Psychology - page 3

Summial What is it for, how long does it take for effect and side effects

The summial is the name with which Propranolol is known, a psychotropic that produces a relaxation i...

Anapsique what it is, what is the use and side effects

Discover what Anapsique is, what is the use and side effects for. Psychopharmaceuticals can be used ...

Mirtazapina What is it, what is it for, contraindications and side effects

Mirtazapine is a tetracyclical antidepressant medication that prevents the reuptake of serotonin and...

Quetiapina what is it, what is it for and side effects

Quetiapine is a medication of the group used to treat diseases such as schizophrenia, bipolar disord...

Setraline What is it for, positive effects and dose

Setraline is a medication classified as an antidepressant indicated for the treatment of depressive ...

Imipramina What is, function, dose and side effects

Imipramine is a psychotropic of the tricyclic antidepressants group whose mechanism of action is bas...

Alprazolam to sleep doses, how to take it and side effects

Alprazolam, also known as Travelimazin or Xanax, is one of the most prescribed psychotropic drugs in...

Addiction to what is, symptoms, causes and treatment

Game addiction is the need to play that comes to interfere negatively in daily life. Symptoms are ex...

How is the behavior of an alcoholic with his partner

The behavior of an alcoholic with his partner is characterized by irritability, lies, jealousy, aggr...

Popper what is, types and effects

Do you know what Popper is? The drug known as liquid gold. Know the existing popper types and the pr...

Types of antidepressants and what are they for

The 7 types of antidepressants and what are the use of tricyclic antidepressants, monoamineoxidase i...

Coffee addiction name, symptoms, consequences and how to eliminate it

Coffee or coffee addiction is the dependence on caffeine. The excess is caffeine has health conseque...