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Chlorpromazine what is it, what is it for, doses and side effects

We bring you information about chlorpromazine. Discover what it is, what is this psychotropic, the r...

Types of anxiolytic

If you wonder what types of anxiolytics exist, in this article we give you a list with a complete se...

What is what is, what is it for, doses and side effects

Do you know what is desipramina? Discover what this psychotopármaco is for, in cases it is usually u...

Nortriptiline what is, function, dose and side effects

In this article, we will give you information about nortriptyline, an effective medicine to treat de...

Types of psychopharmaceuticals

If you ask what psychopharmaceuticals are and how many guys are there, in this article we tell you w...

What is it, what is the use and side effects for

Do you want to know what paroxetine is? We tell you what this medicine is for, what benefits does it...

My partner drugs, why and what can I do?

The causes of drug use are genetic and environmental. Through therapy, you can understand the origin...

How to know if a person consumes drugs with the naked eye

You wonder how to know if a person consumes drugs with the naked eye, in this article we reveal the ...

Amitriptyline what is it, what is it for, doses, contraindications and side effects

Amitriphylin is a tricyclic antidepressant psychotropic that increases noreon and serotonin levels a...

Escitalopram What is it, what is the use and side effects

Escitalopram is an antidepressant medicine selective inhibitor of serotonin reuptake (SSRIs) ndicate...

What is the best medicine for depression

What is the best medicine for depression? We explain the types and functions of antidepressants, wha...

What is it, what is the use and side effects

Discover what Prozac is, what is it for and what its side effects are. One of the medications used t...