101 famous phrases of psychology

101 famous phrases of psychology

Fantastic collection of the best phrases of psychology, quotes that at some point said the great psychologists of all time.

The best quotes in psychology said by the largest and most famous psychologists

We believe we think, but we rarely do it with real understanding and empathy. However, true listening is one of the most powerful forces for the change I know. (Carl Rogers).

Living is being born at every moment. (AND. Fromm)

We must differentiate between the image of the reality that we perceive through our senses and the meaning we attribute to these perceptions. (Giorgio Nardone)

The encounter between two personalities is like the contact between two chemical substances. If there is any reaction, both will be transformed. (Carl Gustav Jung)

The satisfaction of the need for self -esteem leads to feelings of self -confidence, value, strength, capacity and sufficiency, of being useful and necessary in the world. (TO. Maslow)

The truth has fiction structure. (J. Lacan)

There is no reason why a man cannot be taught to think. (B. F. SKINNER)

It seems proven that in life it triumphs thanks to three factors: health, intelligence and character, we add a fourth factor; a bit of luck. (TO. Binet)

The ability to pause and not act for the first impulse has become crucial learning in daily life. (D. Goleman)

I feel moved and made when I interspersed the fact, or I allow my feeling, that someone cares, that they accept me, admire or praise me. (C. Rogers)

The chains and home walls are not clear, they are almost always invisible, although no less real or insurmountable. (Luis Rojas Marcos)

Modern science has not yet produced a medication as effective as a few kind words. (Sigmund Freud)

I am convinced that an important stage of human thought will have been achieved when the physiological and the psychological, the objective and the subjective, are really united. (YO. Pavlov)

If you think you provoke good things, you tend to like more than if you think good things come from other people. (M. Seligman)

A person's mental health can be measured by their orgasmic potential. (Wilhem Reich)

All joke, in the background, conceals a truth. (S. Freud)

Giving produces more happiness than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving there is the expression of my vitality. (Erich Fromm)

All of us born originals and die copies. (C. Jung)

It seems that what is necessary is not to fear mistakes, do it the best one can and wait to learn enough to correlate on time. (Abraham Maslow)

Today's language is not worse than yesterday. It is more practical. Like the world in which we live. (N. Chomsky)

People are not evil, they are unfortunate. (TO. Maslow)

Because no one can know for you. Nobody can grow up for you. Nobody can search for you. No one can do what you should do for yourself. Existence does not admit representatives. (Jorge Bucay)

The pendulum of the mind ranges between meaning and nonsense, not between good and evil.(C. G. Jung)

Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom implies responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility. (S. Freud)

The act of disobedience, as an act of freedom, is the beginning of reason. (AND. Fromm)

What are we, what is each of us but a combinator of experiences, information, readings, imaginations? Each life is an encyclopedia, a library, a sample of styles where everything can be mixed continuously and rearrange in all possible ways. (Italo Calvino)

If a person loves only one person and is indifferent to all others, his love is not love, but a symbiotic attachment or expanded selfishness. (Erich Fromm)

Most social acts must be understood in context, since they lose meaning if they are isolated. (Solomon Asch)

The authentic problem is not whether the machines think, but if men do. (B. F. SKINNER)

The analyst is not the one who knows, who knows is the analyzer. (J. Lacan)

A person, discovering that he is loved for being as he is, not for what he intends to be, he will feel that he deserves respect and love. (C. Rogers)

Knowing your own darkness is the best method to deal with the darkness of other people. (Carl Gustav Jung)

There are two ways to be happy in this life: one is to get the idiot and the other. (Sigmund Freud)

The world is in a deep crisis because we do not have an education for consciousness. (Claudio Naranjo)

The task that we must establish for ourselves is not to be safe, but to be able to tolerate insecurity. (AND. Fromm)

Success requires persistence, the ability not to surrender in the face of failure. I think the optimistic style is the key to persistence. (M. Seligman)

Psychology, unlike chemistry, algebra or literature, is a manual for your own mind. It is a guide for life. (D. Goldstein)

There is nothing more terrible than ignorance in action. Believing a thing based on insufficient evidence is always an error, everywhere they are in question. People who believe in absurds will commit atrocities. (Hans Jürgen Eysenck)

The first virtue of knowledge is the ability to face what is not evident. (Jacques Lacan)

The interpretation of sleep is the royal route towards the knowledge of the unconscious. (S. Freud)

Much of what surrounds me is absurd, but we surely give that name what we do not know yet. (Julio Cortazar)

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; If any reaction occurs, both are transformed. (Carl Jung)

Weak wills translate into speeches; The strong, in acts. (G. Le bon)

Creativity requires having the courage to get rid of certainties. (AND. Fromm)

Never think that you know everything. As high as I values, always have the courage to tell yourself: I am ignorant. (YO. Pavlov)

Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do. (J. Piaget)

We cannot assume that our judgments are a good set of solidly structured blocks, on which to base our decisions, because the judgments themselves can be defective. (D. Kahneman)

Creative people who cannot stop exploring other mental territories are at greater risk, it is like someone who uploads a mountain, is more risk than someone who simply walks along a lane in the village. (Ronald Laing)

Although it is common sense to think that there is common sense, the truth is rather that each person believes that their particular sense is common sense. (P. Rockrose)

Let's teach to forgive; But let's also teach not to offend. It would be more efficient. (José Engineers)

Secretism, censorship, lack of honesty and communication blockage threaten all basic needs. (TO. Maslow)

Education is what survives when you have forgotten what you have learned. (B. F. SKINNER)

Desire is never fully satisfied. (Jacques Lacan)

The shoe that goes well for one person is narrow for another: there is no recipe for life that goes well for everyone. (C. Jung)

The probabilities of survival would be frankly small if we could only learn from the consequences of the essay and error. Children are not taught to swim, young people to drive and medical students to operate by de-discovering the necessary behavior in each case from the consequences of their successes and failures. (TO. Bandura)

It is unfortunate that the vast majority of human beings were born as an original being and dies as a copy. (Carl Jung)

We have a fantastic positive capacity, but we are also able to do terrible things. We are able to torture other people, to kill them. All this is inherent in the human being, it is not that some of us are good and other bad people. (Antonio Damasio)

Our scars are often the opening towards our best and most beautiful parts. (David Richo)

If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat each problem as if it were a nail. (TO. Maslow)

Who gets angry, dominates you. (Pedro Jara)

Psychological health is impossible, unless the essentials of the person is fundamentally accepted, loved and respected by others and by herself. (TO. Maslow)

I know who are really. Discover your talents and your purpose in life. This will lead you to do what you love and because you do things with love, you will get what you need. (AND. Fromm)

Anyone who wakes behaved as he did in dreams would be taken by crazy. (S. Freud)

If you suppose there is no hope, then you guarantee that there will be no hope. If you suppose there is an instinct towards freedom, then there are opportunities to change things. (N. Chomsky)

Every human being has a unique combination of intelligence. This is the fundamental educational challenge. (H. Gardner)

Before wanting to change the child, we would have to want to change. (C. Jung)

Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have enough integrity so as not to fear death. (AND. Erikson)

A need can only be really satisfied through a certain adaptation to reality. (L. Vygotsky)

One owns what is silent and slave to what he speaks. (S. Freud)

Using psychology to sauce our spiritual needs is to ask psychology to take care of what as science does not know and does not handle. (J. Bucay)

Psychology cannot tell people how their lives should live. However, it can provide meaning for effective personal and social change. (TO. Bandura)

Each act of conscious learning requires the will to suffer an injury to self -esteem. That is why children learn so fast before being aware of their own importance. (Thomas Szasz)

When I look at the world I am pessimistic, but when I look at people I am optimistic. (Carl Rogers).

We continue continuously with great opportunities that are brilliantly masked with irresoluble problems. (Margaret Mead).

Follow your heart but take your brain with you. (Alfred Adler).

Psychology helps to measure the probability that an objective is attainable. (Edward Thorndike).

Any failure we can suffer in life, we can make it a small success if we follow the right path. Keep walking. (Michelangelo Saez).

When writing is good, a book becomes a mirror. The reader will find a strange familiarity and will respond accordingly. (Jen Knox).

Realizing that our actions, feelings and behaviors are the result of our own mental images and beliefs, does not give the level that psychology has always needed for personality change. (Maxwell Maltz).

Social psychology is especially interested in the effect that the social group has on the determination of the individual's experience and behavior. (George Herbert)

Emotions not expressed never die. They are buried alive and come out later in uglier ways. (Sigmund Freud)

Men build society and society build men. (B. F. SKINNER)

What people feel is as important as what they do. (B. F. SKINNER)

Intelligence is the ability to take and maintain a certain direction, adapt to new situations and have the ability to criticize their own acts. (TO. Binet)

If we stop to think about reality, we realize that, many times, we exaggerate the relevance of adversities. (TO. Santandreu)

People who believe they have the power to exercise a certain degree of control over their lives are healthier, more effective and more successful than those who have no faith in their ability to make changes in their lives. (TO. Bandura)

Hope is the most indispensable virtue inherent in the condition of being alive. (AND. Erikson)

Life does not make sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we find ourselves, the better for all of us. (AND. Erikson)

When we must make a choice and we do not, this is already an choice. (W. James)

Whenever you are in a conflict with someone, there is a factor that can make a difference between damaging the relationship or reinforcing it. That factor is the attitude. (W. James)

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes. (W. James)

You cannot unleash a knot without knowing how it is done. (Ariatotle)

The wise does not say everything he thinks, but always thinks everything he says. (Ariatotle)

Life itself remains a very effective therapist. (Karen Horney)

True intelligence consists in discovering the intelligence of others. (R. Descartes)

When someone has offended me I try to raise my very high soul, so that the offense does not reach it. (R. Descartes)

If the tallest objective of a captain was preserving his ship, he would keep him in the port forever. (Saint Thomas of Aquino)

The first step of wisdom is to blame everything; The last reconcile with everything. (G. Lichtenberg)

It is very likely that the best decisions are not the result of a reflection of the brain but of the result of an emotion. (AND. Punset)

Choose a route, not a routine. (L. Martin)

Time does not cure everything, but it does displace the incurable of the Center for Care. (L. Martin)

Intense negative emotions absorb all the individual's attention, hindering any attempt to attend to something else. (D. Goleman)

No one can convince another to change. Each of us custody the door of change that can only be opened from within.

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