Psychotechnical test - page 2

Test looking for couples of numbers that add up 10

Improve interaction on your website with this online user response solution. Learn to implement it w...

Watches Series Test

Improve the appearance of your buttons with this CSS code of custom height and width. Learn how to a...

Anstey D48 domino test

Learn to create style tables in CSS with this step by step tutorial. Improves the design of your web...

Visual Memory Test

Improve your visual memory with this exercise memorize an image in 2 minutes and answer questions in...

Short -term memory test

Learn to create an image gallery with JavaScript and HTML in this step by step tutorial. Improve you...

Fatigue resistance test.

Learn to create in line with HTML and CSS in a simple and fast way with this step by step tutorial. ...

Figures Test

Improve your attention and perception capacity with the figures counting test. Discover how to count...

Free psychotechnical test of repetition search

Improve your psychotechnical skills with this free test that measures your speed and wear resistance...

Raven's progressive matrices test

Discover how the Raven's progressive matrices test works, a useful tool to evaluate nonverbal intell...

Visual perception test

Discover how the visual perception test works and how can you help you improve your visual skills. T...

Mechanical Aptitude Test

Discover how to improve your mechanical skills with our mechanical aptitude test. Learn to solve pro...

Psychotechnical test of meaning of rare words

Psychotechnical test of meanings of rare words in which you will have to look for the meaning of an ...