Anxiety disorders - page 2

The thousand anxiety masks

Discover what anxiety is and how it differs from fear. Learn to identify and handle it to improve yo...

Aporophobia, the rejection of poor people

Aporophobia is a concept introduced by the philosopher Adela Cortina and that refers to the rejectio...

Omfalophobia, or fear of ombligos 10 unpleasant symptoms

Omfalophobia is a specific phobia and consists of irrational fear of the ombligos....

How to avoid anxiety to eat? 10 recommendations

Avoiding anxiety to eat is an urgency for those who feel overwhelmed by stress and turn to food....

How to control anxiety

Discover why the advice to control anxiety does not work and how to make deep changes to really figh...

Gelotophobia, or the fear of laughter and mockery

Discover how gelotophobia affects those who fear being mock and do not see laugh as something positi...

Psychological and physical connection in emotional trauma

Discover how systematic desensitization can help you control anxiety and stress in this psychoactive...

Difference between anxiety and panic attack

How to identify the symptoms of anxiety concern, constant concern, fear of the future and psychosoma...

Suicide and vision phenomenon

Discover the relationship between tunnel vision and suicide in stress and anxiety situations. What i...

Hafephobia the fear of touching or touching us

Discover how pandemic has affected our way of physically relating and how hafephobia has emerged....

The connection of the brain-body in emotional trauma

Discover what the PTSD is, how it manifests and what are its causes. Learn to identify symptoms and ...

Repercussions and consequences of harassment

Harassment can have long -term effects to all people involved the victim, spectators who are present...