Personal development - page 2

The great resignation, or the fashion of leaving everything behind

Discover the trend of the great resignation, where people leave everything behind to pursue their tr...

Choose a friend as a sperm donor

Many women choose a friend as sperm donor, since they consider him close....

How to be happy in life? 8 tips to have more joy

Have you ever wondered how to be happy in life? Sure yes, because it is one of the main aspirations ...

How to be happy while alone? Tips to improve your life

You feel depressed because you just finished a relationship and you don't know how to be happy while...

Laziness, can it be a symptom of something else?

Can laziness be a symptom of our true way of being? Are we forcing ourselves to do homework that we ...

Friluftsliv, Norwegian passion for enjoying the outdoors

Friluftsliv is the term describing Norwegian passion for life outdoors. It's about going out and con...

The benefits of a flexible mind and 5 tips to get it

Mental flexibility is a psychological ability like anything else; This is because it can develop and...

15 films that will lift your spirits

Discover how cinema can help you overcome difficult moments and lift your spirits with these inspiri...

Scheler's suffering theory

Discover Scheler's suffering theory, why should we find a meaning in pain? Learn from the philosophy...

10 essential documentaries about psychology

Discover 10 essential documentaries to understand human mind and behavior in the field of psychology...

10 films to reflect on old age

Discover movies that will make you reflect on old age and tear down myths. Better understand this na...

Pseudosciences believe in despair to reassure us

Discover how pseudosciences can negatively affect your economy and your health, even to the point of...