100 phrases about disappointment and disappointment

100 phrases about disappointment and disappointment

The disappointment and disappointment are one of the most uncomfortable feelings that exist. Are those unpleasant experiences that any of us has suffered at some point in his life. They are also something complex, because they nourish a subset of other emotions such as anger, pain, sadness and probably many others too subtle to identify them.

Sometimes, those emotions for themselves are easier to treat, but disappointment often seems to take a dead end. The key is to know what we do with her and how we handle it. Can we turn disappointment into something positive?

Here are some quotes on disappointment and how to handle it.

The best quotes on disappointment

The size of your success is measured by the force of your desire; the size of your dream; And how do you handle disappointment along the way. Robert Kiyosaki

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. Martin Luther King

The disappointment is only the action of your brain by resetting reality after discovering that things are not how you thought they were. Brad Warner

Most things disappoint until you look more deeply. Graham Greene

The disappointment is a disease that begins with discomfort in your heart and spreads to those around you.

Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the person who thought you would never hurt you.

The expectation is the root of all anguish. William Shakespeare

I do not hate you. I am disappointed that you have turned everything you said that you would never be.

The disappointment is really just a term for our refusal to look to the positive side. Richelle e. Goodrich

It hurts to let it go, but sometimes it hurts more cling.

I'm sad, wounded, angry, angry, disappointed. But you know what? I'm going to put a happy face and move on. It hurts, but I'm going to survive.

Do not allow today's disappointments to put a shadow in your dreams of tomorrow.

You will really end up disappointed if you think that people will do for you the same as you for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you.

It is surprising how fast your mood can change, how deep your heart can sink and how much a person can affect you.

Things are as they are, we suffer because we imagine them different.

Generally, when you disappoint, you become stronger. David Rudisha

It was one of those occasions when you feel a sense of loss, even if you had nothing at first. I suppose that is disappointment: a feeling of loss for something you have never had. Deb Caletti, the nature of Jade

I hope, but never wait. Look forward, don't wait.

One of the worst feelings of the world is having to doubt something you thought it was unquestionable.

The disappointment is the nurse of wisdom. Sir Bayle Roche

Assuming is the root of all disappointments. Rogienel Reyes

The best success of one comes after its greatest disappointments. Henry Ward Beecher

After so many disappointments, you begin to lose hope in everything.

It's sad when you realize that you're not so important for someone as you thought you were.

When you have high expectations, you are preparing for disappointment. Ryan Reynolds

The disappointments are just God's way of saying 'I have something better'. Be patient, live life, have faith.

Each pain makes you stronger, every smarter betrayal, every more skilled disappointment and every wisest experience.

Sometimes you don't need to hear excuses or what the other has to say, because their actions already say enough truth.

I give and give, even when I do not receive anything, and that prepares me for disappointment. Angie Stone

Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do a lot for them.

There can be no deep disappointment where there is no deep love. Martin Luther King

Sometimes we create our own broken heart through expectations.

Perfectionism is rarely engendered perfection or satisfaction, only disappointment. Ryan Holiday

The disappointment is a kind of bankruptcy: the bankruptcy of a soul that spends too much on hope and expectation. Eric Hoffer

There are so many occasions when you allow someone to disappoint you before you don't tolerate disappointment anymore ... when things go wrong between two people, someone has to give in. You get to the point where you get tired of being the only one who tries to fix things, not to give up, and then you realize that you have enough. You have to do what is correct for you, even if it hurts. Brigitte Nicole

Disappointing is like to ruin. You invest so much in something and you ended with nothing for your problems.

The sudden disappointment of a hope leaves a scar that the final fulfillment of that hope never completely eliminates. Thomas Hardy

Appointments about disappointment to give you hope

You can't disappoint for something that does not exist.

Understanding is the key to overcoming disappointment.

You never trust a person who has disappointed you more than twice. Once it was a warning, it was a lesson twice, and anything more than that is simply to stop.

The disappointments are not destined to destroy you; They are intended to strengthen you.

Nothing bothers me more than when someone expects you to be well with something that would not be fine if you did.

If I meet a disappointment, as soon as possible, the more life I will have to overcome it. Thomas Jefferson

Let me tell you this: if you find a loner, no matter what they tell you, it is not because you enjoy loneliness. It is because he has tried to mix with the world before, and people continue to disappoint him.

If you have no expectations, you will never have disappointments.

Be careful with revolting in disappointment, because it is in this state that depression drags you from behind.

Don't make someone wait for a decision. Waiting is a more cruel destination than being disappointed.

The disappointment is preferable to remain in suspense because it is the beginning of healing.

There is no hurry to achieve success. Do not disappoint because you have not yet reached your potential.

One suffers from disappointment, which means that, like every pain, it can be cured.

When someone disappoints you, there is nothing that can be done more to accept it.

Once I could not feel the real disappointment until the end, and even then, it was just another beginning.

The disappointment has no place in a heart full of gratitude.

Lording is the bed partner of the disappointment and it is a lethal combination.

As a mortal wound, overcoming a disappointment will make you stronger.

Sometimes, when something you dreamed of does not happen, a sigh of relief is better than gloating in disappointment.

Children will always be a disappointment for parents who are never satisfied, not even get themselves.

Disappointment is a small sign that leads you to a path of personal improvement.

Only the fear of disappointment will prevent one from following its goals.

The disappointment is an ominous cloud of doubt and fear that must be overcome at all costs.

That you do not care about the expectations that others put on you, because their disappointment will unfairly weigh you.

The disappointment is a moving sand of unreality that does not sink until you have been absorbed.

We can be disappointed with the world, but it is no use since the world will turn even though we do not move.

When you work so hard and return you so little, it is an overwhelming disappointment that must be filed so that life continues.

Parents should teach children how to face disappointment and stress. I think the world would be better full of happy and functional people.

When hope dies suddenly, leaves a scar and a sharp disappointment pain.

Do your best and look for stars. But do not try to reach them without stretching or you will disappoint.

If you expect the unexpected all the time, nothing will disappoint you.

The disappointment is a terrible sensation in which your entrails twist so much that there is no medicine, but time can heal you.

Every time you suffer a setback or a disappointment, lower your head and go on. Les Brown

How do you deal with disappointment? How do you deal with a monster that holds a hammer and is destroying your glass heart in pieces?

A perfect life is to have expectations without disappointment.

Sometimes we love our children too much and try to protect them from all wounds in the world, including disappointment. This is often a disappointment in itself.

The disappointments are everyday cuts that must be treated or else death will come from the profuse bleeding of the soul.

Life is full of pain and pleasure, and between the two, there is disappointment and ecstasy.

A true friend will hear your disappointments, he will say "I told you" and will help you go back.

You must, for the sake of your sanity, transcend the disappointment.

The disappointment is an infectious disease that eliminates the joy of your soul and the smile of your heart.

At the end of a loving adventure or work, check how deep is your disappointment and be happy. Because if it is deep, it means that you have invested too much, but if it is shallow, you can easily advance.

Hope and expectations are different names for the first part of the way to disappointment.

Never stop walking towards your dreams. If there is any disappointment on the road, use it to build a more solid base.

It is our destiny in life to be disappointed. The human mind is so vast and full of imagination that real life will never live up to their expectations.

Marriages that end up disappointing when other expectations are not put on the table.

The disappointment is a troll that follows you around the house, disrupting the things you had put in order, changing the things you need around you and, in general, breaking into your life. The best way to get rid of this plague is to face it in the face and tell him to leave before he multiplies.

Children are often disappointed with their fate in life and suffer the injustice of living when they did not ask to be born.

When you suffer a disappointment, take the time necessary to heal the wounds. You can continue, surely, but not without the strength necessary to succeed.

Growing is a disappointment, getting the best out of it is maturity.

Laughter is a cure for bitter disappointments in life. When you are sad, look for laughter to relieve pain.

Beauty can cause disappointment because if there is no substance below, the image becomes nothing more than an empty image.

Greet the disappointment with joy. There is nothing like a spring in your step to get the ugly gloom.

Don't believe others when they say they love you. If you do not see the actions with your own eyes, you will experience disappointment.

I choose to live without hope to protect myself from disappointment. It is very effective! Spencer Kayden

Friends who tell you that you cannot be a disappointment and must be kept away, since they are not friends, but doubts in human form.

If your purpose is just to look, but never act, this is a path that will lead to disappointment.

You really can't disappoint yourself. You can do stupid things that can lead you to bad consequences, but knowing that you are who you can relieve pain.

Choosing a path to continue and get lost in it is common in people. Do not disappoint with your human fragility.

It is the fear of causing disappointments that leads us to them. Such is the irony of life.

You can hate life and end it, but it is a fear underlying disappointment that drives you to do so. Find the light in your soul to free you from this prison.

We feel relieved and at the same time disappointed when someone sees through our facade and discovers us.

It is a gift when someone shares your disappointment. Often, the mere listens of the problems themselves is sufficient to dissipate them.

We are our own sculptors. We chisely to create the work of our life, but we feel disappointed when a part is not done correctly. Remember, it is a job in progress, there is still much to do.