Education - page 2

Stories, stories and their relationship with Freudian theory

Human beings are made of stories that allow walking on this long pilgrimage called life. In that won...

School motivation and performance

Motivation is undoubtedly a key piece for the greatest or lesser school performance. If you want to ...

Constructivism and teaching reflections on classroom learning

Education is not only to attend school, but learn. Carl Sagan reminds us that intelligence is more t...

Teaching and mental health are teachers trained to address mental health cases in the classroom?

Understanding the relationship between education and mental health is a titanic work that requires u...

Learn languages, what does it depend on?

What depends on our ability to learn languages? Do some people have more easily than others? Enter y...

The study of books and notes

Learn to study in an organized way for your exams with these 5 effective steps. Create a healthy stu...

How to take notes in class

Learn to make the most of your classes with these key factors prepared material, positive attitude, ...

Activities for children to do on vacation

Discover the basic rules to take advantage of your children to the fullest and enjoy unforgettable m...

Education and socialization models in childhood

Historically, socialization processes are established as the evolutionary changes that occur from in...

The acquisition of knowledge and sociocultural fields

Discover how the reading process is established thanks to the efforts of people who read and teach r...

The acquisition of language in children

Talking about the acquisition of language in children is to resort to the different approaches that ...

The modeling technique, what is it?

Discover how modeling learning influences children's behavior and why they do what they see instead ...