10 Benefits of the capers

10 Benefits of the capers

The benefits of the capers are very varied. Although the capers are part of the preferred ingredients in many dishes, the truth is that their power should not be underestimated.

The capers cannot be missing in smoked salmon sau.

The capparis spinosa It is a shrub that throws 1 m offspring, lying or pendants, with little thick leaves, rounded or oval contour. The flowers are born between the leaves and the stem. Its fruit is fleshy. What is most used are the cups, or capers, as well as their fruits, or caps, although there are also those who use their bark and root. As a seasoning, this is prepared to macke up the capers, while the caps are prepared with salt and vinegar (pickles).

The capers are very associated with the Mediterranean dishes, But the truth is that they are cultivated in many parts, from Morocco to Australia. His culinary tradition is even long in the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, from the year 2000 to. C., Reference is already made to them.

Caparras benefits

According to an informative guide, the capers have water, as a main component, followed by carbohydrates and carbohydrates. In addition, its fat content is minimal, so its caloric content is low and can be used for hypocaloric diets.

Regarding its micronutrient content, the sodium and iron, although the latter is smaller proportion. In this sense, a single tablespoon of capers contributes almost 300 mg of sodium, so Hypertensive patients should control their consumption. Among the benefits of the capers it is also worth mentioning that it contains small portions of vitamin E, C and Riboflavina. In other manuals it has also been highlighted that the capers contain pectins and saponins, flavonoids, sterols, terpenes and others.

Among the benefits of the plant, it is highlighted that its root and cortex are used as diuretics and, if chew before meals, can increase appetite.

Without the need to add significant amounts of calories, sugars or fats, the caps improve the taste of the dishes, so they are a great option for people who wish to reduce calorie consumption, while still enjoying delicious dishes.

Traditionally, in addition to their delicious flavor, the capers have been widely used in popular medicine, but now their positive effects begin to be recognized by many.

Highlights of the capers

Among the benefits of the capers are the following:

  1. They help prevent cancer: especially for those who consume diets rich in red meat or saturated fats.
  2. Reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmia: Thanks to the presence of bioflavonoid Quercetin, which keeps in good functioning the ionic potassium channels of the KCNQ gene family. Quercetin acts helping Kcnq channels open and heart activity is healthy.
  3. Preview Alzheimer's disease: Since those who consume flavonoles such as quercetin have a lower risk to suffering from this disease of oblivion, thanks to natural antioxidants and anti -inflammatory properties of these flavonoids, which reduce cell damage.
  4. They are ideal for people with diabetes: since they contribute to reducing high blood sugar levels, in addition to cholesterol, which allows to correct the functioning of the liver in diabetic people.
  5. They help regulate weight: Thanks to the combination of fibers and calories. They are recommended for those who follow hypocaloric diets, as well as to regulate digestion.
  6. Strengthen bones: Due to the presence of vitamin K with which they have. This causes bone density to improve and reduce arthritis and osteoporosis sufferings.
  7. It is a shield against allergies: since they have antiallergic and antihistamin effects.
  8. Improve the immune system: Well, some studies have suggested that capers can combat infections by increasing phagocytic activity.
  9. They are beneficial to the skin: Its consumption helps maintain moisture and hydration of the skin, because they contain vitamin E and antioxidants. They can act to calm irritation, acne, rashes or skin inflammations.
  10. Protects ultraviolet rays: Thanks to its photoprotective action, which reduces the damage of UV rays.

In addition to the benefits of the caps already indicated, these also have an effect that is antimicrobial, so it can be used to treat fungal infections.

The benefits of the capers, analgesic properties are also attributed.  Finally, it should be considered that its topical application can cause dermatitis, so this must be taken into account.

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  • BILEN, s., Altunoglu, and. C., Ulu, f., & Biswas, G. (2016). INNATE IMMUNE AND GROWTH PROMOTING RESPONSE TO CAPER (CAPPARIS SPINOSA) EXTRACT IN RAINBOW TROT (Oncorhynchus Mykiss). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 57, 206-212. https: // www.Scientedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/s1050464816305150?via%3Dihub
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