10 Natural Skin Hydration Councils

10 Natural Skin Hydration Councils

Natural skin hydration is always a good option before certain conditions appear.

The skin is a very important organ that deserves care. Therefore it is so important to hydrate it.

Although there are aesthetic clinics and beauty centers, we can also make natural hydration at home, with certain essential remedies that make it look smooth and soft.

Tips for natural skin hydration

Constantly, our skin is subject to free radicals and any potential damage by the environment.  Fortunately, At home we almost always have ingredients that can be beneficial.

According to the study of SERNA and vital dermatologists, on skin conditions, this organ fulfills important functions, such as providing protection against external aggressions, vitamin D production, thermoregulation, detection of sensory stimuli, among others, therefore, therefore, , deserves more than our care.

However, The lesions that appear on our skin can be primary or secondary. In the case of the former, they are those that have appearance in completely healthy skins, while secondary ones are those that are produced by external aggressions, or when the first evolves.

In any case, care must be the first option. Working on prevention can always avoid any type of skin condition. Even the cold can injure it. Therefore, it is convenient to hydrate it and take care of it at all times.

Specific tips for caring for the skin

Depending on the type of skin, care options can vary. However, One of the most common conditions is that of dryness. To do this, we recommend the following formulas:

It should be noted that, among some of the practices that usually cause damage to the skin is excessive cleaning, using very hot water, exceeding the use of exfoliants, using strong soaps, poor diet, among others.

Some of the options for the natural hydration of the skin are the following:

  1. Mask with yogurt and honey: This is ideal to restore skin acid mantle. If we add a little turmeric, then we can repower the mixture with this ingredient that helps reduce inflammations.
  2. Olive oil: Almost magical, it is widely used in the world of cosmetics thanks to its antioxidant benefits. It has several minerals and vitamins; is used to mitigate wrinkles. If you already have a mask, you can add a few drops to strengthen its benefits.
  3. Coconut oil: Another gift of nature that is ideal for the natural hydration of the skin; If left at night, act in the deepest layers and leave an incredible softness.
  4. Honey: can be used as a mask. In addition to being moisturizing, it also acts fighting microbes.
  5. Almonds oil: Oils are very requested for the natural hydration of the skin. Many of them contain vitamin E. This oil can be added to the moisturizing creams that we already have, or place it for a moment in the kitchen and when it is warm to apply smoothly. Additionally, almond milk is also an ingredient that deserves to be at home.
  6. Consume water: In kind quantities, since this helps the skin stay hydrated, with elasticity and without dryness.
  7. Include fruits in snacks: since they nourish the skin and leave it a radiant effect and lozano.
  8. A good diet: Including Omega-3.
  9. Wash your face: With special soaps for this.
  10. Apply pink oil: because it is rich in vitamin A and keeps the skin hydrated; It is widely used for the face.

In addition to these suggestions, Aloe Vera is also advised, especially if the skin has suffered peaks or irritations. It also relieves dryness and is one of the best natural hydration formulas. It can be applied directly from the plant to the face, or to the area you want to treat or moisturize

Finally, Healthy avocado fats are a great option To hydrate the skin at home.

Know all the benefits of natural therapies


  • Arenas, r., & Latapí, F. (1987). Dermatology: Atlas, Diagnosis and Treatment. McGraw-Hill.
  • Ferraro, g. M. (2009). Aloe vera review (Barbadensis Miller) in current dermatology.  Argent. Dermatol.
  • SERNA, J., Vital, m., López, m. C., & Molina, to. (2002). 4. Dermatology.
  • Tirado-Cedano, j., & Martínez-Rayada, S. (2008). Elder's skin care. Peruvian dermatology18(2), 106-110.