Child psychology - page 2

Stereotyped movements disorder in childhood

Discover the stereotyped movements disorder in childhood, characterized by repetitive movements with...

Overexcitability in gifted

Discover the most important characteristics of gifted intensity, sensitivity and overexcitability. D...

Axiety for separation and school phobia useful tips

Axiety for separation and school phobia are two of the problems that many children face. We will see...

Eating disorders in childhood

Food problems in the early years of childhood are much more frequent than it could at first seem....

Heller syndrome

The 'heller syndrome' is a disorder that is manifested by the disintegration of multiple skills and ...

Uninhibited attachment disorder, causes and treatment

Uninhibited attachment disorder is characterized because the child does not present any fear or repa...

The reactive attachment disorder, what it consists of

The reactive attachment disorder in children is a condition in which their emotional development is ...

The anorexia of the infant, what it consists of

Anorexia of the infant is an early eating disorder, it is characterized by reduction or limitation i...

Sleep disorders in children, causes and treatment

Sleep disorders are very common in children and are associated with problems of very diverse nature....

The emotional stages, what are?

The phobia is very present among all of us. But how to overcome them? The technique of emotional sta...

Psychotherapeutic intervention in childhood and adolescence

As in psychotherapy with adult clients, in children and adolescents cognitive therapy has demonstrat...

What is insecure attachment or dysfunctional attachment and what types exist?

Discover everything about the insecure attachment in children and couples in the most complete artic...