100 famous phrases by Alexandre Dumas

100 famous phrases by Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870) He was a famous French novelist and playwright. Many of his historical adventure novels were originally published as serials, including The Count of Montecristo, the three musketeers, twenty years later and the Biscount of Bragelonne.

Alejandro Dumas was a prolific writer who began his career doing plays that had great success from the beginning. He also wrote numerous articles in magazines and travel books. His published works total almost 100.000 pages.

Alexandre was the son of a mestizo French army general, since his grandfather was a French noble. His father died in 1806 left his family practically in ruin, so Alexandre Dumas had to leave his studies soon. But this did not prevent him, over time, to proclaim himself as one of the best adventure novel writers in France.

Celebres Quotes by Alejandro Dumas

As a general rule ... people ask for advice just not to follow it; or if they follow, to have someone to blame for having given it.

Because it is talk, when they are talked too much, they always end up saying nonsense.

Happiness makes even bad.

Do not estimate money in more or less than it is worth, because it is a good servant and a bad master.

Life is a storm, my young friend. You will enjoy sunlight at one time, you will be destroyed in the rocks to the next. What a man makes you is what you do when the storm arrives.

How did I escape? With difficulty. How did I plan this moment? With pleasure.

The most curious thing in life is the spectacle of death.

It is not necessary to know the danger to be afraid; In fact, the unknown dangers are the ones that inspire the most fear.

So fast is the flight of dreams on the wings of imagination.

Hurry is a poor counselor.

There is no friendship that worries about a secret heard.

There are two ways to see: with the body and with the soul. The body's view can sometimes forget, but the soul remembers forever.

Be kind, point to my heart.

In love, writing is dangerous, not to mention that it makes no sense.

The difference between betrayal and patriotism is only a matter of dates.

Human wisdom is enclosed entirely in these two words: trust and wait!

There are situations that men appreciate with their instinct, but cannot comment with their intelligence.

Moral wounds have this peculiarity: they can be hidden, but they never close; They are always painful, they are always ready to bleed when they touch, remain fresh and open in the heart.

The friends we have lost do not rest underground ... they are buried in the deep. Thus it has been ordered to always accompany us.

Love inspires the greatest feats and prevents them from making them.

All generalizations are dangerous, even this.

We are always in a hurry to be happy ...; Because when we have suffered for a long time, we have great difficulty believing in good fortune.

For all evils, there are two remedies: time and silence.

When you compare the sorrows of real life with the pleasures of the imagination, you never want to live again, but to dream forever.

I prefer the evils instead of the fools. The evils sometimes take a break.

The greatest crime is suicide, because it is the only one that does not give rise to repentance.

Women are never as strong as after their defeat.

The pride of those who cannot build is to destroy.

I have always feared a pen, a bottle of ink and a sheet of paper than a sword or a gun.

When a man decides to take revenge, he must first tear off the heart of his chest.

Happiness is self -centered.

Because there are two different types of ideas: those that come from the head and those that emanate from the heart.

Don't you know that you are my sun by day and my night star? For my faith! I was in the deepest darkness until you appeared and illuminated everything.

That happy time in which we were so unfortunate!

We believe, especially because it is easier to believe than to doubt, and also because faith is the sister of hope and charity.

The good is slow because it goes uphill. Evil is fast because it goes downhill.

However, man will never be perfect until he learns to create and destroy; He knows how to destroy, and that's half of the battle.

We are men, and after all, it is our risk of our lives.

When unbridled love enters the heart, all other feelings are rooting; Live at the expense of honor, faith and the given word.

It is duty what we demand from others.

When the devil mixes in human affairs to ruin an existence or upset an empire, it is very strange that some miserable is not immediately found to which there is nothing more than to blow a word in the ear so that it is then put to the task.

Ah, lips that say one thing, while the heart thinks of another.

It is necessary to have desired death to know how good it is living.

The merit of all things lies in its difficulty.

Be happy, noble heart, blessed for all the good you have done and you will do in the hereafter, and let my gratitude remain in the dark as your good works.

The work of one can end one day, but education never.

I am strong against everything, except against the death of those whom I love ". He who dies wins; He who sees others to die, loses.

A person who doubts herself is like a man who would get ready in the ranks of his enemies and would carry weapons against himself.

If God were suddenly condemned to live the life that has inflicted on men, he would kill himself.

Gunpowder does not explode without being compressed; Captivity has gathered in a single point my faculties and have come into contact in a small space, and since you do not ignore, the clash of clouds results from electricity, electricity, and lightning light.

Hate is blind; anger drags you; And he who spills revenge runs the risk of savoring a bitter current.

On what thin threads hang life and fortune.

Learn does not make one learn: there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding. The first requires memory and the second philosophy.

Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose doors are guarded by dragons: we must fight to conquer it.

That elephants are so intelligent and men so beast must be due to a matter of education.

How are young children so intelligent and men so stupid? It must be education that does it.

Man is born without teeth, without hair and without illusions. And the same dies: without teeth, without hair and without illusions.

There is no happiness or misery in the world; There is only one comparison of one state with another, nothing more. The one who has felt the deepest pain is the one that can best experience supreme happiness.

Time is only calculated by happiness or pain.

We often pass by happiness without seeing it, without looking at it, or even if we have seen it, without recognizing it.

All for one and one for all, if we are divided, we fall.

I'm sure you're very kind, but you would be much better if you were.

God has wanted the man's gaze to be the only thing that cannot be hidden.

In business there are no friends: there are nothing more than customers.

The woman is like a good cup of coffee: the first time she is taken, she does not let sleep.

Old age could not be supported without an ideal or vice.

Pure love and suspicion cannot live together: at the door where he enters, the other makes his departure.

A weak mind always sees everything through a black veil. The soul creates its own horizons; Your soul is dark, that's why you see such a cloudy sky.

If you want to discover the guilty person, first discover who crime can be useful.

Now I would like someone to tell me that there is no drama in real life!

Philosophy cannot be taught; It is the application of sciences to truth.

True love always improves a man, regardless of which woman inspires him.

Life is fascinating: you just have to look at it through the right glasses.

My father was a mestizo, his father was a black and his grandfather a monkey; It seems that my family began at the same point as yours.

Nothing gets as many triumphs as success.

If you give the impression of needing anything they will not give you anything; To make fortune it is necessary to appear to be rich.

The woman is sacred; The woman who loves is holy.

It is true, I have violated the story, but it has produced some beautiful young.

Love is physics, marriage is chemistry.

So fast is the flight of dreams on the wings of imagination.

I do not laugh often, Lord, as you can perceive for the air of my countenance; But, nevertheless, I keep the privilege of laughing when I want.

Order is the key to all problems.

I am a count, not a saint.

It is quite rare that, at one point, it is, under the hand of God, a great man to execute a great action, and therefore, when this providential combination occurs by chance, the story records the name in the same moment the name of that chosen man, and recommends it to posterity.

Everything fits briefly. Small is the child and encloses man; Strait is the brain and covers thought; It is not the eye more than a point and covers leagues.

So heavy is the chain of marriage that needs two to carry it, and sometimes three.

Sometimes one has suffered enough to have the right to never say: I'm very happy.

Youth is a flower whose fruit is love; Happy is he who starts it after seeing him slowly mature.

Those who are born from wealth and who have the means to satisfy each desire, do not know what the true happiness of life is, as well as those who have been thrown into the stormy waters of the ocean on fragile boards can realize the blessings of good weather.

The fights are never afraid, but looking for dangerous adventures.

It is rare that one can see in a small boy the promise of a man, but one can almost always see in a little girl the threat of a woman.

Love is the most selfish of all passions.

A person who doubts himself is like a man who gets ready in the ranks of his enemies and loses his weapons against himself. Makes his failure a certainty because he is the first person to be convinced of it.

Saving a man and therefore avoiding the agony of a father and the feelings of a mother, is not doing a noble act, is nothing more than an act of humanity.

The weakness of our nature is always to believe ourselves much more unhappy than those who are at our side!

Everyone knows that drunks and lovers have a protective dignity.

What I have loved most after you, I am myself: that is, my dignity and that force that made me superior to other men. That strength was my life. You have broken it with a word, so I must die.

The unfortunate and the miserable must go first towards their Savior, but they do not look for him until all other hope is exhausted.

Africa begins in the Pyrenees.

Your life story is a novel; And people, although they love the wounded novels between two yellow paper covers, are strangely suspicious to those who reach them in colorful paper.