100 phrases by Robert Kiyosaki about being rich

100 phrases by Robert Kiyosaki about being rich

Robert Kiyosaki's phrases are very inspiring, especially for those who want to succeed and be rich.

It is not a secret to anyone that most people dream of being millionaire, being successful and fulfilling their goals.

And no one better than Robert Kiyosaki to teach what his formulas have been, as he is an author about success and finance that has driven the lives of millions of people.

Next, we will share some phrases by Robert Kiyosaki about being rich and successful so you can use them as a guide and feel greater motivation.

Robert Kiyosaki phrases

Among Robert Kiyosaki's best phrases are the following:

I was not born as a natural entrepreneur. I had to train.

The world's most destructive word is "tomorrow".

Wait consume your energy. Act creates energy.

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.

The winners are not afraid of losing, the losers do have it. Failing is part of the success process. People who avoid failure also avoid success.

The fear of being different makes many people not look for new ways to solve their problems.

The moment you decide to create a passive income portfolio, your life changes.

It's easy to stay as you are, but it's not easy to change. Many people choose to stay the same all their life.

The love of money is not bad. The bad is the lack of money.

Passion is the beginning of success.

A winning strategy must include losing.

Find the game in which you can win and compromise your life in playing it; Play to win.

You are only poor if you give up. The most important thing is that you did something. Most people only speak and dream of getting rich. You have done something.

The rich focus on their asset column, while everyone else focuses on their income column.

When you get to the border of what you know, it is time to make some mistakes.

They get up every day and go to work for money, without taking the time to wonder: Is there another way?.

I am worried about people who focus only on money and not on their biggest wealth, which is their education.

Few people realize that luck is created.

When it comes to money, the most important ability that people should know is to work hard.

There are no errors in life, only learning opportunities.

If you want to be a leader, you need to be a master of words.

Criticisms only make you stronger. You have to see what they tell you as feedback. Sometimes feedback helps, and other times, it is only sound that you can be a distraction.

The problem with the school is that they give you the answer and then give you the exam. Life is not so.

You have a life. Live in a way that inspires someone else.

A plan is a bridge towards your dreams. Your job is to do the real plan or bridge, so that your dreams come true. If all you do is stay in the bank dreaming with the other side, your dreams will be only dreams forever.

The difference between the rich and the poor is this: the rich invests his money and spends what remains. The poor spend his money and invest what remains.

Focus, follow a course until success.

Business and investment are a team sport.

Talking is cheap. The actions speak more than the words.

Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.

Within each of us there is a David and a Goliath.

When people are lame, they love to blame.

Everyone can identify a risk. An entrepreneur can see the reward.

Your decisions seal your destiny.

Trust comes from discipline and training.

If your mind is open to opposite ideas, your intelligence will grow.

If you still do what mom and dad told you to do, you are losing.

An intelligent person hires smarter people than herself.

We only memorize historical dates and names, not the lesson.

Successful people ask questions. They look for new teachers. They are always learning.

If you want to achieve financial freedom you have to become a person different from what you are now and let go of what has been retaining in the past.

The most important asset we have in our mind. If you are well trained, you can create large amounts of wealth in what seems like an instant.

The more a person seeks security, the more he renounces control of his life.

The most successful people are the nonconformists who are not afraid to ask “why?"When everyone thinks it is obvious.

Most people would prefer to live within their media than expand their means.

Education gives us the power to convert information into meaning.

I prefer to welcome the change than hold on to the past.

Discover where you are, where are you going and build a plan to get there.

Tomorrow only exists in the minds of dreamers and losers.

I had two parents, a rich and poor one. Both men were strong, charismatic and influential.

Start small and dream big.

There is a difference between being poor and being broken. Being broken is temporary, being poor is eternal.

Your education begins when you leave school. Not when you are in it.

What most people do not understand when they become an entrepreneur is that it never ends.

If you want to change your life, start changing your words. Start saying the words of your dreams, who wants to be; Not the words of fear and failure.

You will often discover that it is not a mother or dad, husband or wife, or the children who stops him. It's you. Salt from your own way.

It is not what you tell others that determines your life; is what you whisper yourself what has more power!.

It is more important to increase your income than reduce your expenses. It is more important to grow your spirit and not cut your dreams.

It is easier to stay out, criticize and say why you should not do something. There is the majority.

Use your mind and your emotions in your favor; NO AGAINST.

Sometimes, what is fine at the beginning of your life is not at the end of your life.

Complaining about your current situation in life is of no use. Instead, stand up and do something to change it.

Losers leave when they fail. The winners fail until they win.

Everyone can be an entrepreneur, but few will be very rich entrepreneurs.

If you discover that you are caught in a hole on the earth, stop digging.

Face your fears and doubts, and new worlds will open to you.

Our minds are our great assets or our great liabilities.

Love of money is not the cause of all evil. The lack of money is the root of all evils.

Within each problem an opportunity is born.

To succeed in business and investments you have to be emotionally neutral to win and lose. Win and lose is only part of the game.

You are only poor if you give up.

The most important thing is that you did something. Most people only speak and dream of getting rich. You have done something.

The most difficult part of change is to go through the unknown.

In the real world, the smartest people are those who make mistakes and learn. In school, intelligent people are those who do not make mistakes.

In my opinion, one of the reasons why millions of people lose billions is that they invested their money, but they were not willing to invest their time.

Your decisions mark your destiny. Take the time necessary to make the right decisions. If you make a mistake, nothing happens; Learn from him and don't repeat it.

At the moment when money hits your hands, you have the power to determine your financial future.

The more I risk being rejected, the greater my chances of being accepted.

Sometimes you want, sometimes you learn.

Do what your heart tells you what is right because they will criticize you anyway.

The ability to sell is the number one skill in business. If you can't sell, don't bother to think about becoming an entrepreneur.

Often, the more money you win, the more money you spend. This is why more money will not make you rich, the assets do.

The rich focuses on its asset column, while everyone else focuses on their income columns.

It is easier to stay in the stands, criticize, and say what is wrong. The stands are full of people. Put to play.

Never say you can't pay anything. That is the attitude of a poor man. Ask yourself how to pay it.

You see your eyes, but the vision is in your mind.

One of the stupid things to do is pretend that you are intelligent. When you intend to be intelligent, you are at the top of stupidity.

Most people want everyone else in the world to change themselves. Let me tell you, it's easier for you to change than to change everyone else.

At school, we learn that mistakes are bad and we are punished for having committed them. However, if we look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn when making mistakes. We learn to walk falling. If we never fall, we never learn.

There are those who make things happen, there are those who see things that happen; And there are those who say “What happened?".

The power of "I can't": the word "I can't" weakens strong people; blind to the people who can see; It saddens happy people; Turn brave people into cowards; He steals his brilliance from geniuses; makes the rich think badly; and limits the achievements of that great person who lives within us.

People with little dreams continue to live as small people.

One of the best things to be willing to try new things and make mistakes, is that making mistakes keep you humble. Humble people learn more than arrogant people.

The lack of information does not stop us as much as the lack of trust.

If you think money will solve your problems, I'm afraid you'll have a bad way.

Skills make you rich; Not theories.

Education is cheap. The experience is expensive.

Intelligence solves problems and produces money. But money without financial intelligence is money that goes fast.

There is no need for money to make money.

Face your fears and doubts; and new worlds will open for you.

100 phrases for the soul to make your inner beauty shine

These are some of Robert Kiyosaki's phrases most significant and motivating. Currently, Kiyosaki is the majority shareholder of Cashflow Technologies, the corporation that possesses the licenses of the brand Padre Rico Poor Padre Padre. In addition, he has written twenty books and many of them with co -authorship with Donald Trump and Shanon L. Mishter.