10 Benefits of Montana Arnica

10 Benefits of Montana Arnica

The benefits of arnica are innumerable. Arnica is a medicinal plant that has been known since the 12th century and that grows mainly in the Central European mountains and in east Europe.

The Montana Arnica species medicinal plant has a large amount of flavonoids and phenolic compounds that grant this plant anti -inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticoagulants.

This is the reason why arnica became a plant that has gained a lot of popularity within alternative medicine, especially for Treat rheumatic pain, bruises, muscle aches and scoriations.

However, This plant can be toxic And, if ingested, it can cause adverse effects, such as nausea, heart problems, vomiting and lack of air. In people with liver problems and in pregnant women, this plant is contraindicated. That is why it should never be ingested.

The arnica

Thanks to the various benefits of the arnica, this plant can be found in specialized stores in the sale of natural products. It can be acquired in various presentations, such as Dry flowers, oil, tincture, gel or ointment.

The author Myrna del Puerto Horta, in her study on the most frequent uses of the Montana Arnica points out that There are more than thirty species that differ from each other, by the place where they grow and by slight differences between the stem and the leaves. However, Montana Arnica is the most studied due to its medicinal benefits.

The same author points out that the analgesic, antibacterial and anti -inflammatory power of this plant that belongs to the Asteraceas family, is due to the flavonoids it possesses, such as astragalósides, the quercetol, glucogalacturonide and Isoquequercitócitido.

However, medicinal effects have also been attributed to their bitter principles, such as sesquiterpenic lactonas (Helenanine and diihydrohelenanine), although it is also considered that properties are due to coffee acid or chlorogenic acid.

In any case, the latter principles are responsible for the rubefactory properties contained in the arnic and that, When restarting on the part with pain, it causes greater heat and redness of the skin by the accumulation of the blood.

This action is what makes the bruises not appear, making the exception that in some cases their use could be adverse, especially in skins that are delicate, which you could suffer from reactions or allergies that would manifest in the form of blisters or dermatitis.

This action determines that the bruises disappear or not emerge. It would be appropriate to point out that Its use could be adverse for delicate skin and until causing reaction or allergy injuries, manifested in dermatitis or ampoules.

The arnica seems to be a plant with a lot.

Benefits of arnica

As noted, this powerful plant contains anti -inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, analgesic, antiseptic, anticoagulants, healing and antihistamine medicinal properties, like many other medicinal plants.

Among the main benefits of the arnica are the following:

  1. Cicatrization: Arnica helps reduce substances that produce inflammations, such as prostaglandins and cytosines, so it can be used in scoriations, skin wounds, scratches, cut or blows.
  2. Bruises: When the arnica is used in the form of an ointment or gel can be used in cases of blows, bruises or trauma that form bruises or equymosis in the skin, thanks to its analgesic and anticoagulant action.
  3. Dolores in the joints: Arnica is a source of Hellenaline, which acts as a powerful anti -inflammatory, so people suffering from osteoarthritis can be benefited from this plant.
  4. Muscle pain or distention: Arnica helps in cases of muscle distension when it is caused by torticolis or physical activities.
  5. POSOPERATORY DOLORS: Arnica has a healing, anti -inflammatory and analgesic effect that helps reduce tissue inflammation, after surgery.
  6. Várices and hemorrhoids: These usually appear under the skin or in the anal region and arnica helps reduce discomfort and pain.
  7. Molas and gingivitis pain: That is, the anti -inflammatory effects of the plant help reduce inflammation in gums.
  8. Boil: This plant is antiseptic, so it helps to treat boils and reduce inflammation.
  9. Baldness: Arnica, together with other plants, such as chamomile, increase hair force and promote hair growth.
  10. Care of aging skins: such as wounds without bleeding or cracked lips.

In addition to highlighting these benefits of arnica, it is important.

The arnic is a toxic plant, so it should not be ingested, since it can cause irritation in the throat, mouth, nausea, stomach pain, vertigo, heart complications, muscle weakness, coma and even death.

In case of presenting secondary symptoms, you must go for help as soon as possible in the nearest emergency service.

Those who are allergic to this plant should not use it, nor should children under twelve years, or pregnant women or in the breastfeeding.

It is a powerful plant, with many effects, which should not be applied in the eyes, or in open wounds or that are bleeding.

Spirulina: 16 benefits and precautions


  • Del Puerto Horta, M., Insua houses, l., & Cañete Villafranca, R. (2015). Montana Arnica in the treatment of pain after the dentontectomy of retained molar. Medisan19(5), 619-627.
  • Del Puerto Horta, M., Insua houses, l., & Cañete Villafranca, R. (2013). Most frequent uses of Montana Arnica. Cuban magazine of medicinal plants18(2), 315-326.
  • Macedo, s. B., Ferreira, l. R., Perazzo, f. F., & Carvalho, J. T. (2004). Anti-inflammatory activity of arnica montana 6ch: preclinical study in animals. Homeopathy93(02), 84-87.
  • Merfort, i., & Wendisch, D. (1987). Flavonoidglycoside aus arnica montana und arnica chamsonis1. Medical Plant53(05), 434-437.