10 celebrities with mental disorders

10 celebrities with mental disorders

There are many celebrities with mental disorders, because, we are also be beings that enter the statistics of people who suffer from this type of conditions or who can suffer them.

The fact that many celebrities with mental disorders have decided To live with them.

These celebrities with mental disorders are the best proof that one of them can be suffered, but that life continues, that can be faced and still be successful in life.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to remember the importance of Do not banal these terms, or incur self -diagnoses, Well, specialists are responsible for diagnosing.

Next, we will review a list of celebrities with mental disorders.


  • Famous with mental disorders
    • 1. Lady Gaga
    • 2. Catherine Zeta-Jones
    • 3. Demi lovato
    • 4. Megan fox
    • 5. Cameron Diaz
    • 6. Bruce Willis
    • 7. Emma Thomson
    • 8. Britney Spears
    • 9. Mariah Carey
    • 10. Leonardo Dicaprio
    • Bibliography

Famous with mental disorders

Among the celebrities with mental disorders are the following:

1. Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

Eating disorder. Gaga came to confess that "he vomited because he felt fat". He suffered from Bulimia, and the loss of control led him to eat in excessive quantities. Then, he consumed laxatives or vomited to avoid excess weight.

2. Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine Zeta Jones

Bipolar disorder. This disorder comprises episodes ranging from a depressive state to a manic state. In 2010 Catherine was admitted because of this, but, it has not been the only time, because, on other occasions he has done so preventive. In 2011 it was when he received his first diagnosis and commented: “The fact that we put a name to my emotions and that a professional could describe my symptoms was liberating ... there are very large increases and descent, so my goal was to place myself, of a consistent way, in the middle term ". Catherine Zeta Jones decided to make it public so that other people could know that it is a controllable disorder and help eliminate the stigma that exists.

3. Demi lovato

Demi lovato

Bipolar disorder. Lovato received the diagnosis the same year as Zeta Jones and, likewise, he felt that he was liberating, then, he said: "I am tired of being tagged as a bipolar, it is something I have, it is not something that I am".

4. Megan fox

Megan fox

When he was 23 years old, Fox confessed that, since childhood, she suffered from paranoia, auditory hallucinations and social problems. Although she had not been diagnosed by a psychiatrist, she was convinced that she suffered from a serious mental illness.

5. Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz

Compulsive obsessive disorder. Díaz's greatest fear are germs. Those who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder usually have repetitive thoughts that generate discomfort, which are known as obsessions, and that makes them feel anxiety. The person feels "forced" to perform certain rituals or actions to reduce such anxiety. It can be verification, computers, cleaners, among others.

6. Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis

Stuttering or speech fluency disorder. When he was on stage, Bruce was transformed and spoke fluently, but when he was a child, he suffered a lot due to the mockery of his teammates. This disorder can be permanent or appear in some situations. Some characteristics of this disorder are usually repetitions when emitting words, prolonging others or having episodes of interruptions.

7. Emma Thomson

Emma Thomson

Depression. After His divorce with Kenneth Branagh, Emma incurred a depression. She herself came to recognize that she had not received any kind of psychiatric or psychological help, so it was more difficult for her to overcome it. After meeting her current husband and addressing new work proposals, her mood was improving, although with some ups and downs. In this type of disorder the person feels continuous sadness, melancholy, discouragement, among other persistent symptoms.

8. Britney Spears

Britney Spears

Bipolar disorder. The same singer has said: "I suffer bipolar disorder and become another person". This caused that in 2008 he was interned and lost the custody of his children, among other episodes that have led him to confess: "I become a different person".

9. Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey

Bipolar disorder. The diagnosis was received in 2001 and this helped him better understand his mood and the complexes he had with his body.

10. Leonardo Dicaprio

Leonardo Dicaprio

Compulsive obsessive disorder: he has suffered it as a child, but he has not prevented him from becoming a successful man. Carry out some rituals, or compulsions, to feel better. He acknowledged that when he filmed "the aviator" he had the obsession to pass several times through the same door and step on the gum that were on the floor, which made him waste time when entering the recording set.

These are just some examples of the most prominent celebrities who suffer from mental disorders and who have been able to continue their lives and their careers.

Famous writers with mental disorders


  • Crispo, r., Figueroa, e., & Guelar, D. (1997). Anorexia and bulimia: what you have to know. Gedisa.
  • Retamal, p. (1998). Depression. University Editorial.
  • Suárez, m. Z., Montes, m. G., Jarabo, d. S., & Forteza, G. L. (2015). Bipolar disorder. Medicine-Proven Medical Training Programeleven(85), 5075-5085.
  • Velosillo, p. S., & Vicario, to. F. C. (2015). Compulsive obsessive disorder. Medicine-Proven Medical Training Programeleven(84), 5008-5014.