100 phrases about fortune

100 phrases about fortune

They say that Luck or fortune is a streak of favorable events that attract positive things to a person, while bad luck, on the contrary, attracts negative things.

The most superstitious beliefs claim that good or bad fortune depends on external forces that can be attracted by doing certain actions, such as not going under the stairs or finding a four -leaf clover, etc. It is also believed that there are people with better innate luck than others, favored by the destiny that accumulate more success in equal conditions or that they are favorable chance more often.

Psychology has shown that many of the events that are labeled as fortunate come from self-confidence, a positive thought generates concrete expectations that increase the effort to achieve a goal, while Despair increases the risk of bad luck. Optimism, then, would be an ally of luck, to increase the subject's task to achieve positive conditions.

Below you will find our compilation of famous phrases and quotes, inspired and wise about fortune.

Famous phrases about luck and fortune

It is crazy to make fortune the owner of the events, because she herself is nothing and is governed by prudence. John Dryden

When fortune knocks on your door, offer a chair. Yiddish

Mainly, a man's fortune mold is in his own hands. Francis Bacon

No one is totally satisfied with his fortune, nor totally dissatisfied with his intellect. Antoinette Deshoulieres

Fortune does not change much to men, but unmasks them.

A great fortune is a great slavery. Seneca

Fortune and misfortune are two cubes in the same well. German proverb

Fortune sells its goods; She never gives you. One way or another, we pay your favors, or we are empty. Amelia e. Barr

The fortune of any man can be an end worthy of his being. Francis Bacon

Change yourself and fortune will change.

Good things come when you least expect it.

It is easier to find fortune than to stop it, as is easier to gain the alien than keep it. Francisco de Quevedo

Do not look more wealth, but a simpler pleasure; Not a superior fortune, but a deeper happiness. Mahatma Gandhi

Your life will not be better than the plans you make and the action you take. You are the architect and builder of your own life, fortune and destiny. Alfred a. MONTOpert

Fortune becomes a friend of the bold. Emily Dickinson

The brave man sculpts his fortune and every man is the son of his own works. Miguel de Cervantes

The origin of all great fortunes is the lack of delicacy. Jacinto Benavente

Fortune favors the prepared mind. Luis Pasteur

Fortune hits each man's door once in a lifetime, but in many cases man is in a neighbor hall and hey hey. Mark Twain

When fortune turns against you, even the jelly breaks your teeth. Iranian proverb

Most of us have the good or bad fortune to see that our lives crumble so slowly that we barely realize. Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Diligence is the mother of good fortune. Benjamin Disraeli

Fortune Day is like a harvest day. We must take care when corn is mature. Goethe

Live as a brave man; And if fortune is adverse, face his blows with a strong heart. Marcus Tullius Cicero

One of the safer and more generous joys of life comes from being happy for the good fortune of others. Robert a. Heinlein

Nothing will drown both your human evolution and fame and fortune. Patti Smith

We may miss wealth, but the greatest fortune is what resides in our hearts. Dean Koontz

We always take credit for the good and attribute the bad to fortune. Charles Kuralt

It is crazy to make fortune the owner of the events, because she herself is nothing and is governed by prudence. John Dryden

To attract good fortune, spend a new penny on an old friend, share an old pleasure with a new friend and raise the heart of a true friend writing his name on the wings of a dragon. Proverb

Formal education will make you live; Self -educational will give you fortune. Jim Rohn

The less we deserve good fortune, the more we expect it. Seneca

The arms of fortune are not long. They usually rely on who is closest to her. Seneca

The greatest evil that fortune can inflict men is to provide them with small talents and great ambition. Clapiers Luc

Whatever happens, all bad fortune must be conquered by resistance. Virgil

Diligence is the mother of good fortune, and idleness, her opposite, never led a man to the goal of any of her best wishes. Miguel de Cervantes

Fortuna cookies are a good idea. If the message is positive, you can make your day a little better. Yao Ming

No man wet the clay and then left her to his fate, as if the bricks appeared by chance. Plutarch

Fortune is the wand of the weak and the rod of the brave. James Russell Lowell

There is, in the worst possibilities, the best possibility of happy change. Euripides

He only has the right to complain about an undeserved misfortune, the one who is not willing to accept the undeserved fortune. Ivan Panin

Fortune brings ships that are not directed. William Shakespeare

A wise man turns chance into good luck. Thomas Fuller

Fortune is not only blind, but also obfuscated and blind. Marco Tulio Cicero

We cannot attribute to fortune or virtue what is achieved without either thing. Niccolo Machiavelli

Very few rejoice with the good luck of a friend. Aeschylus

Fortune, the great authority of the world, has various ways to advance their followers: some give honor without deserving it; To others, wealth without honor. Some have some ingenuity and some wealth, others, ingenuity without wealth. Some give wealth without ingenuity; To others neither ingenuity nor wealth. George Chapman

Each man is the architect of his own fortune. Sallust

Fame and fortune are as difficult to find as lightning. Pn Elrod

Those who have prospered and benefited from the Life Lottery, have the moral obligation to share their good fortune. Dick Gephardt

Fortune and love favor the brave. Ovid

Fortune is like glass: the more intense the brightness is, the more easily it breaks. Publilius Syru

Money is often a matter of luck or good fortune and not the mark of a successful life. Charles m. Schwab

There are good and bad times, but our mood changes more often than our fortune. Thomas Carlyle

Do not be surprised at the turns and turns of fortune: that wheel has spun a thousand threads before. Hafez

Fortunes are extracted from smaller things.

The basis of success in life is good health: that is the basis of fortune; It is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a great fortune when he is sick. PT Barnum

A word is enough to make or undo the fortune of a man. Sophocles

I don't take anything from my tribe, I am the creator of my own fortune. Tecumseh

Every trip has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, you can learn to improve yours. And if fortune takes it to the worst, you can learn to enjoy it. Samuel Johnson

When the fortune arrives, he firmly lie, because he is bald behind. Leonardo da Vinci

We should enjoy good fortune while we have it, like autumn fruits. Epictetus

Good and bad fortune reach all things equally in this world. Moasi

If the fortune of a man does not go, it is like a shoe; If it is too big, it makes it jump, if it is too small squeezes it. HORACE

It is useless to complain about fortune while we fail in politics and behavior. Norman Macdonald

Fortune can flatter us, but she herself should not feel flattered. Edward Counsel

The moderation of people on prosperity is the effect of a gentle and serene temperament, due to the tranquility of their good fortune. François de la Rochefaucauld

Innocence is more often a good fortune and not a virtue. Anatole France

Fortune is a great fake. She sells very expensive things that seem to give us. Vincent Voiture

Fortune never seems so blind to anyone as for those she does not grant favors. François de la Rochefaucauld

Fortune has something of the nature of a woman. If they court her too intensely, she usually goes further. Charles v.

It carries the greatest fortune as if you did not deserve it. Edward Counsel

If a man looks acutely and carefully, he will see fortune; Because although it is blind, it is not invisible. Francis Bacon

If we are blessed with a great reward, such as fame or fortune, it is the fruit of a seed planted by us in the past. Bodhidharma

It is not happy that to whom fortune cannot give more, but the one to whom he cannot remove anything. Francisco de Quevedo

They say fortune is a woman and capricious. But sometimes she is a good woman and gives those who deserve. George Eliot

The young without pretensions seeking instruction with humility win. Joseph Addison

Fortune favors are very often like rays, which kill. Edward Counsel

I only look negative for the lucky ones. That is because I show the least fortunate that they are not so unfortunate, after all. Cross Jami

There is a door through which good or bad fortune can enter, but you have the key. Japanese proverb

Fortune makes many loans, but does not give gifts. Publilius Syrus

The path of fortune is like the Milky Way in Heaven; It consists of a large number of smaller stars that cannot be seen separately, but give light together; Therefore, it is a number of small and scarce virtues, or rather faculties and customs, which make men lucky. Francis Bacon

You leave home to look for fortune and, when you get it, you are going home and share it with your family. Anita Baker

Only the man who does not need it is suitable for inheriting wealth, the man who would make his fortune regardless of where he began. Ayn Rand

No matter what your list of requirements to choose a partner, there must be an element of good luck, good fortune and a good time. Patty Duke

I have seen the smile of the seductive fortune, I have felt all his favors and I found his decline. Alison Cockburn

Behind every great fortune is a great crime. Balzac honor

Human happiness occurs not so much for great blows of good fortune, which rarely happen, but for small things that happen every day. Benjamin Franklin

If the work is poor, the public's taste will soon do justice. And the author, without harvesting glory or fortune, will learn for the hard experience how to correct their mistakes. Jacques-Louis David

Summarize at night what you have done during the day. George Herbert

There is often a poison in the gifts of fortune. Edward Counsel

There is no man whom fortune will not visit him ever in life. Montesquieu

I often think how unfair the good luck of life is distributed. Leo Tolstay

Fortune hits once, but misfortune has much more patience. Laurence J. Peter

No one is truly free, he is a slave to wealth, fortune, law or other people who prevent them from acting according to their will. Euripides

Fortune rarely accompanies anyone at the door. Goethe

I must say that fortune is a perverse witch until she kisses me on the lips. Abraham Miller

We should administer our fortune in the same way that we do it with our health: enjoy it when it is good, be patient when it is bad and never apply violent remedies, except in an extreme need. François de la Rochefaucauld

We make a goddess of fortune ... and we place it at the top of heaven. But it is not fortune that is powerful, but ourselves that we are abject and weak. Charles Caleb Colton

This is a dream too; Only he has fallen asleep, while you have awakened; And who knows who of you is the luckiest? Alexandre Dumas