100 phrases of humility that will make you reflect

100 phrases of humility that will make you reflect

It is always important to keep in mind some phrases of humility to reflect on the way we move in the world.

Humility is considered as a virtue that consists in recognizing its own limitations and weaknesses, acting according to this knowledge.

The term comes from Latin Humile, So it could be considered that a person with humility lacks superb.

In this sense, these phrases of humility allow us to open the doors of reflection to know what our limits are.

Phrases of humility

These are some of the best phrases of humility with which we can reflect:

When you lose, don't say anything. And when you win even less. Be humble in your victories and elegant in your defeats. That others speak.

As long as there are windows, the most humble human being on Earth will have its share of freedom.

It is never lost time that is used in listening with humility things that are not understood.

I have learned that a man only has the right to look at another down, when he has to help him get up.

Accepting it simply is the best way to thank for a good favor received.

The bigger we are in humility, the closer we are from greatness.

There are great men who make everyone else feel small. But true greatness is to make everyone feel great.

The superb and greed are never still; The poor and the humble of spirit live in much peace.

The one who is loyal elevates his gaze with humility, and the one who is unfair, with pride.

It is imprudent to be too sure of one's wisdom. It is healthy to remember that the fort can weaken and the wise can err. - Mahatma Gandhi

It is better to have a modest origin and live satisfied among the humble, than to get in a splendid anger and cover a sadness of gold.

The principles to live well include the ability to face problems with courage, disappointments with joy and achievements with humility. - Thomas s. Monson

Humility is the only true wisdom that prepares us for all possible changes in life. - George Arliss

Power is dangerous unless you have humility. - Richard J. Daley

Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues. Confucius

Life is a great lesson in humility. - James m. Barrie

The best friend of truth is time, the greatest enemy prejudice and his constant partner humility. - Charles Caleb Colton

From patience and humility, the wise.

There is something in the humility that strangely exalts the heart. - San Agustin

Few are humble, because to be a self -esteem that few possess. - Robert Brault

Humility and knowledge in poor clothes exceed pride and ignorance in expensive costumes. - William Penn

Humility is to make a correct estimate of oneself. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon

The humility of the hypocrites is the greatest and the highest of the proud. - Martin Luther

A great man is always willing to be small. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Humility is nothing more than the truth, and pride is nothing more than the lie. - St. Vincent de Paul

Maybe in llaneza and humility, the most outstanding rejocijos usually hide. - Miguel de Cervantes

Humility is attentive patience. - Simone Weil

Self-reliance is incompatible with dialogue. Men who lack humility, or those who lose it, cannot approach the people. - Paulo Freire

Humility is not to deny your strength or get under others, it is to be honest about your weaknesses. - Rick Warren

In character, in the form, in style, in all things, supreme excellence is simplicity. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

If you are humble, it will be touched, neither praise nor misfortune, because you know what you are. - Mother Teresa of Calcutta

There is no respect for others without humility. - Henri Frederic Amiel

Humility is one of the most useful lessons that the past can give to the present. - Margaret Macmillan

To be humble, greatness is needed. - Ernesto Sábato

Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. - Malcolm s. Forbes

I think the first proof that a man is truly great is in his humility. - John Ruskin

Humility is the antechamber of all perfections. - Marcel Aymé

Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real. - Thomas Merton

Apocate is virtue, power and humility; Leaving apocar ​​is vileza and crime. - Francisco de Quevedo

No one is as empty as those who are full of themselves. - Benjamin Whichcote

Humility is such a practical virtue, that men appear that it must be a vice. - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

The most generous are usually the most humble. - Rene Descartes

When there is no humility, people degrade. - Christie Agatha

We are all apprentices of a trade where no one becomes a teacher. - Ernest Hemingway

There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. - Leon Tolstoy

One must be as humble as dust to discover the truth. - Mahatma Gandhi

We approach the greatest when we are great in humility. - Rabindranath Tagore

Have the humility to learn from those around you. - John c. Maxwell

Humility is not thinking less about yourself, it is thinking about yourself. - C. S. Lewis

The great lesson of life is knowing that even fools are correctly. - Winston s. Churchill

I want to live and die in the Army of the Humility, joining my prayers to theirs, with the Holy Freedom of the Obedient. - Miguel de Unamuno

Only humility knows how to appreciate and admire the good qualities of others. - Sri Chinmoy

Life is a long lesson of humility. - Sir James Matthew

Keep your eyes on the stars and feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

To get to the knowledge of the truth there are many paths: the first is humility, the second is humility and third, humility. - San Agustin

True humility consists of being satisfied. - Henry f. Amiel

Without humility there can be no humanity. - John Buchan

The secret of wisdom, power and knowledge is humility. - Ernest Hemingway

If we assume an attitude of humility, our qualities will grow. - Dalai Lama

Throughout my life, I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess that I have always found a healthy diet. - Winston s. Churchill

They are not the titles that honor men, but men honor their titles. - Nicolás Machiavelli

The firm, the fighter, the simple and the modest are close to virtue. - Confucius

Every person you know knows something that you don't know, learn from them. - H. Jackson Brown Jr

It is the best prayer that anyone could say. Express extreme gratitude, humility and understanding. - Alice Walker

The man who thinks he can live without others is wrong; The one who thinks that others can live without him is even more illusion. - Hasidic Saying

Humility must accompany all our actions, it must be with us everywhere; Because as soon as we glorify ourselves for our good works, the value of the progress of our virtue is lost. - San Agustin

A man does an immense good if he doesn't care who takes the credit. - Father Strickland

Humility is a necessary veil for all graces. - William Gurnall

Nothing is as low and vile as being haughty with the humble. - Seneca

Humility, as darkness reveals the celestial lights. - Henry David Thoreau

The great leaders do not need to make the hard. Their confidence and humility serve to underline their hardness. - Simon Sinek

Pride cares about who is right. Humility cares about what is correct. - Ezra Taft Benson

Real merit, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise. - Edward Frederick Halifax

It is good to remember that the entire population of the universe, with an insignificant exception, is composed of others. - Andrew J. Holmes

Humility is a great leadership quality that derives respect and not just fear or hate. - Yousef Munayyer

If you do not lift your eyes, you will believe that you are the highest point. - Antonio Porchia

It is great only the one that can do without applause and the favor of the crowd. - Richard Steele

Humility, that sweet root of which all celestial virtues grow. - Thomas Moore

Some people prefer to die in their pride, than to live in their humility. - Anthony Liccione

Pride must die in you or nothing celestial will grow in you. - Andrew Murray

You should not robe with anything you have done; You should follow and find something better to do. - David Packard

Talking a lot about oneself can also be a way of hiding oneself. - Friedrich Nietzsche

As nobody is able to know everything, there is no choice but to choose and accept with humility how much we ignore. - Fernando Sabater

The soul that is in love with God is a gentle, humble and patient soul. - San Juan de la Cruz

Humility, kindness and utility go much further and open doors that cannot be imagined. - Ann Tran

The autoeloges are for the losers. Be a winner. Believe in something. Always have class and be humble. - John Madden

I always say: Be humble but firm. Humility and openness are the key to success without compromising your beliefs. - George Hickenlooper

When science discovers the center of the universe, many people will bother to realize that they are not them. - Bernard Baily

Arrogance closes more doors than opens. Stay humble. - Toni Payne

The world tells us that we seek success, power and money; God tells us that we seek humility, service and love. - Pope Francis

Live with humility, learning from everyone and everything, because there will always be a better way to do things. - Miguel Ángel Cornejo

Be humble in your trust, but brave in your character. - Melanie Koulouris

The humble are always sure of themselves. - G.K. Chesterton

Being humble means that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others. - Gordon b. Fan

Even if you are the highest, have humility. - San Isidoro de Sevilla

The problem is that if an artist knows that he is a genius he does not work. The only solution is to work as a worker and not have delusions of greatness. - Pierre Auguste Renoir

The price to get out of depression is humility. - Bert Hellinger

Humility is to be aware of the insufficiency itself, but in no way implies being ignorant of personal value. - Walter Riso

Science is proud of how much you have learned; Wisdom is humble because it doesn't know more. - Willian Cowper

It is something healthy and necessary to look at the earth and, when contemplating its beauties, recognizing astonishment and humility. - Rachel l. Carson

Man grows when he kneels. - Alessandro Manzoni

101 Wonderful gratitude and gratitude phrases

These have been some of the most striking humility phrases that exist and that can teach us to be more humble in life.