100 phrases by Pablo Picasso about art and passion

100 phrases by Pablo Picasso about art and passion

Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973) was a famous Spanish painter and sculptor. He is considered one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century, and is known for having co-founded the Cubist movement Together with Georges Braque.

Among his most famous works are Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937), a dramatic representation of Guernica's bombing by the German and Italian Air Forces.

Picasso already demonstrated his enormous artistic talent in his early years, painting naturalistic during his childhood and adolescence. In the first decade of the twentieth century his style changed radically and began experimenting with different theories, techniques and ideas. After 1906, the work of the painter Henri Matisse motivated Picasso to explore more radical styles, thus beginning a fruitful rivalry between both artists, who were later matched by critics as the leaders of modern art.

Famous Quotations by Pablo Picasso

I'm always doing what I can't do, to learn to do it.

Every act of creation is first and foremost an act of destruction.

All you can imagine is real.

The meaning of life is finding your gift. The purpose of life is to give it.

Why do you try to understand art? Do you try to understand the song of a bird?

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to continue being an artist once it grows.

The main enemy of creativity is common sense.

It takes a long time to be young.

There is only one way of seeing things, until someone shows us how to look at them with different eyes.

Art is the lie that allows us to realize the truth.

Others have seen what they are and asked why. I have seen what it could be and I asked why not.

Only posts until tomorrow what you are willing to leave before dying.

Learn the rules as a professional, so you can break them as an artist.

Ah, good taste! What a terrible thing! Taste is the enemy of creativity.

Who thinks he can, and cannot who think he cannot. This is an inexorable and indisputable law.

There are painters that transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, with the help of their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun.

When I was a child, my mother told me: 'If you become a soldier, you will be general'. If you make a monk, you will be the Pope. Instead, I became a painter and ended like Picasso.

Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.

The bad artists copy. Good artists steal.

What do you think is an artist?… It is a political being, constantly aware of the heartbreaking, passionate or delightful things that happen in the world, fully molding in its image. The paint is not made to decorate apartments. It is a war instrument.

If I paint a wild horse, you may not see the horse ... but surely you will see the madness!

We artists are indestructible; Even in a prison or in a concentration camp, it would be almighty in my own art world, even if I had to paint my paintings with the wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell.

People want to find meaning in everything and in all. That is the disease of our times ..

If I don't have red, blue use.

I paint objects like I think, not as I see them.

When art critics gather, they speak of form and structure and meaning. When artists gather, they talk about where you can buy cheap treem.

I start with an idea and then it becomes something else.

What one does is what counts. It is not what one intended to do.

Give me a museum and I will fill it.

All art is erotic.

From time to time one paints an image that seems to have opened a door and serves as a springboard for other things.

Love is the best refreshment in life.

Go and do the things you can't. This is how you can do them.

Why two colors, put one next to the other? Can one really explain this? No. Just as one can never learn to paint.

Action is the fundamental key of all success.

All positive value has its price in negative terms ... Einstein's genius led Hiroshima.

Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.

You don't make art, you find it.

We do not age, we become more mature.

Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not melt in the bathroom.

The colors, with their characteristics, follow the changes of emotions.

The artist is a receptacle of emotions that come from everywhere: from the sky, from the earth, of a piece of paper, in a way that passes, of a spider web.

We all know that art is not true. Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth, at least, of the truth that is given to us to understand. The artist must know how to convince others of the veracity of his lies.

The first half of life is to learn to be an adult; The second half is learning to be a child.

Painting is just another way of carrying a diary.

Today's world makes no sense, so why should I paint the images that yes?

There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Then you can eliminate all the traces of reality.

Who correctly sees the human face: the photographer, the mirror or the painter?

Sex and art are the same.

You have to have an idea of ​​what you are going to do, but it should be a vague idea.

Without a great loneliness, no serious work is possible.

Painting is stronger than me, forces me to do it.

The people who make art their business are mostly impostors.

All have the same energy potential. The average person wasted theirs in a dozen small ways. I bring mine to have only one thing: my paintings, and everything else is sacrificed to that ... myself included.

Painting is a blind man profession. The painter does not paint what he sees, but what he feels.

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.

I do not search. Meeting.

The purpose of art is to wash the dust of the daily life of our souls.

Whatever the source of excite , as if there were razors on all surfaces so that no one could touch them without cutting their hands.

My hand tells me what I'm thinking.

The more technical you have, the less you will have to worry. The more technical there are, the less there are.

An idea is a starting point and nothing more. As soon as elaborate, it is transformed by thought.

You have to know how to be vulgar. Paint with four -letter words.

We have not learned anything in twelve thousand years. (When leaving the cave of Lascaux, France)

Matisse draws a copy of him. I copy it five times, ten times, always clarifying the line. He is convinced that the last one, the most stripped, is the best, the purest, definitive; And in fact, most of the time, it was the first. In drawing, nothing is better than the first attempt.

I don't want to be modern. I want to be eternal.

A piece of space dust falls into your head every day ... with each breath, we inhale a little of the history of our universe, the past and the future of our planet, the smells and stories of the world around us, even the seeds of life.

I would like to live as a poor man with a lot of money.

Imagination is real.

Copying others is necessary, but copying oneself is pathetic.

In art, intentions are not enough and, as we say in Spanish, love must be demonstrated by facts and not for reasons. What one does is what counts and not what one intended to do.

God is really just another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. It does not have a real style, just try other things.

When I was a child I drew like Miguel Ángel. It took me for years to draw as a child.

If we could take out our brain and use only our eyes ..

To draw, you must close your eyes and sing.

Art is never chaste. Innocent ignorant should be prohibited, they are never allowed to contact those who are not sufficiently prepared. Yes, art is dangerous. What is chaste, it's not art.

We constantly move the dust from one place to another, just to be replaced by more dust: entropy always wins.

Anything new, anything worth doing, cannot be recognized.

Why assume what to look at is see?

The people who read are people who dream.

Music and art are the lights that guide the world.

There is nothing more difficult than a line.

Academic beauty training is a farce. When we love a woman, we don't start measuring her legs.

Learn the rules as a professional, so you can break them as an artist.

Never allow a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can enjoy your free time. Look for a situation in which your work gives you as much happiness as your free time.

Everything exists in limited quantity, especially happiness.

Youth is not age.

Paradise is loving many things with passion.

Nature does many things in the way I do them, but she hides them!

Our objectives can only be achieved through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must believe fervently, and on which we must act vigorously. There is no other route to success.

What is more abstract is perhaps the summit of reality.

When it comes to that, all you have is your being. Your being is a sun with a thousand rays.

Having fun with all these games, all these nonsense, all these puzzles of images, I became famous ... I am only a public artist who has understood his time.

The photographers, together with the dentists, are the two professions that are never satisfied with what they do. Each dentist would like to be a doctor and within each photographer there is a painter who tries to leave.

Art is a finger in the ass of the bourgeoisie.

To bloom, a work of art must ignore or rather forget all the rules.

The manifestation takes place from the spirit. It does not take place since the form, from the physical world. You should know what will happen what you want to express.

When the German soldiers used to come to my studio and look at my photos of Guernica, they asked 'did this?'. And I would say, 'no, you did'.

Critical, mathematicians, scientists and entrometries want to classify everything, marking borders and limits ... in art, there is space for all possibilities.

Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror or the painter?