Psychology - page 2

Will our relationship work? 10 keys to achieve it

Discover how to protect yourself from toxic relationships and build healthy and enriching relationsh...

7 Incredible results of living with purpose

Discover how to find your life purpose can improve your health and happiness. Recent research confir...

Can we trust studies with mice?

Can you trust studies with mice? There are those who argue that these studies are not reliable and c...

Orbiting, or sway in emotional relationships

Discover how orbiting has become a new form of harassment in social networks after a relationship. W...

Talk about mental health from the body

Discover how the conception of the body has changed throughout history, of being a jail to a machine...

Stress and telomeres, an insane relationship

The relationship between stress and health is more than based on scientific literature and the effec...

Obsessive Compulual Disorder Characteristics and Treatment

Discover how ritual TOC can affect those who suffer from it and how it manifests itself in obsession...

The sweet tooth test is not trustworthy

Discover why the treat of the sweets, used by many psychologists, is not trustworthy and how its use...

Stereognosis recognize objects with touch

Discover how stereognosis affects the ability to identify objects through touch in people with brain...

The anecdotal fallacy, when the false seems true

Discover how the anecdotal fallacy can deceive us and why it does not allow us to reach the knowledg...

Yes, it is still important to celebrate LGBTIQ+ pride

Discover the truth about sexual diversity in history from prehistory to ancient Rome. Bisexuality wa...