100 trusted phrases and respect for oneself and others

100 trusted phrases and respect for oneself and others

You are looking for phrases about trust? Well, you couldn't have reached a better place. On this page we will present a good list of phrases about trust both in the sense of security in oneself and in the sense of trust in another person.

As you can see, these phrases about trust in oneself or others are the best way to understand what its importance is and why we should cultivate it more and better. We hope you like them and take them the most when you need it most.

Here are a few phrases that have to do with trust:

Phrases and quotes on trust and respect

None of us know what could happen even the next minute, but we move on. Because we trust. Because we have faith. Paulo Coelho

If people like you, they will listen to you, but if you trust you, they will do business with you. Zig Ziglar

It does not bother me that you have lied to me, it bothers me that from now on I can not believe you. Friedrich Nietzsche

Innocent's confidence is the most useful tool of the liar. Stephen King

Both trust and lack of trust are contagious.

The best way to know if you can trust someone is trusting. Ernest Hemingway

Trust is more important than money. If you have confidence, if you have credit, you don't need money.

Go with confidence in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. Henry David Thoreau

Some only have their word, but with that they are worth.

If you don't have confidence in yourself, don't worry. It is easy to grow it. All you have to do is behave as if you already had the trust you want to have.

Do not trust the people who tell you the secrets of other people. Dan Howell

The way to develop confidence in yourself is to do what you fear and keep a record of your successful experiences. William Jennings Bryan

Successful people are afraid and doubts, and also concerns. The difference is that they do not let those feelings stop them in achieving their goals.

20 years are needed to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. Warren Buffett

They can only make you feel inferior if you allow it.

The inability to open up to hope is what blocks trust, and blocked trust is the reason for ruined dreams. Elizabeth Gilbert

When trust is high, communication is easy, instant and effective. Stephen r. Covey

Love everyone, trust a few, do not do wrong to any. William Shakespeare

If you are able to look at the fear in the face, you will win in strength, courage and trust.

Better trust the man who is wrong whenever he never doubts. Eric Sevareid

Don't worry about what others think of you. After all, they barely do so.

Most good relationships are based on mutual trust and respect. Mona Sutphan

Having faith is trusting yourself when you are in the water. When you swim, you don't grab the water, because if you do you would sink and you would drown. Instead, you relax and fleet. Alan W. Watts

All the opinions that are accepted yesterday were considered eccentric. Therefore, do not feel bad if your ideas are not accepted.

The people who are trusting totally and fully will return that trust. Abraham Lincoln

The best way to increase your confidence in yourself is to keep a record every time you do something you fear and overcome the experience successfully.

It is mutual trust, rather than mutual interest, which keeps human groups together. H. L. Mencken

If you don't expect things from yourself it is impossible for you to do them.

Fortuna changes prove the reliability of friends. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Visualize yourself winning, and you will win.

I want strength, courage and trust in each experience in which you really stop to look at fear in the face. Eleanor Roosevelt

You can't be successful or happy if you don't have yourself confidence in oneself.

Learning to trust is one of the most difficult tasks in life. Isaac Watts

You never trust anyone, Daniel, especially the people you admire. Those are the ones that will make you suffer the worst blows. Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Trust is created when someone is vulnerable and does not take advantage of it. Bob Vanourek

If I think I can't do something, I will end up being unable to do it, even if it originated. If I think I can do something, I will end up being able to do it, even if it was initially incapable.

Age seems to be the best ally in four things; Old wood is the best to burn, old wine is the best to drink, old friends to trust and the old authors to read. Francis Bacon

I prefer to trust the instinct of a woman than in the reason of a man. Stanley Baldwin

Great men are not afraid of being small.

Optimism is faith that leads to success. Nothing can be done without hope and trust. Helen Keller

Be careful if the eyes of others are a prison for you. Be careful if what they think becomes your cage.

He who does not trust enough will not be worthy of trust. Lao Tzu

Without hope and trust there is nothing that can be done. Only optimism and self -confidence leads to achievements.

People who have trusted problems just need to look in the mirror. There they will meet the person who will betray them the most. Shannon l. Alder

The one who is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be reliable in important issues. Albert Einstein

Trust is like blood pressure. It is silent, vital for health, and if it abuses it it can be deadly. Frank Sonnenberg

In general, those who achieve success are those who did not know that failure is inevitable.

Live life as if no one was looking and express as if everyone was listening. Nelson Mandela

If there is a voice inside you that tells you "you can't do it", do it. Do it by all means, whatever it is. So that voice will be silenced.

Fulfill your promises and be consistent. Be the type of person in which others can trust. Roy t. Bennett

They may deceive you if you trust too much, but you will live in a torment unless you don't trust enough. Frank Crane

Love cannot live where there is no trust. Edith Hamilton

If you have confidence in yourself, you will have won before you start competing.

You are never alone if the person you are alone like.

Trust you, and you will know how to live. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Both being unfortunate and being strong, you will have to work.

You have to believe in yourself. If you do, a day will come when others will have no choice but to believe in you.

When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do surprising things. Joe Namath

Dedicate words that you would dedicate to who you love.

Consistency is the true basis of trust. Or keep your promises or not fulfill them. Roy t. Bennett

Do not try to replicate the personality of another person, even if it is successful. Always know yourself and have faith in yourself, and you will achieve success.

Trust is difficult to get. That is why my circle of friends is small and compact. I am very special when making new friends. Eminem

Trusting is difficult. Know who to trust, even more. Maria v. Snyder

I don't trust people who don't love each other and tell me 'I love you'. There is an African saying that says: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt. Maya Angelou

Trust your instinct until the end, even if you can't prove you right. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Remember that where your heart is, there you will find your treasure. Paulo Coelho

You have the right and duty to live the life you have imagined. Go with confidence after your dreams.

You must trust and believe in people, otherwise life becomes impossible. Anton Chekhov

You are forced to look for your happiness. Not doing so would be a betrayal of life.

After all, what does it mean to be in love if you can't trust a person? Evelyn Waugh

Your distrust worries me and your silence offends me. Miguel de Unamuno

Only those you trust can betray you. Terry Goodkind

It is not easy to give your loyalty to someone you do not know, especially when that person decides to reveal anything of himself. Megan Whatn Turner

Speak as if everyone was listening, and lives as if nobody looked. Do what your heart dictates.

Being reliable is a greater compliance than being loved. George Macdonald

If we can let it go and trust that things will work in the way they should do so, without trying to control the result, then we can start enjoying the most fully moment. The joy of freedom that brings becomes more pleasant than the experience itself. Goldie Hawn

Because you thought I was able to carry myself decently, I did it. Paulo Coelho

Trust is like a mirror, it can be fixed if it is broken, but you can still see the crack in that reflex son of a bitch.  Lady Gaga

It's okay to be afraid. Being afraid that you are about to do something really, really brave. Mandy Hale

Sharing a weakness is not to become vulnerable, it is to show you vulnerable, and show you vulnerable is to become strong.

Trust is the fruit of a relationship in which you know you are loved. William Paul Young

I care more what I am for myself than what I am for others.

It is more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them. Confucius

It is good to trust others, but not doing it is much better. Benito Mussolini

If you have a wrong mental attitude, nothing can help you. If you have a correct mental attitude, nothing can stop you.

Love and doubt have never been in good terms. Khalil Gibran

People believe that marking a very high objective and failing for little is failing, but they consider a success to achieve a very low achievement.

Your confident idiocy does not know limits. Cassandra Clare

Men can become what we want. All we have to do is think ourselves by doing it. And then, transfer it to the real world.

To be betrayal, there should be confidence first. Suzanne Collins

Before they listen to you, you have to listen to yourself.

Leadership requires five ingredients: intelligence, energy, determination, trust and ethics. The key challenge today is the exercise of the last two: trust and ethics. Fred Hilmer

Success without self -confidence is impossible. Self -confidence is impossible without preparation.

We are paying the highest tribute that a man can pay. We trust that he does the right. It's that easy. Harper Lee

The love of a dog is somewhat pure. He gives you confidence that is total. You should not betray it. Michel Houellebecq

You will break your promise. I understand. And I hold my hands on the ears of my heart, not to hate you. Catherynne m. Valente

Few delights can match the mere presence of someone we completely trust. George Macdonald

I never trust people without appetite. It's as if they were always hiding something.  Haruki Murakami

Realize that if a door closes, it is because what was behind was not for you. Mandy Hale

The glue that unites all relationships (including relationships between the leader and his flock) is trust, and trust is based on integrity. Brian Tracy

10 tips to improve confidence in yourself