10 best phrases from Taylor Swift to reflect

10 best phrases from Taylor Swift to reflect

The entertainment world has given us the opportunity to meet great figures whose history serves as inspiration for many. Without a doubt, Taylor Swift is one of the most important pop artists of the moment and its influence is undeniable. Throughout her career, the singer has shared many phrases about her personal experiences that have deep meanings. Therefore, we collect the 10 best phrases of Taylor Swift to reflect.

Who is Taylor Swift?

Taylor Allison Swift is an American pop artist who began his career in country music at 14 years of age. She is usually recognized for being a singer and composer, but she is also an actress, producer, director, businesswoman and designer. He was born in Reading, a city of Pennsylvania, on December 13, 1989.

Debuted in country music with his homonymous album Taylor Swift In 2006 and obtained great recognition in the country scene. In fact, the album earned him a nomination at the 2008 Grammy Awards. Since then, the artist has published a total of 9 studio albums and is one of the most notable American interpreters in the world.

In 2019, Billboard magazine appointed her “Woman of the decade” and the American Music Awards gave the artist of the decade award. Besides, Swift is a philanthropist that supports various causes such as feminism, LGBTIQ+civil rights, child literacy, artistic education, etc.

10 best phrases from Taylor Swift to reflect

One of Taylor Swift's greatest talents is its ability to compose songs with real and fictitious stories. However, the artist has not only written inspiring phrases in her songs, throughout her career she has worried about inspiring her fans. Next, we will see Taylor Swift's best phrases to reflect.

I will never change, but I will never remain the same person

Change is a natural part of life, but our essence as individuals will always be with us. As we grow, we learn about us and the world, which helps us to become different and more mature people. However, personal identity is maintained and that is what differentiates us from the rest.

If I could return, nothing would change.

Sometimes, remembering the past we can think "if I had done something differently, perhaps things would be different". Although it may be true, it is not really possible to change the past and this type of thoughts only cause anxiety. In the same way, it is likely that, if things had been different, many good things that we have today would no longer be: friends, couple, experiences, etc.

This is one of Taylor Swift's best phrases to reflect because it invites us to accept the past and appreciate the present. As a result, we will feel more optimistic about tomorrow and more satisfied with our life.

Everyone has a list of 100 things they would like to change themselves. But the only thing that matters is to focus on good things.

People tend to focus excessively on their own defects, although they have many positive qualities. With this phrase, the artist invites us to be more gentle with ourselves and appreciate our positive side. Doing this has a significant impact on self-esteem and well-being, according to an investigation (Swann Jr, Chang-Scheneider and McClarty, 2007).

Giving up does not always mean that you are weak, sometimes you are strong enough to let go.

Frequently, society tells us that renouncing is synonymous with weakness because we don't "fight enough" to get something. However, the reality is that sometimes we cling too much to things that do not do us well and give off from them can be difficult. For that reason, Swift refers to the fact that sometimes release is an act of strength.

If you are a wider, smarter and stronger person it is precisely because you have made mistakes in life.

Another of Taylor Swift's best phrases to reflect that we can find, since it tells us about our perception of the past. Often people feel that their past is full of errors and are blamed in the present. But, it is those mistakes that help people learn, to become stronger and more intelligent. So, We could say that these errors had a reason or a meaning in our lives.

You are not the opinion that another person has of you.

Many people grow up listening to others say that they are useless, failed, superficial, ignorant, etc. Over time, there are those who end up believing that those words actually define who they are as people. However, Taylor Swift reminds us that they are not the subjective opinions of others that define us, but ourselves.

Being good with people is a wonderful legacy to leave.

It is certainly one of Taylor Swift's best phrases because it tells us about the value of kindness when we relate. When we treat others with respect and kindness, we can have a positive impact on their lives. Thus, even once we are not, people will remind us of the goodness we offered at some point.

Just because you are not yet where you want to be, it does not mean that you are not reaching somewhere.

Sometimes people consider long -term goals and feel frustrated for not yet to have what they want. Moreover, they do not realize all the things they learned on the way to their dreams and their little victories. Remember that the trip is as important as destiny and values ​​experience.

What happens with life is that every time you learn a lesson, another awaits you in the corner. You never know everything.

Life is a constant learning process and it is important to keep experiences and their teachings open. If we go around the world, believing that we know everything, we will never learn.

I do not read about me on the Internet, so I don't find out and I'm happier.

To culminate with Taylor Swift's best phrases to reflect, we have this last teaching. There are times where we must put our well -being before and get away from things that do not produce any well -being.


  • Swann Jr, W. B., Chang-Schneider, c., & Larsen McClarty, K. (2007). Do People's Self-Views Matter? Self-concept and self-east in everyday life. American Psychologist, 62(2), 84.
  • Wilkinson, m. (2019). Taylor Swift: The Hardest Working, Zaniest Girl in Show Business .. . Celebrity Studies, 10(3), 441-444.