Childhood and adolescence - page 2

Stress and adversity in childhood can modify the brain

Stress and adversity in childhood can modify the brain, especially in women. Discover how it affects...

Bryant and Crockenberg and the bond between brothers

Discover how brothers relationship influences its cognitive and social development, and why it is im...

Symbolism and characteristics of preoperative thought

Discover Jean Piaget's theory about preoperative thinking in children aged 2 to 7 years, its symboli...

Break the circle of silence of abuse, abuse or harassment in childhood and adolescence

How to break the circle of silence and stigmas after an adverse event in children and young people. ...

The cyberbullying 6 types

Cybercase is harassment or intimidation through digital means with the purpose of harassing a person...

15 consequences of paternal abandonment

Discover how paternal abandonment affects the personality and social life of those who suffer it, ac...

Toxic mothers are born or are made?

Being toxic mother is multifactorial behavior related to different aspects that correspond to a chro...

Children the path of illusion to obligation

The importance of early childhood education according to Nelson Mandela and Carl Jung. How does the ...

Stress in children

Stress is not something of adulthood. In childhood stress can occur in any situation that requires c...

Being parents does not mean being a supplier ..

Being parents is a difficult task that requires constant learning, some by reception, but most of th...

Bullying The role of the spectator in bullying

When a boy or girl is a victim of a bullying or bullying situation, it does not always act in the sa...

Prosocial behavior in children and their benefits

Learn to promote prosocial behavior in children and encourage social and emotional development. Disc...