10 tips to overcome a traumatic divorce

10 tips to overcome a traumatic divorce

Many people need guidelines to overcome a traumatic divorce because it is not easy to continue life normally. There are those who even require years to overcome a traumatic divorce, while others just have been. Well, each case is particular. However, while that time passes, The person may experience a diversity of emotions, being able to suffer depression or stress more vulnerable.

It should be noted that, vital events, such as a divorce, and more if this is traumatic, you can make a person more prone to depression. This kind of depression would be different from clinical depression, since in this circumstance there is a specific fact that is the main cause that generates psychological discomfort, despite the fact that symptoms are similar.

Each person copes the situation in a different way; For example, there are people who, through divorce, experience alterations in behavior, such as avoiding friends, responsibilities, work, their work or academic performance is affected, among others.

Overcome a traumatic divorce

According to M. Richards, in his study on the effects of divorce and separation in mental health, divorce and separation are associated with an increase in anxiety and depression, as well as with a greater risk of alcohol abuse.

Some people could relate sadness to depression, but this is nothing more than one of the different symptoms of the depressive state, as other symptoms include the following:

  • Loss of interest in activities that were previously pleasant;
  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia or sleep problems in general;
  • irritability;
  • pessimism;
  • hopelessness;
  • difficult to focus;
  • suicidal ideation;
  • suicide attempts;
  • Eat excessively;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • excessive drug or alcohol consumption;
  • negative thoughts that persist;
  • concern or anxiety;
  • feelings of guilt;
  • feeling of uselessness;
  • indifference, among others.

If the person experiences at least four of these symptoms, he must go for help with a specialist, especially if he has had suicidal ideation or even attempts.

It is highlight that Men and women can experience depression in a different way. For example, in the case of women, they could feel guilt, sadness or self -esteem problems, while men could experience irritability, alcohol or drug abuse, as well as difficulty in sleep.

Signs of depression in men and how to understand a depressive man

In general, women are more likely to suffer depression after a divorce, and more if it has been traumatic, although men are also prone, only that they usually speak less about it.

If one of the couple's members, or both, has a psychological disorder such as depression, the risks to suffer from the mentioned symptoms are much greater.

Tips to overcome a difficult divorce

Divorce is a transition to another stage or other experiences of life, and it can be much more difficult when there are children. Although it can also affect friends or family.

However, to overcome a traumatic divorce, Having a support network is fundamental, since in the process you can have found feelings, which makes the person feel more exhausted than usual.

Some tips that could help are the following:

  1. Avoid comparisons with other people, Even if they have lived the same episode, because each situation is not the same and does not affect everyone in the same way.
  2. Try not to isolate or live alone during that period. On the contrary, seek support in friends or family trusted, especially those who can listen and respect feelings.
  3. Take care of physical health, eating healthy or doing some physical activity.
  4. Plan activities in which you really enjoy and spend a pleasant time.
  5. Recognize emotions without denying them, Well, it is normal to feel angry or loneliness.
  6. Carry a diary, To write what is felt, then, this is a way of expressing feelings. You can also write letters, although these are not sent, since its purpose is to release feelings and thoughts to process them better.
  7. Consent: And take care of yourself, reading a good book, giving a relaxing bath, watching a movie, among others. Self -care is fundamental.
  8. Accept help: If someone offers help, it is better to accept it instead trying to deal with everything by itself.
  9. Socialize: Although it is not always what you want, but being close to friends and family helps support to face this new stage.
  10. Rest: It is necessary to rest, for this, it is recommended to read a book, take a relaxing bath, among others that will help to reconcile the dream-

Psychological aid is also a priority, as well as finding support groups with people who have passed similar experiences. This can be helpful to overcome a traumatic divorce.

Going to psychological therapy is necessary to try to recover the emotional balance that was had and adjust to the new reality.

Finally, it is important not to give many laps to what happened, asking questions that may not have answers, because, with it only depression and negative thoughts are fed. Negative projections to the future should also be avoided.


  • Butterworth, p., & Rodgers, B. (2008). Mental Health Problems and Marital Disruption: Is It The Combination of Husbands and Wives' Mental Health Problems That Predicts Later Divorce?. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology43(9), 758-763. https: // doi.org/10.1007/S00127-008-0366-5
  • Richards, m., Hardy, r., & Wadsworth, M. (1997). The Effects of Divorce and Separation on Mental Health in A National Uk Birth Cohort. Psychological Medicine27(5), 1121-1128. https: // doi.org/10.1017/S003329179700559X