Natural therapies - page 2

7 Homemade wrinkles

Homemade masks for wrinkles are highly recommended to avoid the appearance of the traces left by tim...

Connectivity with nature

Discover the importance of feeling one with the natural world and its relationship with well -being ...

Ayurvedic Medicine 10 Principles

Discover the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine, an old healing system of more than 5.000 years in ...

7 Benefits of California poppy

Discover the benefits of California poppy, a wild flower with a relaxing effect that helps fight str...

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is an alternative type of medicine. Homeopathic prescription is based on the law of simil...

Tai Chi, Code of Conduct and Personal Development

Tai Chi is much more than an millenary martial art from China, represents a true guide for spiritual...

What are runes, what are their meaning for

The runes are part of the Nordic alphabet, Viking. Full of mystery, symbolism and mythology. However...

Herbert Benson relaxation technique

Relaxation is especially indicated in psychosomatic disorders and in all those alterations in which ...

Essential oils, what are they for?

Essential oils are aromatic substances found in plants, flowers, fruits and spices. They have numero...

Podal reflexology in children and babies

Discover the benefits of podal reflexology in children and babies. Learn to practice it with your ch...

Essential oils for winter

Essential oils have been used by different civilizations for thousands of years, especially among or...

The therapeutic power of laughter, risotherapy

Laughter improves our physical and emotional health, and its cost is a thousand times less than any ...