Miss Drew Stroman, articles - page 3

How to overcome mobile addiction

Do you consider yourself an addict to the phone? In this article we give you the best tips to overco...

Work addiction

Work addiction. Many people come into contact with various chemical substances for a search for sens...

Cocaine addiction Symptoms and treatment

Cocaine addiction Symptoms and treatment. Cocaine consumption is usually associated with leisure or ...

Psychology applied to organizations and companies

Psychology applied to organizations and companies. It is recommended that companies and associations...

Explanatory models of motivation social motivation

Explanatory models of motivation social motivation. In basic psychologies theories, the effects that...

Culture and Personality in Psychology

Culture and Personality in Psychology. Situations are important determinants of behavior in all cult...

Sensory thresholds definition

Sensory thresholds definition. The sensory thresholds refer to the limit of the sensations and withi...

Cognitive theories of emotion

Cognitive theories of emotion. Cognitive theories all agree on the importance they attribute to the ...

Latin square and square design Grecolatino

Latin square and square design Grecolatino. In the Latin square design more than a strange variable ...

Lev Vygotsky and Language Roots

Lev Vygotsky and Language Roots. Although there are substantial differences between the Piaget and V...

The chain in behavioral models

The chain in behavioral models. There are 2 types of basic procedures for the development of new beh...

Negative emotions hostility

Negative emotions hostility. Social attitude of resentment that involves implicit verbal or motor re...