100 phrases by Arturo Pérez Reverte

100 phrases by Arturo Pérez Reverte

Arturo Pérez Reverte's phrases are an invitation for many to reflect.

Therefore, we will present the best phrases of Arturo Pérez Reverte, a Spanish writer and journalist who has impacted many for his ability to write about different genres.

Arturo Pérez Reverte's phrases can also help a person do introspection exercises and initiate an internal dialogue.

Arturo Pérez Reverte phrases

He crossed the street when he understood that he did not mind getting to the other side.

He was not the most honest or the most pious man, but he was a brave man.

There are times that one is ashamed of being a man.

Everyone has the devil that deserves.

It is a serious mistake to look at the past with the eyes of the present.

Before infamy it is vile to remain silent, and it is worth rebeling and fighting it.

Proven for centuries: it is not the tyrants who make slaves, but the slaves who make tyrants.

History shows that the reason is who has the courage to sustain it.

The pleasant of the places where one arrives depends, especially, on the people who work there and give them character.

The heroes pass through our side without us repairing them. They sit on the terrace of a bar, are attached to the subway bar or make the tail in the unemployment office, like so many.

I believe in several things. That the best stab is given in the groin, from the bottom. In silent warriors and brave women. I believe in those who try to think like Greeks, fight like Trojans and die like Romans. I think we all die alone and blind. And that to do it with dignity, a long training is required. I believe in the old stones and in the dark paintings and in the reddish sunsets on the sea. And in young couples who kiss. And I believe in some other things that I will never tell you.

I always distrust who does not have (or says they don't have) enemies. Walking is choosing. Choosing is risking. Risking is fighting. Not having (officially) enemies require a lot of suction capacity. That also has its merit.

In the end one always defeats him. I think that defeat is something inherent to the human condition, to living and fighting. As much as Venzas, always in the end there is someone who defeats you, there is always a rocroi, no matter how much triumphs there is always an iceberg waiting for Titanic.

Without history there is no possibility of undertaking this. You can't move therefore, you can't act on it. Know the story, its analysis mechanisms, understanding, gives you the wisdom of the board.

History always has small changes, but the big lines always remain. Then, we see the same processes in the empires: civilizations of boom, exit, vigor, consolidation, decay, barbarians who arrive and act, of final destruction. It has happened a thousand times.

When they talk about celebrating the Bicentennial, I believe that more than celebrating they should commemorate with a funeral mass, because in 200 years there were a lot of hopes of freedom, progress and justice and those hopes still are still alive.

The money of the fools is the heritage of the ready.

Rebellion is the only refuge of intelligence against imbecility.

People move by hunger, the history of mankind makes hunger. In Spain there was a lot of misery and America presented itself as a world of opportunity. And you had to be very brave to embark towards an unknown world.

No one should leave without leaving a trout burning behind them.

It's nice to be happy, he thought. And without knowing it while you are.

The heroism of others always moves a barbarity.

Always distrust your Mercedes from whom he is a single book reader.

The man ... believes to be a woman's lover, when she is actually just her witness.

But time passes, and hard. And there is a time when everything stagnates. The days are stopped, hope fades ... that's when you become a real prisoner. Professional, to speak in some way. A patient prisoner.

I don't tolerate that. -Well, check your tolerance limits.

It is the doubt that keeps people young. Certainty is like an evil virus. Togogue of old age.

Well looked, the world has stopped thinking about death. Believing that we are not going to die makes us weak, and worse.

Thanks to you I can no longer believe in the certainties of those who have a house, a family, some friends.

There is nothing more despicable, or dangerous, than an evil one that goes to sleep every night with a quiet consciousness.

Dumbfounded in their little miseries, without seeing beyond. Without wishing the dawn of the ideas that free them ... oblivious to how much it is not to eat, drink, fight, sleep and procreate.

With Russians and with women you never know.

From time to time the human race needs to go to hell a while. Going well, and someone gives a little push to facilitate the trip.

I had learned that the bad was not the wait, but the things you imagine while waiting.

I think that in today's world the only possible freedom is indifference. That's why I will continue living with my saber and my horse.

A insightful woman, "she continues," guess the pedant in the third sentence, and she is able to see the talent of which is silent.

Greek philosophers were right to say that war was the mother of all things.

A woman is never just a woman, dear Max. It is also, and, above all, the men he had, what he has and that could have. None are explained without them.

Thus, after having had a good number of lovers, a woman must be considered lucky if she knows how to turn any of them, the smartest, a faithful and loyal friend.

Who is only interested in books does not need anyone, and that scares me.

The man tortures and kills because it is his. Likes.

Twelve hours in bed, four on the dressing table, five on visits and three walking, or in the theater.

As for me, I just know that I don't know anything. And when I want to know, I look in the books, to which memory never fails.

A library is not something to read, but a company, ”he said, after taking a few more steps-. A remedy and a comfort.

Azar has a very bad milk and a lot of joke.

I am convinced that each building, each picture, each old book that is destroyed or lost, makes us a little more orphans. It impoverishes us.

In a venal world, made of hypocrisy and false ways, powerful, scavenger vultures, envious, cowards and scoundrels usually cover each other.

After all, what would be of us without ourselves, I thought. Life is a wreck, and everyone swims as they can.

The beginning is true: weakness feels good to a woman, and we know it. We are interested to seem delicate and in need of man.

In life the bad is not to know, but to show that it is known.

There are people who dream and stay still, and people who dream and make what he dreams of, or tries. That's all ... Then, life turns its Russian roulette. No one is responsible for anything.

Men usually believe that the eyes of beautiful women have something inside, and they are often wrong.

Life is very treacherous, and everyone manages them as he can to keep horror, sadness and loneliness at bay. I do it with my books.

With full men, battles may be won, but not govern kingdoms.

Books are doors that take you to the street. With them you learn, you educate yourself, travel, dream, imagine, live other lives and multiply yours per thousand.

For the Spanish people, accustomed to blind obedience to religion and monarchy, a noble title, a cassock or a uniform are the only possible reference in times of crisis.

If you insist, you can be as dangerous as anyone who crosses in your path.

Power always tries to domesticate what you can't control.

Why nobody calls the political parties that fill the walls with their garbage on the eve of elections?

The cities of the entire planet are full of people who go from one place to another on cheap flights to buy the same garments that you can see exposed in the street shops where they live.

They are exposed to the insult of times, in misery; And despite this, more brave, superb and proud than in opulence and prosperity ..

I believe that humanity is basically divided into two kinds of people: those who know they will die, and those who prefer not to know.

It is very easy to be a hero surrounded by people who clarify you, the difficult thing is to be in solitude, when the only witness is courage, honor, value.

Has not had a courageous spirit? Do you always feel what is said? Should you never say what you feel?

Faith is the blind leap towards someone who welcomes you in them ... It is comfort in the face of incomprehensible fear and pain. The child's confidence in the hand that takes him out of darkness.

There were always twin towers from New York, 'Trojus' and wooden horses, barbarians and constantinoplas.

Applauding demagogues are even more dangerous and despicable than fundamentalists. At least they have faith.

I have no ideology, my friend. What I have is library.

Socrates and Seneca committed suicide for intelligence, and the Europe they illuminated committed suicide by stupidity.

Few things are as tragic in life as discovering something at the wrong time.

Each book read is, like every human being, a singular book, a unique story and a separate world.

Naked faith is not supported. People need symbols with which to warm themselves, because it was very cold.

Life is an uncertain adventure in a diffuse landscape, limits in continuous movement, where borders are artificial; Where everything can end and start again at every moment, or end suddenly, like an unexpected ax, forever. Where the only absolute, compact, indisputable and definitive reality is death.

The Spaniards are still the first enemies of ourselves. Committed to turning off the lights where we see them shine.

Everything lived takes advantage of, in one way or another. Except for fans and fools.

Man, as the only rational species, is responsible for his own extermination; And that after all we have only what we deserve.

At every moment the accountant is zero, and the human being has a wonderful gift: the opportunity to start, and try again.

-You are only young on the eve of the battle, ”he said after a moment, as if he had been thinking-. Then, win or lose, you have aged ..

The most effective ally of scoundrels were always the swarms of fools who do the dirty work. That facilitate work.

Friendship nourishes wine rounds, lunge shoulder shoulder and appropriate silences.

The only possible salvation lies in two words: education and culture.

Independence in Latin America countries was a great fraud from which the most disadvantaged classes were victims.

All inquisitions, without distinction, are based on the principle of social delation and cowardice. Because the bad is not always the fanatic. Worst are the ones who are not, but they want.

A library is not a set of books read, but a company, a shelter and a life project.

So dangerous can be an enlightened stupid as a category to whom intelligence does not help it to be.

The good thing when Troy burns is that you have nothing to lose, because you expect nothing.

Literature has saved me from myself ... Youth is the certainty of battle.

In literature, time is a wreck in which God recognizes his own.

The conquest was a deed that must be proud and horrified at the same time.

A terrible and beautiful world were mixed. It is a story that we can be horrified and proud at the same time.

I would be amazed at what to have money simplifies things.

Sharing pillow is sharing secrets.

It is preferable that they respect you to love you.

A lot of intelligence is required to disguise the emotions themselves.

They were not even jealous, but pride, custom, absurd masculinity.

There are not two equal books because there were never two equal readers. And that each book read is, like every human being, a singular book, a unique story and a separate world.

Passions lose men, but they also save them.

Well, always, being lucid and Spanish rigged great bitterness and little hope.

Among Spaniards, having only two bad news is having good news.

The more power it is achieved, the more limited it is the opportunity to exercise it.

These have been some of Arturo Pérez Reverte's phrases that have most caught the audience's attention.

Arturo Pérez Reverte's phrases always invite you to reflect and set a position on certain themes.

There are few who can hold an indifference position before Arturo Pérez Reverte's phrases. In any case, many aspects of reality are always recommended to question.

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