10 usual questions in work interviews and how to answer them

10 usual questions in work interviews and how to answer them

In this post we are going to talk about the 10 more common questions that are asked in the selection of personnel for a job. We will also explain how to prepare for your interview, clearly and effectively.

In the first place it is important to be prepared to know. Since these questions are generally quite common, those responsible for hiring expect you to be able to answer them without problems and, of course, without hesitation.

It is not necessary to memorize the answers, but it is important that they do not see that you are thinking every time you are going to say. Actually your best answers if you prepare them in advance, knowing what to expect during the interview, and having an idea of ​​what you want to reproduce during your interview.


  • Work questions and better answers
    • 1. "Tell me about yourself… "
      • To do:
      • What not to do:
    • 2. "Why should you hire you?"
      • To do:
      • What not to do:
    • 3. "What is your greatest strength?"
      • To do:
      • What not to do:
    • 4. "What is your greatest weakness?"
      • To do:
      • What not to do:
    • 5. "Why do you want to work for us?"
      • To do:
      • What not to do:
    • 6. "Why did you leave your last job?"
      • To do:
      • What not to do:
    • 7. "What is your greatest achievement?"
      • To do:
      • What not to do:
    • 8. "Describe a difficult employment situation and what you did to overcome it ..."
    • To do:
      • What not to do:
    • 9. "Where do you look within 5 years?"
      • To do:
      • What not to do:
    • 10. "Do you have any question for me?"
      • To do:
      • What not to do:
  • Conclusion

Work questions and better answers

Then you have the 10 most common questions or questions and advice to answer them as well as possible.

1. "Tell me about yourself… "

This application is a classic when the interview begins, and it is something that must be able to answer easily, but unfortunately it remains one of the most expensive interview questions to answer properly and that seems to encounter more than one candidate every year. So here you have some useful tips:

To do:

  • Answer briefly and concisely.
  • It must be as specific as possible, taking into account that you have to explain where you are at this time professionally speaking, what you have learned from your past work experiences and then comment on how important this specific opportunity is for you.
  • Do an investigation of the company to know exactly what its strengths and qualities are, so that in your answer you can demonstrate that your profile would fit well in it.

What not to do:

  • Do not explain the history of your life.
  • Do not list the reasons for why your previous work experience is not related to the work for the one you are being interviewed.

2. "Why should you hire you?"

This is another very common question and that offers you a great opportunity to highlight among the crowd if you really know how to show how you can help the company.

The key to remember here is: be specific.

Take advantage of your company research and the description of the job for which you opt to know exactly why the company is hiring someone for this position. What problems or deficiencies must cover the new employee? You need to demonstrate that you are the perfect candidate who can solve those problems or deficiencies.

To do:

  • Shows the interviewer that you are especially suitable for filling the job. Shows that you can be the candidate who solves his "problems".
  • It also shows that you know some important details about the company and its general practices, since you have investigated the company and you are prepared.
  • Some "success story" has in the world of work to highlight how your qualities may be necessary to meet their specific needs.

What not to do:

  • Do not be discouraged if the coach mentions that "it has many very well qualified candidates ...", it is a strategy to see how you react to the pressure.
  • Don't be too modest. This is your chance to shine.
  • Neither do you look too arrogant.
  • Do not be too general with your answer, the more specific and better.
  • Do not answer what you want to do in the work they offer. Answer explaining why you are the ideal candidate for him.

3. "What is your greatest strength?"

This is a quite simple question to answer, apparently. Remember that above all you must expose with some of your strengths that best fit with this company.

To do:

  • This question is a great opportunity for you. Lets you direct the interview where you want me to go. It is your opportunity to relate your most impressive success story with your strength in the labor field.
  • Find out through your research on the company and the description of the work what are the company's strengths, to adapt the best possible to them.

What not to do:

  • Do not make statements that cannot be illustrated with a brief example or a fact.
  • Don't be too modest, either arrogant, as in the previous question.
  • Do not name a strength that is irrelevant to this job.

4. "What is your greatest weakness?"

This question is also a classic, although people scare. While you choose a weakness other than a key competence for work and show that you are taking measures to improve in it, you should not worry. But don't try to avoid this issue.

To do:

  • Demonstrates that you are aware of your weakness and what you have done to overcome it.
  • Demonstrates that you are "aware of yourself" and that you have the ability to take measures to improve.

What not to do:

  • Do not highlight a weakness that is a basic and necessary competence for work.
  • Don't say you are a perfectionist, it's what almost everyone responds.
  • Don't avoid this question.

5. "Why do you want to work for us?"

The interviewer will try to know your true motivations to want this work. Somehow you need to demonstrate that you want to become "part of the family".

At the same time you must demonstrate how your "wishes" coincide with your "needs".

To do:

  • Talk about concrete things you like about this company. Specifies that you are very interested in being able to meet those needs.
  • Do not cut yourself (you don't pass). Most people enjoy being flattered.
  • Show again how your strengths are perfectly coupled to the needs of the work and culture of the company.

What not to do:

  • Do not say "because I need money", this shows no interest in fitting in the job or the contracting company.

6. "Why did you leave your last job?"

This question can make anyone nervous. If they fired you from your last job, you will have to explain it, show what you have learned from the experience and say what measures you have taken to deal with the reasons why that happened.

If you voluntarily left the previous work, be sure to explain why. For example: you wanted a different challenge ... think well what are you going to answer.

To do:

  • If you left the work voluntarily, refer to a specific characteristic that attracts you to this the company for which you are being interviewed. It must be a characteristic that your previous company did not have.
  • If they fired you, be honest and explain the situation frankly. Explain what you have learned from experience, since the interviewer knows that we are all human and mistakes are made. The important thing is to explain that you are doing something about it.
  • Words like "reduction" and "budget cuts" and "bad economy" are good defenses if they are really the reasons for the exit of the previous work.

What not to do:

  • Do not criticize your last company or boss or anything like that.
  • Do not say: "I think it's time for a change in my career and I would like to try the work they are offering" or "I am tired of always doing the same". Offers a positive reason about this new address in your professional career.
  • Don't lie if you were fired.

7. "What is your greatest achievement?"

This question is something similar to the “What is your greatest strength?".Do you want to choose an achievement that shows that you have the qualities that the company is most valued and that they are desirable for the coach?. If you have several achievements you must choose the one that will have the greatest impact on this specific job offer.

To do:

  • Talk about an achievement that shows how you can adjust now in this company and the position for which they are interviewing you.
  • Try to show a genuine passion when you are talking about its realization.

What not to do:

  • Do not fall into the trap of thinking that your achievement is "too small". The fact is that, a small achievement that is in tune with "the values ​​of the company" can be more powerful than an achievement unrelated. (Remember: it's not about you, but about them.)

8. "Describe a difficult employment situation and what you did to overcome it ..."

This is one of those annoying questions of the interview and at the same time is one of the most common. It is necessary to have a "success story" ready to go for this moment. The key here is to choose a story that shows or exhibits the qualities / skills required at work and the company for which you are being interviewing.

To do:

  • Choose a problem that can be an example of something that could arise in the new company for which you are being interviewed. This shows its value.
  • Be specific and quite concise.
  • Use the Star method (situation, task, action and result) to explain it.

What not to do:

  • Do not criticize or leave someone in your success story (co -worker, boss or client)
  • Don't wander.

9. "Where do you look within 5 years?"

This question takes a lot of applicants by surprise, since at the outset it seems quite simple, but when it deepens a little more, you will see that there are a couple of traps where you could fall.

Plant what you want to demonstrate: that you are an ambitious person, that you do not have the "head in the clouds" and you are in your work ..

To do:

  • When you answer the question demonstrates your level of commitment to the position for which they are interviewing you.
  • After having demonstrated your commitment to workplace, it outlines a realistic growth strategy that is directly related to the position and needs of the company.
  • Underline your interest in a long -term career within the company

What not to do:

  • You do not exhibit an ambition to the point of seeing that this particular work is only a "short trampoline" for you. You have to show your commitment to them in the long term.
  • Don't say you want to be the company's head in 5 years.
  • Don't say “Actually, I want to be in your seat within the next 5 years."

10. "Do you have any question for me?"

About 75% of Employment Applicants will answer "No, I think that's all" to this question.

Terrible response.

This question gives you a great opportunity to highlight between the crowd and show your knowledge and passion for the company or organization for which you are being interviewing. Have prepared a series of questions around something you can find during your company's research phase.

To do:

  • Focus your questions on the company and what you can do for it.
  • Ask about something you have discovered in your research. This will demonstrate your interest and knowledge of the company.
  • Ask if there is any reason why they would not hire someone. (This can be a bit intimidating to ask, but it can really be worthwhile. It allows you to find out something that they can be thinking, but they have not said).

What not to do:

  • Never say “No, I don't think."Always have prepared questions.
  • Don't ask questions about what you can get from them.
  • Do not ask questions about what could easily find an answer, get a bit a bit what you are going to ask.
  • Don't ask for free time and benefits, it's too soon.
  • Do not ask when you can start ascending or opting for other company positions.


The key to everything lies in remembering focus on the needs of the company instead of in your own When answering any question in a job interview. In addition, each job interview and each of your answers must “adapt it” to the company's needs before the interview. Luck!

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