100 phrases of Jane Austen inspirational

100 phrases of Jane Austen inspirational

Jane Austen (1775 - 1817) She was a British writer of the Georgian era, known for her successful "sense and sensitivity" novels, "Pride and prejudice" and "Emma".

Austen's plots often explore women's dependence on marriage in the search for a favorable social position and economic security. His works criticize the novels of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to the literary realism of the nineteenth century. His use of the scathing of irony, along with his realism and social comments, have earned him the acclamation between critics and scholars.

Celebres de Jane Austen quotes

Look in your own heart because whoever looks outside, dreams, but who looks inside.

Our scars let us know that our past was real.

There is no charm equal to the tenderness of the heart.

A word of you will silence me forever.

Very often, nothing more than our own vanity deceives us.

The imagination of a lady is very fast; jumps out of admiration to love and love of marriage at one time.

You must be the best judge of your own happiness.

There is nothing that would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people halfway, it is not my nature.

I will be calm. I will own myself.

Perhaps it is our imperfections that make us so perfect for each other.

I am not humorous to write; I must write until I am.

Without music, life would be a blank space for me.

I don't think it is worth waiting to enjoy until there is a real opportunity for it.

You should know something about my philosophy. I think only of the past since your memory gives me pleasure.

I think I can boast of being, with all possible vanity, the most ignorant and unconscious woman who has dared to be an author.

And sometimes I have kept my feelings, because I could not find a language to describe them.

Self -knowledge is the first step towards maturity.

I want, like everyone else, be perfectly happy; But, like everyone else, it must be my way.

Finally they separated with mutual civism, and possibly with the mutual desire of never being again.

Rarely, very rarely, the complete truth belongs to any human revelation; It can rarely happen that something is not a little disguised, or a bit wrong.

Those who do not complain, never pity.

Wishing was waiting and waiting was waiting.

Nothing is more misleading than the appearance of humility. It is often just careless of opinion and sometimes an indirect boasting.

I must learn to be happy to be happier than I deserve.

His own thoughts and reflections were usually his best companions.

Every moment has its pleasures and hope.

How quickly come the reasons to approve what we like!

In nine out of ten cases, a woman should demonstrate more affection than she feels.

Angry people are not always wise.

I have always maintained the importance of aunts.

It is not time or opportunity that determines intimacy; It's just the disposition. Seven years would be insufficient for some people to know each other, and seven days are more than enough for others.

My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.

Know your own happiness. You want nothing more than patience, or give it a more fascinating name, call it hope.

But people themselves change so much, that something new is always observed in them.

I come here without expectations, just to profess, now that I am free to do it, that my heart is and will always be yours.

The distance is nothing when one has a reason.

Sometimes, the last person on the ground with whom you want to be is the only person who can't be without her.

What a terrible hot weather we have! It keeps me in a continuous state of inelecence.

No one, who has not been inside a family, can say what can be the difficulties of any individual in that family.

Half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.

The more I see the world, the more I am unsatisfied with him; And every day confirms my belief of the inconsistencies of all humans.

She was sensible and intelligent, but anxious in everything; His sorrows, his joys, could not have moderation.

Do not give way to the useless alarm; Although it is correct to be prepared for the worst, there is no reason to consider it true.

My heart is, and it will always be, yours.

Sit in the shade on a good day and look at the greenery is the most perfect soda.

There are as many forms of love as time in time.

Life seems to be a rapid succession of endless events.

They are worthy of compassion to those who have not been given the taste for nature at an early age.

I was quiet but it wasn't blind.

Sometimes it happens that a woman is more attractive at twenty -nine than ten years before.

I could have lost my heart, but not my self -control.

The style of a man should not be the rule of another.

Happiness in marriage is completely a matter of luck.

A living and comfortable mind, you can't see anything, you can't see anything you don't want.

If the adventures do not survate a young woman in her own village, she must look for them abroad.

No one can say what I suffer! But it is always like that. Those who do not complain never sorry.

The vanity that works in a weak head produces all kinds of mischief.

The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has no pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerately stupid.

The first moment I contemplated it, my heart disappeared irrevocably.

It is very difficult for the prosperous to be humble.

It is not the destination of all men to marry the woman who loves him better.

None of us want to be in calm waters throughout his life.

I spend too much time without looking for a good book, I feel that I have not done anything useful with my life.

After all, I declare that there is no pleasure like reading! How much before one tires of anything other than a book! When I have my own home, I will be miserable if I don't have an excellent library.

When the pain ends, the memory of that often becomes a pleasure.

The ways of a man can be as good as those of another, we all like the best of ourselves.

What is fine to do cannot be done too soon.

If a woman is partial to a man, and he does not strive to hide him, he must discover it.

If I could know your heart, everything would be easy.

Silly things stop being silly if they are made sensible people in an imprudent way.

The facts or opinions that have to go through the hands of so many, be misunderstood by madness in some and ignorance in others, can hardly be very truth.

Love is fire.

A vast business can be done by those who dare to act.

Nothing fun more than the ease with which everyone fixes the abundance of those who have much less than them.

He had a cheerful and playful disposition that delighted in anything ridiculous.

The more I see the world, the more I am unsatisfied with him.

Certainly there are not so many men of great fortune in the world, since there are many beautiful women who deserve them.

All men are surrounded by a neighborhood of volunteer spies.

Crazy things and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies divert me, I recognize it, and I laugh every time I can.

Selfishness must always be forgiven, you know, because there is no hope of a cure.

It is a universally recognized truth, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be lacking a wife.

There is stubbornness in me that can never stand being scared by the will of others. My value always rises in every attempt to intimidate me.

A man who has nothing to do with his own time, has no awareness in his intrusion over that of others.

It is not what we say or think what defines us, but what we do.

A woman, especially, if she has the misfortune of knowing something, must hide it as well as I can.

Then he left, to become even more interesting, in the middle of a heavy rain.

The more I know the world, the more I am convinced that I will never see a man whom I can really love.

Real and solemn history, they can not be interested ... the disputes of potatoes and kings, with wars and pestilences on each page; All men are so good at all, and almost no woman appears.

There are people who, the more you do for them, the less they will do for themselves.

His heart whispered that he had done it for her.

He is a gentleman, and I am the daughter of a gentleman. So far we are the same.

It is very unfair to judge the behavior of any body, without an intimate knowledge of its situation.

You do not love a place, except for having suffered in it, unless all suffering has been, nothing more than suffering.

I trust that the absolute have gradations.

He said he had no hope. But it was too late. Hope had already entered.

The worst crimes are the crimes of the heart

Why not take advantage of the pleasure at once? How many times happiness is destroyed with preparation, foolish preparation!

As a general rule I deduce that if a woman doubts whether or not she should accept a man, she should certainly reject it.

I am the happiest creature in the world. Maybe other people have said it before, but no one with such justice. I am even happier than Jane; She just smiles, I laugh.

Do not consider me now as an elegant woman who tries to infect you, but as a rational creature that tells the truth from her heart.

Everyone likes to follow their own path: choose their own time and devotion.