10 questions you should ask before looking to get pregnant

10 questions you should ask before looking to get pregnant

It is convenient to know a couple of questions that you should ask yourself before looking to get pregnant, at least if you are thinking about it.

There is a myth that motherhood is easy, although it is not impossible, it is not simple either. However, each process is different, so it is not convenient to compare how friends, other parents or celebrities live it.

Until you have your own child you can't have a real idea of ​​how things will happen. However, if there are some questions that you should ask yourself before looking to get pregnant, especially if it's the first time.

Questions you should ask yourself before looking to get pregnant

Among the questions you should ask yourself before looking to get pregnant, are the following:

  1. Am I physically prepare?: That is, are you in a good health moment to get pregnant? It is advisable to visit the gynecologist first or planning services and undergo an analytical. It is also convenient to lead a healthier lifestyle so that pregnancy is better. It can be a good time to quit, consume alcohol or start feeding better.
  2. Am I prepared financially?: Whether it is raised to alone and as a couple, the financial situation is always important, especially in countries where there is few aid for families, then, having a child implies many expenses, so it is convenient to be prepared for any unforeseen event, even before it is born. You should think of clothing, schooling, food, extracurricular expenses, among others.
  3. I have support?: The son is his own and of the couple -this last when he applies -, so sooner or later a good support network will be needed, either to be able to work or go to a diligence. It is good to have the family or a trusted kangaroo.
  4. Is there space in the house?: Babies are born and are small, it is a truth, but they occupy space with the accessories, such as an adult, but with the crib, the chair of the car, the cart, the diapers, the bathtub, the clothes, the park, the sterilizer of bottles, among others. You should think about this, especially if the house is small or if you live with a third party.
  5. Am I prepared for what I don't expect?: Although one can imagine the motherhood of many ways, especially as something that will be nice and sweet, the truth is that there are gestations that are complicated, babies that cry many hours, kilos that are not lost, complications with breastfeeding, among others. An infinity of things can happen for which it is better to have a good emotional, physical and economic preparation.
  6. Am I aware that he will depend completely on me?: Not only when he is a baby, but at different stages of his life, especially during the first years. A child is for a lifetime and not for a little while.
  7. Am I aware of the physical changes that I will have?: Some women do not experience so many, while others do and have a hard time going back to their physical condition before pregnancy. So you should also think that the body will change a lot and avoid surprises.
  8. Why do I want to be a mother?: Is it not to feel loneliness?, Why do other friends already have children?, Take beautiful photos for social networks?, Comply with the established?, Satisfy the couple?, Or do you really want a child to give him unconditional love, raise him and educate him with the best resources available?
  9. Am I prepared to be patient?: Well, this will be the first thing that can be tested with the arrival of the first child. You should not miss the first, since you will be the best example for your child.
  10. Am I aware that my life will change forever?: Things will not be the same again, now many things will revolve around the new family member, so singleness life will change a lot. Nothing will be the same.

Regardless of the decision made, which must be respected, these are key questions that you should ask yourself if you are looking to get pregnant and enlarge the family. It is not about being negative, but realistic and forming the family with responsibility and emotional maturity.

Not wanting to be a mother, it is also an choice: what 4 studies say


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