10 Benefits of pumpkin seeds

10 Benefits of pumpkin seeds

The benefits of pumpkin seeds are multiple, because they contain fiber, omega-3, antioxidants and many nutrients. They contain healthy and mineral fats such as magnesium and iron.

Although many waste these seeds, the truth is that they are a richness of nature that can be incorporated into the diet and thereby improve the functioning of the heart and brain, in addition to promoting intestinal transit and lestening inflammation in the body.


  • Benefits of pumpkin seeds
    • Other benefits of pumpkin seeds
  • How to prepare pumpkin seeds?
  • How should pumpkin seeds be consumed?
      • Bibliography

Benefits of pumpkin seeds

His scientific name is the Maximum cucurbit and brings great benefits to health. According to author Martha Hernández, in her study on the power of pumpkin seed, pumpkin seeds are a rich source of unsaturated fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

In addition, the author emphasizes that pumpkin seeds have a high concentration in nutrients and phytocomposts, which have been widely used in traditional medicine, so they constitute a healthy option today.

Other studies, such as ATEF T. Fahim, also highlights the anti -inflammatory effect that oil has from pumpkin seeds to treat the condition caused by arthritis. Also, Vahlensieck W, in his research highlights how pumpkin seeds could be an option to maintain the good health of the prostate.

It should also be noted that, Mohamed Makn, published a study in which he recommends the combination of linen with pumpkin seeds as a method to prevent the appearance of diabetes.

Other benefits of pumpkin seeds

In addition to those indicated, among the benefits of pumpkin seeds are the following:

  1. Promotes relaxation: thus increasing well -being, thanks to the large amount of magnesium and tryptophan they possess, since these are substances that act directly in the brain to deal with stress, fatigue and improve memory processes.
  2. Weightloss: When they are rich in fibers, pumpkin seeds are suitable for losing weight, since they help the person experience greater feeling of satiety and consume less calories. Similarly, fiber contributes to a good absorption of sugar at the intestinal level, thus leaving the anxiety to eat. It is for this reason that it is recommended to include them in diets.
  3. Increase muscle mass: Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein, so they are ideal for those who want to have greater muscle mass. In this case, you can add them to salads, yogurts, smoothies, cereals or consume in snacks.
  4. Protect cells: Since it is an excellent source in vitamin E and carotenoids, so they are a shield against free radicals, in addition to helping to reduce inflammation and the risk of stomach cancer, colon, prostate or breasts.
  5. Reduces inflammation: Being a great source of Omega-3 makes pumpkin seeds exercise a powerful anti-inflammatory action, especially in those diseases they study with inflammation. They also protect the body from brain and cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Improve the health of the prostate: and thyroid because they have a high amount of zinc, a mineral that helps strengthen the immune system.
  7. Antiparasitic: Pumpkin seeds are allied to combat intestinal parasites, since they have an antiparasitic action.
  8. Improve anemia paintings: since they contribute iron to the organism.
  9. Relieves pain in the belly: as well as cramps, typical of premenstrual syndrome, thanks to their magnesium content, which acts by reducing muscle contraction.
  10. Take care of the health of the heart and regulate sugar: Thanks to the phytoesterols that contains, in addition to zinc, magnesium, healthy fatty acids and omega-3, which act by improving blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels. Similarly, it helps people with hyperinsulinism conditions.

How to prepare pumpkin seeds?

These seeds are taken from the center of the pumpkin, they are washed, they are placed on a plate and then they must be exposed to sunlight. For this, it is required that it be covered with a fine mesh, so some insects will be avoided to them. When they are dry, they are already suitable for consumption.

Another way to prepare pumpkin seeds is to place them in a tray, with vegetable paper, and enter the oven until golden. This could take half an hour. They must constantly move so that they do not burn. If you do not want to place in the oven, they can also be roasted in the microwave or in a pan.

Those who wish to snack with them and enjoy a unique flavor, can add some cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, salt or olive oil.

Psychoneuroimmunendocrinology (Pnie)

How should pumpkin seeds be consumed?

There are several ways to consume pumpkin seeds. Among the different options are the following:

  • Dry seeds: They can be added to the soups or salads; They can also be consumed as a snack, but it is not recommended to add a lot of salt, since this could be counterproductive if the person suffers from hypertension. If at least fifteen grams are consumed, for a week, intestinal parasites can be eliminated.
  • Crushed: In this way, they are ideal to add to fruit, cereal or yogurt juices. To crush them, just place them in a processor or a blender.
  • Oil: This can be purchased at stores, either online or in supermarkets. It is added to salads or soups, once they are served, since, if it warms up, then it loses its properties.

All these are the benefits of pumpkin seeds and their ways of consuming them.

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  • ATEF t. Fahim, Amal A. Abd-El Fattaah, Azza M. Agha, Mohamed Z. GAD. Effect of Pumpkin-Seed Oil On The Level of Free Radical Scavengers Induced During Djuvant-Arthritis in Rats. Pharmacological Research. Volume 31, ISSUE 1. nineteen ninety five. Pages 73-79. ISSN 1043-6618.
  • Hernández, Martha & Méndez, Hilda & Sosa-Mendoza, Gloria & Sanchez Macias, Armando & Berrospe Ochoa, Edgar. (2020). The power of pumpkin seed. XXVI. 54-56.
  • Mohamed Makni, media Sefi, Hamadi Fotoui, the Mouldi Garoui, Nabil K. Gargouri, Tahia Boudawara, Najiba Zeghal. Flax and Pumpkin Seeds Mixture Ameliores Diabetic Nephropathy in Rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology. Volume 48, ISSUES 8-9. 2010. Pages 2407-2412. ISSN 0278-6915,
  • Vahlensieck, w., Theurer, c., Pfitzer, e., Patz, b., Banik, n., & Engelmann, U. (2015). Effects of Pumpkin Seed in Men With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Due To Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia In The One-Year, Randomized, Placebo-Controlledge Granu Study. Urologia Internationalis, 94 (3), 286-295. https: // doi.org/10.1159/000362903