101 philosophical phrases of great philosophers and thinkers

101 philosophical phrases of great philosophers and thinkers

Here you will find a beautiful compilation of famous phrases of philosophers, thinkers, guides and speakers of all time. Some will be known and golds not, but everyone has contributed wisdom to their words.

They will help you see things from other eyes, reveal feelings and thoughts, although they can also help you strengthen your soul.

There are many more phrases of life precious by great people, but unfortunately not all can put them in a simple article. We hope you like it.

Quotations of great philosophers and thinkers of history

I consider more courage to conquer his wishes, than to his enemies, since the hardest victory is the victory over oneself. Aristotle

Before convincing the intellect, it is essential to touch and predispose the heart. B. Pascal

You cannot unleash a knot without knowing how it is done. Aristotle

Do you ask me why I buy rice and flowers? I buy rice to live and flowers to have something to live. Confucius

The hardest thing to learn in life is what bridge you have to cross and what bridge must be burned. B. Russell

We can imagine everything, predict everything, except how far we can sink. AND. CIORAN

The new opinions are always suspicious, and they are usually rejected, without more reason than the fact of not being common. J. Locke

Being inactive is the short path to death, being diligent is a way of life; silly people are inactive, the wise are diligent. Buddha

Education generates trust. Trust generates hope. Hope generates peace. Confucius.

Walk as if you were kissing the earth with his feet. Thich Nhat

Learn to let go before learning to achieve. Life must be touched, not strangled. You have to relax, let it happen, the rest moves with it. Ray Bradbury

The teacher is the fair synthesis of natural disposition and constant exercise. Protágoras

Good results are always obtained by putting themselves in the place of the other and thinking about what one would do if it had been the other. TO. C. Give

It is not what happens to you that determines how far you will come in life; It is the way to handle what happens to you. Zig Ziglar

The first step of wisdom is to blame everything; The last reconcile with everything. G. C. Lichtenberg

But the hidden sense of life is that life makes no hidden sense. F. Pessoa

Men always forget that human happiness is a disposition of the mind and not a condition of circumstances. J. Locke

It is typical of censures to prove the opinions they attack. Voltaire

The seriousness of an adversary disarms with laughter and laughter with seriousness. Gorgias

The great talent proceeds, rather than the intellectual elements and a social refinement superior to that of others, of the power to transmit them, to invest them. M. Proust

The mind is everything. What you think of becoming. Buddha

The little I have learned lacks value, compared to what I ignore and not despair in learning. Descartes

The same difficulty of living can become the only thing that keeps some individuals alive. TO. Polgar

It is easy to make things complicated, but difficult to make them simple. Nietzsche

We are like the chameleons, we take our tone and the color of our moral character of those around us. J. Locke

Anyone can become angry, that is very simple. But getting angry with the right person, in the exact degree, at the right time, with the right purpose and in the right way, that, certainly, is not so simple. Aristotle

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one should. Ourselves must go through the way. Buddha

To change life: Start immediately. Do it ostentatiously. W. James

No one is free to say stupidities, the bad is to say with emphasis. Michel de Montaigne

The limit of any pain is even greater pain. AND. CIORAN

Peace comes from within. Don't look out. Buddha

Most people listen to the intention of responding, not with the desire to understand. TO. C. Give

There is nothing more equitably distributed than reason: everyone is convinced of having enough. Descartes

The best way to anticipate the future is to invent it. F. Ford Coppola

Our wonderful sense increases exponentially; The greater the knowledge and the deeper the mystery, the more we try to know and the greatest enigmas we end up creating. AND. EITHER. Wilson

The greatest wisdom that exists is to know oneself. Galileo Galilei

The luck favors only the prepared mind. Isaac Asimov.

Let's not do what we want; Instead, let's be responsible for who we are. J. P. Sartre.

Nothing creates self -esteem and self -confidence as the creation of oneself. T. Carlyle.

All great events take place in our mind. EITHER. Wilde

You are what you are and that is where it is for what has happened in your mind. Change what you are and change in which what enters your mind is changing. Zig Ziglar

In three times life is divided: in the present, past and future. Of these, the present is very brief; The future, doubtful; The past, true. Seneca

Love is blind, but marriage restores your view. G. Lichtenberg

There is no night, how long it is, not to find the day. W. Shakespeare

There is nothing that is entirely in our possession more than our thoughts. Descartes

I know what would you like to be the world. M. Gandhi

When you can't go back, you just have to look for the best way to advance. P. Coelho

The friend must be like money, that before needing it, you know the value it has. Socrates

Distrust of those who turn their backs to love, ambition, society. They will take revenge on having renounced it. AND. CIORAN

Parents wonder why streams are bitter, when they themselves poison the source. J. Locke

Hope is the worst of evils, because the torment of man prolongs. Nietzsche

Theoretically we are the rational being par excellence and, nevertheless, we are the most emotional species. AND. Punset

The most immovable barrier of nature is what is between the thought of one man and that of another. W. James

It should be taken into account that many beliefs rely on prejudice and tradition. Descartes

We are united with invisible threads to our fears. We are the puppet and the puppeteer, victims of our expectations. G. S. Rawling

We can be proud of what we have done, but we should be much more than we have not done. That pride is about to invent. AND. CIORAN

Man is not the son of circumstances, but the circumstances are the creatures of man. Epicurio.

What a man thinks of himself generally determines or, rather, indicates his destiny. H. D. Thoreau

Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul before waiting for someone to bring you flowers. Virginia. TO. Shoffstall

The soul is in the brain. AND. Punset

What bothered me most is not that you have lied to me but that, from now on, I will not be able to believe in you. Nietzsche

I just know that I don't know anything. Socrates

Imagination is a quality that has been granted to man to compensate for what he is not, while the sense of humor has been given to comfort him for what he is. EITHER. Wilde.

We know what we are, but we ignore what we can be. W. Shakespeare.

The wise does not teach with words, but with acts. Lao Tse

There are three paths that lead to wisdom: imitation, the simplest; the reflection, the noblest; And the experience, the most bitter. Confucius

Man is the only animal that blushes, or who needs to do it. M. Twain

Happiness is the absence of fear, it is an emotion, and as such, it is transitory. AND. Punset

The total truth is never reached, nor is it ever totally remote from it. Aristotle

The idea that in heaven there is a greater equality of classes is what, deep down, makes it so pleasant in the eyes of the poor. G. Lichtenberg

If you want to be loved, you have to love. Seneca

Scientists struggle to make the impossible possible. Politicians to do the impossible possible. B. Russell

Is it worth living life? It all depends on the vividor. W. James

A lifetime is needed to learn to live. Seneca

Even a false joy is usually preferable to true sadness. Descartes

Elegant words are not sincere; Sincere words are not elegant. Lao Tse

What distinguishes truly original minds is not that they are the first to see something new, but that they are able to see how new what is old, known, seen and belittled by all. Nietzsche

We live with the technological changes of the 21st century and with social institutions of the nineteenth century. AND. Punset

Whenever you are in a conflict with someone, there is a factor that can make a difference between damaging the relationship or reinforcing it. That factor is the attitude. W. James

A good life is that inspired by love and guided by intelligence. B. Russell

Everything complex can be divided into simple parts. Descartes

If you don't expect anything, you'll never find what you never expected to find. Heraclitus.

Unlearn most of the things they have taught us is more important than learning. AND. Punset

The wise man seeks what he wants inside; The non -wise, seeks it in others. Confucius

If you think that feeling bad or worrying will change the past or the future, you are living on another planet with a different reality. W. James

The judicious man only thinks of his ills when he leads to something practical; All other moments dedicate them to other things. B. Russell

You can search the entire universe to someone who deserves your love and affection more than yourself, and that person will not be anywhere. Yourself, as much as anyone in the universe, you deserve your own love and affection. Buddha

Let us strive to make the last way better than the previous one, while we walk. And when we get to the end, let's happy in moderation. Epicurio

If you want to persuade someone, use your same arguments. Aristotle

The pain does not follow us, walk forward. PORCHIA

The mind takes to forget what has been learning for a long time. Seneca

Above all, you are not afraid of the people, it is more conservative than you!. Napoleon Bonaparte

There are people who live the present life but prepare with great zeal as if they had to live another life and not the one they are living, and in the meantime the time is consumed and flees. Antifonte

Not that I am afraid of dying, I just want to be there when it happens. Woody Allen

Only one thing becomes an impossible dream: the fear of failing. Paulo Coelho

The one who judges everything will find the difficult life. Lao Tse

When you listen to an inner voice telling you that you cannot paint, paint as much as you can, and you will see how it will shut up. Vincent van Gogh

According to some revealing aeronautical technique tests, the bumblebee cannot fly due to the shape and weight of his body in relation to the surface of his wings. But the bumblebeing does not know and that's why he continues to fly. Yo. Sikorski

Life is like a mirror: if I smile, the mirror returns my smile. M. Gandhi

Value is not the absence of fear, rather it is the opinion that there is something else that is much more important than fear. TO. Redmoon

Every failure teaches a man something he needed to learn. Charles Dickens.

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