10 consequences of educating children with shouts

10 consequences of educating children with shouts

Educate children with shouting can have devastating consequences that many parents ignore.

Many parents are not aware that the screams are part of the conglomerate of violence types that can be exercised on another person.

Almost all parents shout at their children, because they believe they are really educating them, but the truth is that shouting the little deterioration of their fragile self -esteem, among other unwanted effects.


  • Educate children with shouts
  • Consequences of educating children with shouts
  • What can be done not to educate with shouts?
    • Bibliography

Educate children with shouts

Many parents want their children to have a firm personality, and believe that educating children with shouts is the best option, but the truth is that the psychological footprint they are leaving, is indelible.

No matter how many kisses or hugs come after the screams, because the child will be emotionally injured And this will be inserted between your memories a posteriori.

It should be noted that The screams are a form of violence And, although many deny it, they are part of the repertoire of abuse that may exist.

Adults are those who must implement the mechanisms to have self -control and avoid falling into excesses, even in those situations that seem unsurpassed.

Many parents think that a couple of shouts will do nothing, but there is scientific evidence that educating children with shouting can be devastating.

In fact, a study published by the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Michigan showed an analysis of different families and found that shout to the little ones, or to adolescents, can have the same negative effects as physical discipline And that, even, can lead them to aggression or depression.

Many of these boys who have grown up in environments in which they received shouts, have become adolescents who have discussions with their classmates, low school performance, discuss in schools, lie to their parents, can incur robbery and even demonstrate symptoms of sadness and depression.

That is why, educating children with shouts is not the best alternative, nor the best form of communication, because in reality it is equivalent to a form of violence.

Consequences of educating children with shouts

In addition to what is indicated, there are other consequences of shouting children, such as:

  1. They are not taught about respect;
  2. It is a lousy example;
  3. It is not educated for well -being in the family;
  4. They do not learn to link themselves correctly with others;
  5. Relations with the mother or father only get worse;
  6. They do not learn to regulate their emotions;
  7. They do not know how to exercise self -control;
  8. They can feel fear;
  9. They may feel conflicts between feelings towards their parents;
  10. There is nothing positive in the screams.

In addition to this, the image of tender parents, in which you can always find refuge, is abolished.

Repentant parents of having children

What can be done not to educate with shouts?

The first is to banish from the mind the idea that the screams educate, because this is false. On the contrary, If education lacks this type of abuse children can better learn behaviors for your future.

  • Limits can be managed;
  • Give them positive reinforcement; that makes them feel understood;
  • Establish norms and explain that it is for family coexistence;
  • Teach him that in all circumstances there are positive aspects;
  • Being empathic and trying to check if the child lacks affection;
  • Avoid punishments and talk rather 'negotiating';
  • Always demonstrate love to grow in a positive environment, among others.

It should be borne in mind that, every time an adult shouts, loses control and does not think clearly. In addition, a previous training is necessary to act calmly before giving to the screams.

It is necessary to concentrate on what you want to express, what you want to achieve and the best way to say it.

Avoid blaming others and is responsible for your actions.  Educate children without screaming, will form the character of an adult with self -control and good self -esteem.

Stress in children


  • McCloskey, l. TO., Figueredo, a. J., & Koss, M. P. (nineteen ninety five). The Effects of Systemic Family Violence on Children's Mental Health. Child Development, 66 (5), 1239-1261.
  • Hemenway, d., SOLNICK, s., & Carter, J. (1994). Child-Mercence Violence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 18 (12), 1011-1020.
  • Galado, m., Sareen, h., INKELAS, m., Wissow, l. S., & Halfon, N. (2004). Parents' Discipline of Young Children: Results from the National Survey of Early Childhood Health. Pediatrics, 113 (Supplement 5), 1952-1958.
  • The Wall Street Journal. Study Says Yelling Is As Hurtoful As Hitting