10 reasons to put a sports psychologist in your life

10 reasons to put a sports psychologist in your life

There are many reasons why you should work with a sports psychologist, because it is not only help in the field of sport, but also allows to manage stress and live with a higher level of well -being.

This area of ​​psychology, sports, has gained space as the years take place and today there are few who doubt the importance of consulting with a sports psychologist.


  • Why a sports psychologist?
  • Benefits of sports psychologists
  • 10 reasons to put a sports psychologist in your life
    • Bibliography

Why a sports psychologist?

There is no doubt that Psychological well -being can increase sports performance. Therefore, more and more teams and fans of sports or the world of training are more, who hire these specialists, especially if competitions are approaching.

Sports psychologists have much to contribute to the lives of those who train, because they are not limited only to the application of questionnaires, but they go further and They help achieve an optimal level of relaxation that allows them to strengthen their strengths For training and have a good performance. Therefore, the contributions of sports psychologists are as necessary as they are in other factors in the life of the athlete, as in the physical, tactical, technical functioning, among others.

A good psychological functioning can influence positively or negatively in the performance of athletes, so taking care of the mind and dealing with the emotional problems of the athlete is essential, in order to avoid erratic actions, both in the training field and In personal life, since being athlete requires high demand regarding performance.

There are many aspects in which the sports psychologist can help those who dedicate himself to this world. For example, to focus your attention to get better results In the field of action or to have more successful plays.

In addition, in the case of runners, for example, an athlete psychologist can be useful to help control the thoughts, since if the corridor could not do fatigue, feel overwhelmed and not have a good performance, especially if he lives others moments in his life that could affect him, because the human being understands a world that must be treated in an integral way.

Benefits of sports psychologists

Sports psychologists work with aspects that influence sports performance, such as self -confidence, self -esteem, stress, attention, level of activation, decision -making, constancy, aggressiveness, attitude in interpersonal relationships, interaction with the team, among others.

A sports psychologist will not only work with the athlete, but he can also do it with the coach, so that he can also improve qualities that allow him to add benefits to the team he trains.

In this case, the sports psychologist will work with adherence to the training of athletes, sports planning, leadership skills, the necessary aspects to improve communication, among others.

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10 reasons to put a sports psychologist in your life

Among the most remarkable reasons to include a sports psychologist in your life are the following:

  1. Mental preparation: Not only physical food is important to have a good performance, but also to be able to be mentally prepared to deal with competitions and pay to the maximum.
  2. The reinforcements: They are ideal for increasing self -esteem and with it self -confidence. To do this, the sports psychologist will launch certain psychological skills, as well as techniques.
  3. Work with planning: That not only helps the athlete, but also the coach for the team to maintain confidence, motivation and have no problems with their self -esteem.
  4. Management of group psychological aspects: of which the coach must be aware to keep the team together, willing to do the best and that the internal problems are minimized.
  5. Provide self -instructs: For the player to be prepared, he can eliminate negative habits and, instead, learn new skills that allow him to have high motivation, especially when focused care is required to be maintained for a certain time. Self -instructs also work to increase self -esteem, attention, performance, motivation and better cope.
  6. Imagination training: which is useful to learn new skills and reduce anxiety levels.
  7. Controlling stress: Although some stress is required in the competition, when this is very high it can become a factor against, so the sports psychologist teaches the player to control it.
  8. Improve attention: for which there is a diversity of techniques that are very useful. With this, the athlete will have a better concentration, emotional control and better handling of complex situations during the competition.
  9. Promote emotions that facilitate performance: since the emotional state conditions performance. Therefore, it is important that facilitating emotions be generated, so each athlete can have a good functioning. In addition to this, the athlete psychologist trains athletes to use emotions that could be considered negative, such as fear, anger or disappointment in their favor.
  10. Support for injury recovery: This is one of the most difficult moments in the life of athletes, but it can occur and psychological support is crucial during the improvement process, especially during rehabilitation.

For all these reasons, who are athletes should consider including a sports psychologist in their lives, because the benefits are not few.

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  • Bucata, J. M. (1998). Sports Training Psychology (pp. 268-269). Madrid: Dykinson.
  • Moreno, a. (2013). Psychology in sport. Magazine Deficiencies Applied to Sports5(12), 35-43.
  • Tamorri, s. (2004). Neurosciences and sport. Sports Psychology. Mental athlete processes (Vol. 70). Editorial Paidotribo.
  • Torregrosa, m., SANCHEZ, X., & Cruz, J. (2004). The role of the sports psychologist in the academic-vocational advice of the elite athlete. Sports Psychology Magazine13(2), 215-228.