transition that is problematic. Jimi Hendrix

The walls we build around us to keep sadness out, also prevent the joy. Jim Rohn

Dying seems less sad than having lived little. Gloria Steinem

There is no greater grief than to remember in misery the moment we were happy. Dante

There is no despair as absolute as the one that comes with the first moments of our first great sadness, when we have not yet known what it is to have suffered and healed, to have desperate and have recovered hope. George Eliot

Sadness is like a beautiful treasure, which is shown only to friends. African proverb

First, accept sadness. Realize that without losing, winning is not so good. Alyssa Milano

There are times when, even for the sober eye of reason, the world of our sad humanity must assume the appearance of hell. Edgar Allan Poe

Dolores can be explained in a truly lived life, penalty and loss accumulate as possessions. Stefan Kanfer

It is a time when the spirit of one is dim and sad, one does not know why; When the past looks like a desolation swept by the storm, life is a vanity and a burden, and the future is a path to death. Mark Twain

Sadness is always the legacy of the past; Repentings are memory pains.

Do not make someone you all. Because when they have gone, you have nothing.

Sadness is not inherent in things; He does not come from the world or his contemplation. It is a product of our own thought. Emile Durkheim

Living in the past only blinds you to the future. Andrew Boyd

Like the hands of a clock they do not reach anywhere, anxious thoughts make us go around and turn without taking anywhere! Guy Finley

My feeling is that there is nothing better in life than to refrain from hurting others and comforting those who are sad. Olive Schreiner

Sadness generally results from one of the following causes: when a man is not successful or when he is ashamed of his success. Seneca

He smiles, even if it's a sad smile, because sad more than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.

Sadness is nothing more than a wall between two gardens. Kahlil Gibran

There is no worse sadness than remembering happiness on a day of pain. Alfred de Musset

Usually, people think I'm a strong and happy person ... but behind my smiles they simply don't know how much I am suffering.

What deservedly suffers must be supported calmly, but when the pain is not deserved, we give us resist us. Ovid

He smiles because you had the opportunity, he cries because you lost it.

The man could not live if he were completely impervious to sadness. Many penalties can only be supported when hugging them, and the pleasure that is experienced in them naturally has a somewhat melancholic character. Emile Durkheim

Laugh and the world laughs with you, cries, and you cry alone. She Wheeler Wilcox

If you are bitter from heart, sugar in your mouth will not help you. Proverb Yiddish

When the penalties arrive, they do not arrive as lonely spies, but in battalions. William Shakespeare

Absolute silence leads to sadness. Is the image of death. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The word "happiness" would lose its meaning if it was not balanced by sadness. Carl Gustav Jung

We are more unhappy to see happy people in front of us, than to see people behind us. Montaigne

Those who love the most are the ones that hurt you the most.

The heart was made to be broken. Oscar Wilde

Beauty and sadness always go hand in hand. George Macdonald

Tears are words that the heart cannot express.

Everyone has a time to stand up with their heads high, everyone has time to collapse and cry.

My pain became sadness and my sadness in anger. My anger became hate and forgot how to smile.

Each man has his secret sentences that the world does not know; And many times we call a cold man when he is only sad. Henry Wadsworth

The only interested in listening to your sad story is you; And you even want you not have to live it again! Guy Finley

I found more joy in the pain than you could find in joy. Sara Teasdale

It was then, looking at fear, that my tortured existence really was born.

I want to paint something that is beautiful, something perfect. To be full of sadness. Gary Hume

No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no political system can get rid of the pain of living, our fear of death, our thirst for absolute. It is the human condition that directs the social status, not vice versa. Eugene ionco

For me, the opposite of happiness is not sadness but boredom. Sushant Singh Rajput

Hate people is how to set your home to kill a rat. Henry Fosdick

The best and worst, light and darkness, the right and wrong, happiness and sadness: everyone joins to form the miracle that life is, and none can exist without the other. Silvetris

There is a joy in pain that no one but a mourner can know.

Life is like a video game. Only there is no restart button.

There comes a time when you feel alone no matter how much company you have ..

Since unhappiness arouses interest, many, to become interesting, pretend unhappiness. Joseph Roux

We all have sadness in our life and things we can take advantage of. Sherilyn Fenn

A tragedy does not need to have blood and death; It is enough that everything is full of that majestic sadness that is the pleasure of tragedy. Jean Racine

The fact that I let you go does not mean that I want you to go.

Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. It is much easier to get angry with someone to tell you that you are injured. Tom Gates

Even in times of great sadness, there are always times when we laugh. Selenis Leyva

I prefer to have a fool to become happy, than the experience to get sad. William Shakespeare

Anger, tears and sadness are only for those who gave up. Katie Gill

There is so much sadness in the world that we are all obliged to contribute as much joy as we can. John Sutherland Bonnel

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming. Helen Keller

The sun can get up and put on. If your sun has put on, don't worry. I am your moon. I can give you a light in the dark.

Every time I do something well,
No one seems to remember.
But when I do something wrong,
No one can forget it.

At some point, you must realize that some people can remain in your heart but not in your life.

I think everyone feels alone in their sadness, a certain value is required to listen to other people's sad stories. Brandon Stanton

Love does not know its own depth until the time of separation. Kahlil Gibran

The absence of love is the most abject pain. Herr Lipp

I can see the comic side of things and enjoy fun when it is needed; But see where I look, I always seem sadness than joy in life. Jerome k. Jerome

I'm afraid of being forgotten. Because it seems that everyone who approaches me ends up forgetting me.

Freedom is what I want, pain and hate is what I have.

Nothing can cure the soul, but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses, but the soul. Oscar Wilde

Sometimes I like being in the rain, because no one can say that I'm crying.

Do not cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Dr. Seuss

We ignore those who worship us and worship those who ignore us.

It is easy to cry when you realize that everyone who loves will reject you or die. Chuck Palahniuk

Sometimes, a plan is just a list of things that do not happen.

Melancholy and sadness are the beginning of doubt ... doubt is the beginning of despair; Despair is the cruel beginning of the different degrees of evil. Comte de Lautreamont

Those who fear darkness have no idea what light can do. Katasai Rakshasa

Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness is its poison. Lord Chesterfield

Sadness does not come from bad circumstances. Comes from bad thoughts.

If you see a friend without a smile; Give one of yours.

Time does not cure wounds, just get old enough to get used to pain.

All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue forever.

Ignore me. I don't mind. I am accustomed anyway. I am invisible.

I wanted to understand the pain and human condition, which is full of pain, repentance and sadness, with some happiness, if you are lucky. Kim Cattrall

A mirror shows your outer image, but never your pain inside.

No one deserves your tears, but whoever deserves it will not make you cry. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Why is my existence so perfect with dark places? And why don't I care? Lemuel Whis Ranier

Sadness is almost never anything other than a form of fatigue. Andre Gide

Courage and joy will not only take you to the difficult places in life, but will allow you to provide comfort and help the weak hearts and will comfort you in sad hours. William Osler

Crying is cleaning. There is a reason for tears, happiness or sadness. Dionne Warwick

Sadness always occupies the interior of man's joys. Chateaubriad

It is loneliness that makes the most strong noise. This is true for men and dogs. Eric Hoffer

Nothing is miserable unless you think so. Boethius

The true sadness of the fifty is not that you change so much, but you change very little. Max Lerner

... There are two types of people in the world: those who prefer to be sad together with others, and those who prefer to be sad alone. Nicole Krauss

I'm tired of getting worse.
I'm tired of being hurt.
I'm tired of crying to sleep.
I'm tired of hating everything.
I'm tired of pretending a smile.
I'm tired of feeling like this.
I'm tired of disappointing people.
I'm tired of being.

Unhappy is the one to whom childhood memories only bring you fear and sadness. HP Lovecraft

I turned sadness into a hymn for letting anything or anyone slow them down. Baby rexha

In the book of life, the answers are not on the back. Charlie Brown

There is not enough darkness worldwide to turn off the light, not even a small candle. Robley Alden