Occupational psychology - page 2

4 professions that will not be the same after the pandemic

How COVID-19 has changed our world in a accelerated and deep way, from the way we interact to our wo...

The Peter Principle Ascent and Incompetence

Peter's principle why being good in a position does not guarantee success in a superior? Discover ho...

WARTEGG Test Meaning the 8 boxes

Discover how the Wartegg test works, a popular tool in the business field to evaluate candidates in ...

What is the effect of primacy?

The effect of primacy is a cognitive bias according to which people usually remember more and better...

Moran Deutsch's interpersonal negotiation experiment

Discover how interpersonal negotiation works in our day to day through the Morgan Deutsch and Robert...

How to speak public effectively

When speaking in public, the first thing to look for is to capture your interest and attention, with...

May8 technique to increase productivity

The May8 technique consists in taking advantage of our ultradian rhythm. It is a process that is rep...

INEMURI Sleep workers in Japan

Inemuri is a Japanese concept that refers to the worker who falls asleep in his workplace, something...

Planning fallacy, do we know how long we take to perform a task?

Discover the planning fallacy and why doing optimistic time calculations can be an error. Learn more...

Márketing Psychological Techniques

The marketing world covers knowledge in different disciplines some of these may be economy, computer...

The reception process for success in personnel selection

Discover how companies recruit the best candidates through the classic personnel selection process a...

Labor protection encourages the mental health of workers

Discover how labor protection encourages the security and mental health of workers and promotes thei...