10 fantastic benefits of blueberries

10 fantastic benefits of blueberries

The benefits of blueberries are multiple. These are small dark blue or red berries that are very powerful.

The quality that stands out the most among the benefits of blueberries is its antioxidant potential.

Popularly, blueberries are known as the fruits of the forest and lately they have become one of the fruits that people who seek natural benefits for their health consume the most. They can be found wild or already cultivated. In its wild, its flavor is more accentuated.

The best thing about blueberries is that They are low in calories; It is convenient to keep them in the fridge and wash them only when they are going to be consumed.

Branch benefits

According to a Steven W informative newsletter. Troxler and Joe Reardon, assigned to the Department of Agriculture and Food Protection Services for Consumers of North Carolina, when a cell converts oxygen into energy, small molecules called free radicals are formed.

In normal quantities, free radicals allow the body to eliminate toxins, bacteria and viruses; However, when the amounts are high damage the body's tissues and accelerate the aging process.

It is at that time that antioxidants play an important role to help the body and, precisely, blueberries, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), together with the National Institute of Aging (NIA) , discovered that these fruits have a high content of antioxidants.

This antioxidant power is due to the combination of organic acids in conjunction with anthocyanins, which are substances that provide color to blueberries; Among these substances are the malvidine, peonidine and cyanidine remarkable.

In addition to these substances, blueberries contain tannins and flavonoids, vitamin C, group B vitamins and minerals, such as manganese, so it is convenient to consume them fresh, although frozen they also retain much of their vitamins. However, in pasteurized or jam juices, they lose vitamin C.

Among the most remarkable benefits of blueberries, the following stand out:

  1. They protect from cardiovascular diseases: Thanks to their substances contributing to preventing these diseases, as well as diabetes.
  2. Strengthen memory: Due to its high content in anthocyanin, which helps slow down the neurological deterioration caused by some diseases, such as Alzheimer's.
  3. Improve mood: This capacity is also conferred by its high antioxidant content.
  4. They contribute to reducing infections: And to prevent them, especially urine infections, because blueberries contain a high amount of organic acids, which makes urine more acidic and proliferate less bacteria. Flavonoids also prevent microorganisms from increasing.
  5. Ideal to lose weight: Since your contribution in Caloric is low and are rich in fiber, so they help lose weight.
  6. They improve visual health: Since anthocyanins help protect the eyes and prevent macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and pigmentary retinitis.
  7. They prevent digestive infections: and promote healthy digestions due to the high amount of nutrients they provide, which help regulate intestinal transit.
  8. Fight bad cholesterol: Thanks to the fact that these fruits contain the pterostilbene antioxidant, which stimulates a receiving protein in liver cells that helps reduce high levels of bad cholesterol and other fats that could be present in the blood.
  9. They have anti -inflammatory properties: that help reduce the inflammation of tissues, due to the presence of photochemicals, which increase the fluidity of the passage of nutrients to and from inside the cells.
  10. They help to have good circulation: since they reduce triglycerides and increase good cholesterol.

These are the benefits of the most outstanding blueberries, noting that they also have phosphorus, potassium, iron, thiamine, selenium, among other properties.

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  • Cunningham, d. G., Vannozzi, s. TO., Turk, r., & Roderick, R. (2005). Phytochemical constituents of the American blueberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) and its health benefits. Rev. Fitoter, 5-16.
  • from Lima, C. D. C. (2017). Blueberries. Obtained from https: // www. CAMERALIMA. org. PE/WP CONTENT/UPLOADS/2020/06/OPERUNITIESY-RETOS-EN-LA-EXPORTATION% C3% B3N-DE-AR% C3% A1ndanos. PDF.
  • Troxler, S and Reardon, J. Blueberries. North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Food and Drug Protection Division.