Physiology and Neurosciences - page 2

Is sleeping possible?

According to a recent investigation to recover sleep is possible, but it will take more time than we...

The orbitofrontal cortex and its relationship with impulse inhibition

Discover how the orbitofrontal cortex influences our daily decisions, as in the case of a job rise. ...

The new senses vestibular and proprioception

Discover the new senses of the human body vestibular and proprioception, which allow us to perceive ...

Explicit learning and its relationship with the medial temporal lobe

What brain structures are key in explicit learning? In this article we will review the importance of...

3 post -morem techniques of nervous system study

Discover 3 post -mortem techniques of nervous system study, what can these research methods contribu...

Telomeres and aging, what is your relationship?

Current theories about aging point to the size of telomeres as a main factor. Discover what they are...

What is the ASMR? (Autonomous Meridian sensory response) 3 classifications

Discover what the ASMR is, a term that refers to the tingling experience in the skin that begins in ...

Catoplexia, what is and what differs from narcolepsy

Discover what cataplexia is, a disorder that causes sudden muscle weakness and can cause the person ...

Ideas leak

The escape of ideas is defined as an almost continuous accelerated flow with sudden changes from one...

What is neuropsychological rehabilitation?

Neuropsychological rehabilitation seeks to reestablish normality in the subject after suffering some...


The twilight state is characterized by an alteration at the level of consciousness and in which the ...

Binocular rivalry

Binocular rivalry is a condition that allows you to observe three -dimensional images, when the eyes...