Authors, writers and thinkers - page 2

50 phrases from Nicholas Sparks

The best and most romantic phrases of Nicholas Sparks you will find them here. You can not miss it....

50 phrases from Lady Gaga

Discover Lady Gaga's best phrases that will inspire you to overcome your obstacles. Even if the worl...

Joan Margarit phrases in 9 essential poems

These are Joan Margarit's best phrases, all in 9 of his essential poems....

50 phrases from Gilbert Keith Charleston

Discover the best phrases of Gilbert Keith Charleston, the prince of the paradoxes and creator of th...

50 Kurt Cobain phrases

These are the most famous phrases of Kurt Cobain, a composer who still admire....

Matthieu Ricard famous phrases, the happiest man in the world

Matthieu Ricard has a repertoire of famous phrases full of wisdom and inspiration, because he is the...

50 Boris Cyrulnik phrases

Boris Cyrulnik is considered the father of resilience, a concept that, although it is from another f...

55 James Dean phrases

These are James Dean's best phrases, a reckless and rebel actor, with premature death, but an eterna...

50 phrases from Germaine Necker (Madame de Staël)

Madame de Stäel is known as a challenging woman, who distinguished himself from other women for the ...

35 shocking phrases of Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey is one of the most read authors today. His thinking invites us to assume a proactive a...

The 40 best phrases of Sylvia Path

These are the deepest phrases of Sylvia Path, in which the conservative woman against the liberal wo...

40 Keanu Reeves phrases

These are the best phrases of Keanu Reeves, an actor whose roles have led him to have a star on the ...